Drifting at Homestead

I will have a drift event in my living room before this gets setup. Homestead aint no joke and they ask for straight up bank
MiamiGrinch240 said:
Ter-tech IS South Florida Drifting!

Harri and Hannu FTW!


Do you think Nick only signed up on here to make friends with us and get our support at NOPI? I mean, I thought Nick really wanted to be part of our drifting community, but I feel like he just wanted to have our support at NOPI. It would be cool to see him attend an event once in a while.
Sent that kid two PM's politely inviting him to also join SFL240SX since I read here he had S14's but both went unanswered. Not cool to not even reply with a "no thanks"

MAJOR weaksauce there.
Kids a joke....im sure his drifting came from paying pro's to teach him :mad: , rather than watching Option DVDs and studying the techniques that has been used for a long long time!

Support and Publicity for VH1 im sure, have all these people poor up his ass and kiss his feet cause "Like oh my god, he is Nick Hogan, Like oh my god!"
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