Didn't know you had to speak spanish to order at McDonald's

hell im in germany but I work in a pretty much english only atmosphere and my landlord speaks pretty good english but I am still trying to learn as much german as I can. I started learning a year ago and im getting better at it. I know a lot of people here though that don't even bother trying to learn german and sadly most of them are people who are all "Your in america speak english motherfucker" types but they don't see it the other way around.
LIKE +1000

this county voted back in the early stages of development on which language would be our national language and it was almost German. EVERYONE convert to learn English, signs weren't in German and English.... JUST English. (it aint about your race, it about you being human and adapting. If you can not adapt, you will not evolve. I try to understand and learn spanish but i dont wanna here commericals on power96 in all spanish)

thats why i dont listen to power96...well any radio station for that matter they all suck lol
its understandable to get frustrated in OP position but

same shit at my job. mostly cubans do this. but they come in, come to my register after they see the only other person working is white, look at my name tag, and NO bullshit go "speaka panish?" i go "nope" and they go "oh ok well i would like a...." in PERFECT FUCKING ENGLISH!!!

i want to kill those ppl. or the ones that see me struggling trying to explain shit in spanish and then it turns out they speak english the whole time!! FML!!!! :chair:

the only thing that pisses me off at work lol.


so true tho. if ANY of us. no matter what race we are, went to any other foreign country and got lucky enough to get a job and would only speak english. we would be fired shortly after. IMO Americans are too nice about that shit. they should hold a higher standard for the language requirements which would motivate more ppl to learn the language, which would create better business in the end

no shots but c'mon son, maybe you seemed hispanic to that customer (seen a lot of cuban folks who look anglo) and he/she felt more comfortable speaking to you in spanish. Im pretty sure he wasnt think about killing you for not being able to understand spanish...

Even thought english isnt the official national language, I agree that there should be a requirement for folks to meet a certain level of language proficiency in order to become residents/citizen/whatever. In the end it would benefit them more than it would those who are about to form a crusade.

and by creating better business Im assuming you mean being bilingual..

Actually, I would have to say no to your scenario. I have been to other countries where English is not the language. For example, I was in France with some friends and I don't know any french. AT ALL. But one of my friends took a few years of French so we tried our best to learn words in French so when we went to a restaurant or anything, we would try to speak French.

going on vaca isnt the same as for someone with limited resources moving another country...

We were somewhat embarassed because we knew that we couldn't pronounce things right and we were mixing up words, but every person we talked to respected us for trying.

dont you think more people wouldnt want better their english language competency if they had half the respect you felt, instead of being made fun of or hated

So no. If I was elsewhere, I would try my best to learn and speak the language even if I'm uncomfortable because its the respectful thing to do. And if they are living in a country and having to learn a second language they should try to practice it and speak it as much as possible because that is the only way they will ever get comfortable with the language.

btw the english language is a b for some to learn because of the irregularity of the language. Reason why some latin folks incorrectly say "You no speak spanish" etc
^you and whoever else feels that way can take a hike

just went hiking but it didnt change much... English might not be the official language of the U.S. anymore.

If we r going to get into the who was here 1st, lets not forget the native Americans, and lets not forget how much land the U.S. took from the original Mexico, and how many Mexicans stayed... or even the large chunk of land that the U.S. got from the French.

fact is, that as much as I think people should learn English, Frank has a point. if you move to Miami why learn English and make things difficult for you when every one speaks Spanish.

Mr. FAL, its not a big deal now... but wait one day when you go to a food place and the person taking you order only speaks Creole... its happened to me.

like it or not we have to look at whats happening now, FLA, NY, CA, and TX just to name the obvious few have a very large population of Spanish speaking people and the numbers get larger per year.

trust me I'm sure the native Americans had a similar issue years ago.
just went hiking but it didnt change much... English might not be the official language of the U.S. anymore.

If we r going to get into the who was here 1st, lets not forget the native Americans, and lets not forget how much land the U.S. took from the original Mexico, and how many Mexicans stayed... or even the large chunk of land that the U.S. got from the French.


US of America's language isn't just black and white with English and Spanish; there's the grey area also that's diverse in Asian languages, Italian, French, Irish, Hebrew, Arabic, Haitian-Creole, etc.

The Native Americans came here via the land bridge now beneath the Bering Strait during the Ice Age from the Asian Region, then Vikings (maybe they it was Canada), then came the Italians (Columbus), Spanish ( Ponce de Leon named Florida "La Florida/ Flowery Land and arrived w/ Colombus on his 2nd voyage to the New World), then rest. But yea the Colonist that fled from England helped formed what we know as USA. And like most Immigrants of today; they seek a better life. This beautiful country is founded by immigrants that took the land from the Natives.

Besides you get paid more for being bilingual and definitely hired over those that say "this is America: speak English" . Of course it's a regional thing.

*Edit* I'm Hispanic and served OUR country via USMC. I earned my right to speak Spanish only if I chose to. How many of you have earned your rights to speak English/Spanish*
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You/your parents/grandparents/etc moved here to get away from where ever they came from. Not with the intention to turn this country into where they came from.



I'm not telling people to stop speaking spanish (or whatever your other language is) I'm just saying that people who live here should at least learn some English so they can communicate with the majority of the country. If you live in Miami and only speak Spanish because thats all you've had to know, what happens when you want to go on vacation to somewhere else in the US where there isn't that large of a Spanish population and all they speak is English?

My mother and grandparents moved here from Argentina and they speak perfect English. I wasn't raised speakin Spanish, but I still have learned/have been learning Spanish because I think it will be helpful to me. But, I still think that this country has been founded on English as it's language so in order to be a part of this country, you should have to be able to speak at least a enough English to be able to communicate with a non Spanish speaker. Maybe at this rate, in 50 years maybe the spanish speaking population will be closer to the percentage of English speakers.

But still, Road signs are in English. The President gives speeches in English. All the major news channels are in English. ETC. So as far as I'm concerned, the "official" Language here is English. It really shouldn't even be a debate honestly.
But still, Road signs are in English. The President gives speeches in English. All the major news channels are in English. ETC. So as far as I'm concerned, the "official" Language here is English. It really shouldn't even be a debate honestly.

^Exactly! If signs were in half english and half spanish it would be a little different. The fact is, whoever moves here and deliberately decides not to learn english are ignorant. And some expect people to feel for them because they arent from here. FUCK THAT. I worked at a Shell, I cant tell you how many people come in not speaking one word of english AND they dont even know how to give .37 cents. I literally had to take the change out of their hand to make the right amount. And they didnt just move here either, theyve been here for years... If I moved to any country I would learn their denominations and try to learn as much of their language as I can. Atleast carry a language dictionary around shit...
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