CFRC Presents DRIFTING (clever name, ya?)

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so down...

btw the only complaint i have for this past event other then the obvious is that at one point i was diggin some Zeppelin over the loud speaker when i believe it was Steve go over and say "this isnt cutting it" then proceed to put on Nirvana Teen Spirit and follow up with this comment " Ahh this is a little bit better"

seriously??? Nirvana is better the Led Zeppelin??? holy crap!

lol, Stairway to Heaven didn't fit the moment, I love that song but I rather listen to something more fast-paced when I'm watching a bunch of cars slide around, but that's just my personal opinion.
the track is not beginner friendly.

Jason, I do wait till im between the wall and poll to initiate. But I want to get better and do the whole thing and I just cant do that with a wall there. Its hard when you have a dad breathing down your neck telling you that if you wreck your car you can never drift again.

And no, the track didnt get smaller. Right as I got the hang of the old layout where I wasn't initiating towards the wall, it was changed. I thought there was all this talk about doing something for the beginners, and besides having other drivers ride with us, nothing has really happened.

It's not worth wrecking for. I rather continue at my own pace for as long as I need to. The consequences are a lot worse if you try to rush. You'll get it over time. Keep getting advice, and ride along with others if you have to, with someone experienced of course.

There will be a driver cap set in place for un-caged drivers to keep a fair amount of runs among drivers, a lot of you guys come out to sharpen your skills, and you won't be able to improve much if you're only getting 6 runs in a day.

There will be four running groups, the tandem group (A group) will have no cap, the intermediate and beginner class will have a cap of 30 drivers all together (10 cars per group for 30 minutes a group). You'll be notified of your last run of your session and you MUST go back to the pits.

As far as that 1st wall, I wouldn't mind seeing a tire barrier put up in place to cushion impact, I'll see what I can do.

45-60 minutes sounds better than 30. Drivers will improve when they have more back to back runs. It's harder for drivers to get better when they only get a few runs, then have to wait cycles (1+ hr) before getting more runs in again. With only 30 minutes, there isn't enough time for drivers to capture their mistakes and improve on them. Even at 10 cars per group, you still have to consider the extra time that is consumed from slower entering cars, spin outs, accidents, and cars breaking down.

The track could do without tire barriers. As mentioned previously, they will create more problems than solve.
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I'd say keep the run groups the length they are now.


I just wanna drive through that fully sick mud pit Don was telling me about.
Couple things guys:

1. There was a period of free running at the end of the event. Sunday events should always run long (when they come up).

2. Its $40, sometimes its free.

3. The better people get the more track time there will be. If we can run a Sunday event and have long lines all day then we will eventually goto a 2 day (Sat tandem / intermediate) and Sunday can be beginners.

4. Its a big track, maybe we can make a different course for beginners.

5. Its not finished yet (the track).


I love you guys. You beginners want to get more runs and get better, then keep that line going.
In a perfect world at 10 cars per group during solo runs, every car would get 6 runs per session, sadly nothing is perfect but there are ways to get close, ways such as being at the grid as soon as possible before the session begins, getting straight off the track after spinning out, and straightening out before heading back to grid, a lot of you guys continued to manji back to grid which delayed the next car from going.
I don't know if anybody said anything about this yet, but during the night event it was kinda tough seein the center light pole where the tires were. Maybe we can paint those some bright color? I only drove the course durin the rain at night on black Friday, so maybe I'm just not use to it.
Phantom here pokin his nose into the situation. People are going to disagree with me but hear me out. I love those K-rails. but don't get me wrong it makes me very upset to see beautiful cars that people put their heart and soul into building hit it. I like the rails because 1) You can scrape your bumper on it and look like a certified bad ass without sustaining too much damage, 2) it dosnt pull you in like a tire wall does and 3) the K-rail, where it may be scarey, makes you a much better driver overall. I love CFRC because of how they maintain the track so well and they use their money wisely after every event, giving everyone who goes there, spectators, drivers and media something new to look forward to.

When i first started drifting at CFRC, with the black friday drift... the wet one, my butthole puckered at that k-rail lol. but i got over it and got some gnarly runs in. If you initiate early and dedicate yourself to the drift and your line youll come out clear every time even if you spin and another wonderful thing about CFRC is that you dont have to initiate early if you dont want to. i see loads of drivers autocross that first bit until they get to the horseshoe then clutchkick it. In my opinion, your safer doing that but you wont get the flow of the course starting from there and your gonna spin. The course is laied out so you use your momentum from the staging area to get through the horse shoe and then you show your skillz at the transition.

