Drift sessions at county line mar 16th *PRE REG CLOSED*

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I got a more dependable car now and I have that day off, I might drive down, dont wanna go alone though
I have 32 tickets, 2 convictions for street racing, 3 totaled cars, lisance suspended 2 times. I got one point left LMAO But hey i haven't gotten a ticket in almost two years now. I fucked up big time in high school and my first year of college. So i have to pay out the ass. Nationwide is the only company that will insure me and belive it or not thats under my dads insurance too. LMAO its all good though i knew karma would come back to get my ass.

oh and one of the cars i totaled i did hit a state trooper. He was sitting on the side of the off ramp with his lights off. Im haulin ass rip the e brake then crunch. I never saw him until his car was rolled over down the hill. That was the down fall of my first drift car and the first time i went to jail. LMAO
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I'm tired of being a spectator again :( but it's better than nothing. I need my dose of drifting whichever way I can get it.
I need to find a good welder, somewhat close by. Then, the hardest part of this swap would be done. So anybody know any or have some hook ups, PM me or post it. Help bring back the 86s :D.
im a good welder bro or hit up estie hes a good welder :bigthumbu

Yeah, thats true. I just thought he might be busy, seeing how an event is coming up. I'm trying to get things done somewhat quick, I need to drive again. It's worth a shot, thanks for the ideas. I've been out of it lately, school has a way to do that.
if you can find a good machine i can do it. My welder dosn't penetrate deep enough for something like mounts its more for body work and exhuast. I am certified by the way. :bigthumbu
With the amount of people that are currently signed up it seems that we will get a decent amount of runs in.

That is, if people don't try and hot dog dohnuts all around the course for 5 minutes.
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