Didn't know you had to speak spanish to order at McDonald's

Imma just walk around talkin to people in Greek and EXPECT them to answer in the same..

Fuck, learn american!

English is spoken in England.
It's hard to learn a language when you come to a new place.....and everyone in that place speaks your native language. An immigrant that speaks Spanish and moves to Miami doesn't REALLY need to learn English. Should they? Hell yeah, just saying Miami has more Spanish speakers than English speakers so it's like they don't even really get to use the English they would learn at those free classes (that I'm sure most really don't/can't go to but just hypothetically) in everyday scenarios.

Now for the people that are complaining about having someone come up to you and ask if you speak Spanish and then speaking in English: Wouldn't you rather speak to someone in your native language? If you were born and raised here and your native language was English and you learned Spanish but weren't 100% fluent (can speak it, but not comfortably) and you went to a Spanish speaking country and you saw someone that looked like they could possibly speak English, you wouldn't try speaking to that person in English first? Or at least ask them in Spanish if they speak English? If you say no you're a fucking liar.

I do agree that everyone that lives in America should learn English and the same for anyone that goes to any other county to live should learn their language, but I don't see the big deal if they just want to speak their native language when they don't need to speak English.
It's hard to learn a language when you come to a new place.....and everyone in that place speaks your native language. An immigrant that speaks Spanish and moves to Miami doesn't REALLY need to learn English. Should they? Hell yeah, just saying Miami has more Spanish speakers than English speakers so it's like they don't even really get to use the English they would learn at those free classes (that I'm sure most really don't/can't go to but just hypothetically) in everyday scenarios.

Now for the people that are complaining about having someone come up to you and ask if you speak Spanish and then speaking in English: Wouldn't you rather speak to someone in your native language? If you were born and raised here and your native language was English and you learned Spanish but weren't 100% fluent (can speak it, but not comfortably) and you went to a Spanish speaking country and you saw someone that looked like they could possibly speak English, you wouldn't try speaking to that person in English first? Or at least ask them in Spanish if they speak English? If you say no you're a fucking liar.

I do agree that everyone that lives in America should learn English and the same for anyone that goes to any other county to live should learn their language, but I don't see the big deal if they just want to speak their native language when they don't need to speak English.

Actually, I would have to say no to your scenario. I have been to other countries where English is not the language. For example, I was in France with some friends and I don't know any french. AT ALL. But one of my friends took a few years of French so we tried our best to learn words in French so when we went to a restaurant or anything, we would try to speak French. We were somewhat embarassed because we knew that we couldn't pronounce things right and we were mixing up words, but every person we talked to respected us for trying.

So no. If I was elsewhere, I would try my best to learn and speak the language even if I'm uncomfortable because its the respectful thing to do. And if they are living in a country and having to learn a second language they should try to practice it and speak it as much as possible because that is the only way they will ever get comfortable with the language.
When we were in Aruba a few years ago I told some annoying guy that I only spoke German.....and thats all I could say in German. He gives me a weird look, and starts speaking to me in German.:ugh:
Yea same thing happened to me a few years ago when I was on my way to the keys. Its amazing what this country is comming to.
I would have customers come in speaking Spanish. And I would look at them and say I don't speak Spanish.

yes this happens to me all the time,
i speak english, spanish n arabic but i hate when ppl come up to me and just assume that i speak spanish when my name tag says ALI,
if they try to speak english then ill help em out n respond in spanish but if they dont try then i just tell em i dont speak spanish
No FAL, no.

I moved to greece in 2000 when I was 12. I didn't speak a lick of greek. People spoke english there. But out of respect for the country, if I needed to say something, then I learned how to say it in greek. I lived there till 2005 and I now speak fluent greek. I've met spanish speaking people that have lived here for 20 fuckin years that look at you with a blank stare when you talk to them like "que?" And for that I have no tolerance.

Wtf, you step 1 foot on american soil, you leaqrn to speak 'Merican, simple as that.

Fuck everything and have a nice day.

This should /thread.
things change, the u.s. ha no "official" language, i'm sorry but that's true, eventually the u.s. may not use english as the main language ... who knows...
things change, the u.s. ha no "official" language, i'm sorry but that's true, eventually the u.s. may not use english as the main language ... who knows...

There's no way that the US would not use English as their main language. English got here first (besides native American languages but since those are basically dead languages now they don't count) and English is what is spoken my the majority of the country. The percentage of people that speak spanish here is no where close to the percentage of people that speak English. South Florida may skew people's perceptions for the rest of the country because a lot of the spanish speaking population is concentrated there. That doesn't mean the whole country is going to start speaking spanish.

Sorry, but that's true. If you don't like it you can gtfo
Technically, Spanish got here first (especially in Florida), but w/e. I don't think the U.S. would ever change from English being the primary language. Everyone better start learning some Mandarin though, lol.

Fact: The United States has no "official language" and only some States have English as their "official" language.
As ignorant and redneck as this sounds, if you're gonna work a job that involves the American public, you need to speak English.
Is that not just common fucking sense?!
I'm not saying don't hire him cause he can't speak English, just don't let him work the counter. Haha.
Isnt English like the most used language in the world?(serious question. I think I've hear that, but I can't recall 100%. haha)

LIKE +1000

this county voted back in the early stages of development on which language would be our national language and it was almost German. EVERYONE convert to learn English, signs weren't in German and English.... JUST English. (it aint about your race, it about you being human and adapting. If you can not adapt, you will not evolve. I try to understand and learn spanish but i dont wanna here commericals on power96 in all spanish)
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