Anyway im not wirting a novel here. im just trying to save the k-rail and some cars. I like the idea of maybe moving it back? but appart from that its up to the drivers if they are going to hit it or not. Look where you want to be, not where your going.

I personally want to nab some extra power from my motor here in the next few weeks and grab my cage so i can ride the wall the whole way around. :) :) I has big dreamz.

I luh you CFRC XOXO

Edit* Oh and i like the Pre-reg thing but how would i pay? would it be like a paypal type deal or could i pre-reg early and send my money in the mail? :D im stone aged over here i dont even know how to use paypal >.> i r teh noob.
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paypal is easiest and its stuipid easy.

30 min (or 40?) groups with 10 drivers would get about 5-6 runs each, depending on spin outs. And you get a break to think/change tires/hit on dudes/drink a NOS, and over the whole day you'll have something like 4 rotations of run groups = 20 runs?

right now its like 18 cars in a groupd and you get 2-3 in 45 min, then off for 2 hours? doesn't sound better that way.
I hate all the K-rails. It's cool for the guys who are really good drivers, but for myself and other beginners, that first wall that you initiate towards is a nightmare. I'm all for trial and error, but when error ends in a wreck, fuck that.

I think the only real beginner friendly course we've had regularly in CFL was Ocala GP...Desoto isn't too bad either on the infield side of things, but it is nowhere near as nice as CFRC. I was pretty amazed to see that there were improvements made at a FL venue to improve the place for drifting. The space doesn't really lend itself to very interesting course layouts, but the drift arena setup is pretty cool.

You could configure the space in a more beginner friendly manner, which would make it uninteresting for non-beginners, but you're running two different groups anyways. The k-rails are a huge safety improvement over what was there previously. If anything, initiating towards a crowd of people made me more nervous than a wall.
I think we can make a beginner friendly layout for sure. it wouldnt be hard to make the course- I have some good ideas how to mix it up for the adv guys too.
I hate all the K-rails. It's cool for the guys who are really good drivers, but for myself and other beginners, that first wall that you initiate towards is a nightmare. I'm all for trial and error, but when error ends in a wreck, fuck that.

I actually got in a convo with stevo's boss or whatever, and I mentioned to him how that wall has claimed a lot of cars, and a lot of people dont even want to try to initiate where youre supposed to because of it. I mentioned an idea of moving it back and putting cones or something in its place to mark where the line is supposed to be, but is more forgiving to error. He basically just blew me off and kepts saying "well the track actually used to be smaller and the krails are in the same place and blah blah blah" but that was when the course layout was wayyy different and you weren't entering right for that wall. That made me super pissed that he wasn't even really considering anything I had to say. He was very rude. And this was also right after he got up in my face when he started telling people to move back from Ahmeds crash. I was disgusted by his actions and rudeness.

He was being rude because he was trying to stop people from stealing my wing.
(the amount of offers i got on my wing and rims after my wreck was humorous)

I personally don't have a problem with the walls...there are certain events going in you know...this track has walls...this track doesn't have walls... this is a track with walls. I find it to be more competitive, and more butt-hole-puckering...for lack of a better expression...when I drive this track. Its sort of like hitting the banks at Desoto, u can stay infield and not wreck, or risk it all on the bank in 3rd... its the same thing here, if ur afraid of that first wall, initiate after it like many beginners were doing throughout the day.
Personally, I aim straight for the wall every time, and god damnit I showed that bitch whose boss.
I personally say keep it the same (unless there is a way to quickly and effectively change the course for the different run groups)
i think begginers could run the course backwards. might have to move thhat middle tire wall. but it would be a bit slower and theres less obstacles in the way AKA "safer" just an idea
So awesome. I seriously love your attitude. You've had the best one I've ever seen after someone wrecking as bad as you did.
I aim to please =)

i think begginers could run the course backwards. might have to move thhat middle tire wall. but it would be a bit slower and theres less obstacles in the way AKA "safer" just an idea
I dnt know if most beginners will be able to link thats back half, thats like an upshift into third as ur drifting turn...I think lol.
I aim to please =)

I dnt know if most beginners will be able to link thats back half, thats like an upshift into third as ur drifting turn...I think lol.

the way im thinking would make the usual first wall the last wall. get it?lol like instead of initiating to go on the far side of the pole and around youd go before the pole and slide to the left around it. if that makes any sense lol.
Oh, I speak engrish...I just dont think beginners will be able to slide that last sweeper...going away from the wall thats all.
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