countyline figure 8's and donut practice. drift clinic


f_ck it GOJIRA go go ゴジラ!
to really push the idea that these drift sessions are really just practice. Suaknee and i where talking and went out and practice some for ourselves, we strongly believe that a mini drift clinic should be held at these events.

pretty much doing donuts and figure 8's.
The donut is the basis for throttle control and figure eights is all about transitions.

we could do this in the parking lot right after the entrance booth.
its big enough for first to second gear donuts and figure eights.

what do you guys think?



Great idea man if this goes threw let me know man i need some serious practice.
i drift dont know how to, me you teach [/yoda] J turns and L turns, clutch kicks and e brake is the basics, this is an excellent idea, kudos, this will def bring more money for the events
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shane dude.....this is a great idea and been waitin on someone to start it up for awhile now! lord knows i could use the practice!
im down for the cause man that sounds really good it would help alot of drifters out with the transition and throttle control!! SUPER idea..... i know i could use the practise myself
It is not possibly for us to use the skid pad the track owner said we can't use it and we can't hold any small events.
Sorry guys were doing are best.

EDIT: Wait are you guys planning on running this yourselves?
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I've been bringin this up forever. thanks for keepin it up shane. I think this would be great for those who still need to learn transitioning and switchbacks. I'd volunteer myself to instruct or work this section.
I've been bringin this up forever. thanks for keepin it up shane. I think this would be great for those who still need to learn transitioning and switchbacks. I'd volunteer myself to instruct or work this section.

I'm confused :confused: are guys trying to run this by yourselves? or are you telling us(DriftSessions) to run this at our normal events?
Please clarify :bigthumbu
sounds like a good idea. theyve been doing this type of thing in cali and some other places for a while i think. you have to prove that you can drive in the parking lot before they let you go on the actual track.
id love it cause i can tell you my biggest probelm is throttle control at this point. Im pretty much either full throttle or no throttle the whole time so i need to learn to control it better.
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