CFRC Presents DRIFTING (clever name, ya?)

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I can only hope county line will become the venue cfrc is someday (minus all the k-rails) Until then I do the best with what we got.
My only concern is the amount of cars this track is claiming.

I hate all the K-rails. It's cool for the guys who are really good drivers, but for myself and other beginners, that first wall that you initiate towards is a nightmare. I'm all for trial and error, but when error ends in a wreck, fuck that.

I actually got in a convo with stevo's boss or whatever, and I mentioned to him how that wall has claimed a lot of cars, and a lot of people dont even want to try to initiate where youre supposed to because of it. I mentioned an idea of moving it back and putting cones or something in its place to mark where the line is supposed to be, but is more forgiving to error. He basically just blew me off and kepts saying "well the track actually used to be smaller and the krails are in the same place and blah blah blah" but that was when the course layout was wayyy different and you weren't entering right for that wall. That made me super pissed that he wasn't even really considering anything I had to say. He was very rude. And this was also right after he got up in my face when he started telling people to move back from Ahmeds crash. I was disgusted by his actions and rudeness.
I hate all the K-rails. It's cool for the guys who are really good drivers, but for myself and other beginners, that first wall that you initiate towards is a nightmare. I'm all for trial and error, but when error ends in a wreck, fuck that.

I actually got in a convo with stevo's boss or whatever, and I mentioned to him how that wall has claimed a lot of cars, and a lot of people dont even want to try to initiate where youre supposed to because of it. I mentioned an idea of moving it back and putting cones or something in its place to mark where the line is supposed to be, but is more forgiving to error. He basically just blew me off and kepts saying "well the track actually used to be smaller and the krails are in the same place and blah blah blah" but that was when the course layout was wayyy different and you weren't entering right for that wall. That made me super pissed that he wasn't even really considering anything I had to say. He was very rude. And this was also right after he got up in my face when he started telling people to move back from Ahmeds crash. I was disgusted by his actions and rudeness.

i dont know but the dude is pretty nice.

your telling me that he seemed rude right after someone hit and he is trying to get the 100 idiots away from a car that could catch fire- and your trying to tell him how to changethe track setup at that time? cmon now, of course he is going to be short with you about something that isnt goign to change in the next 5 minutes when he is trying to save peoples lives if a car catches fire and who knows what else.

and either way, he is right, the track didnt get smaller, it just has a wall when parade/bike rails used to be. the only difference is that the turn now requires you use throttle (entry speed is not that much higher- and you can control that). before CFRC was enter- coast coast- then throttle, now its enter and throttle throttle. you can do this whole course in 2nd gear without getting close to anything and only going in at like 40-45 mph.

if you want to, just drive in, take a right turn and start your slide when you are between teh wall and the center pole area... its REALLY hard to crash there and its slower.
I hate all the K-rails. It's cool for the guys who are really good drivers, but for myself and other beginners, that first wall that you initiate towards is a nightmare. I'm all for trial and error, but when error ends in a wreck, fuck that.

I actually got in a convo with stevo's boss or whatever, and I mentioned to him how that wall has claimed a lot of cars, and a lot of people dont even want to try to initiate where youre supposed to because of it. I mentioned an idea of moving it back and putting cones or something in its place to mark where the line is supposed to be, but is more forgiving to error. He basically just blew me off and kepts saying "well the track actually used to be smaller and the krails are in the same place and blah blah blah" but that was when the course layout was wayyy different and you weren't entering right for that wall. That made me super pissed that he wasn't even really considering anything I had to say. He was very rude. And this was also right after he got up in my face when he started telling people to move back from Ahmeds crash. I was disgusted by his actions and rudeness.

the short older guy?

yea he is a douche
Jesus fucking Christ Kelsey, you fucking whine after every goddamn event about how everything sucks. If it sucks so fucking bad stop driving. I have never seen you post one positive thing after an event.
Ahmed straight mushed his car up fierce and I didn't hear him cry and whine about the krails.
Just like Jason said, if you're committed to throttle and have some angle it's fine.

Ok didn't want to start any thing. The k rails at first bugged me but after my first run it didn't faze me. I just didn't get enough consecutive runs to let my balls drop to enter faster, maybe next time.
What about putting a tire wall in front of the other wall. I'm sure you could get all the tires you need front the guys up there. It would at least cut down on the impact if one were to hit head on.
Shut up pat. Sorry you're all big and mighty, but the track is not beginner friendly. Oh, and when I asked you to ride with me for help, you disappeared. So fuck you. Talking about helping people. Apparently not the people you don't like. So I had josh ride with me after you bailed.

Jason, I do wait till im between the wall and poll to initiate. But I want to get better and do the whole thing and I just cant do that with a wall there. Its hard when you have a dad breathing down your neck telling you that if you wreck your car you can never drift again.

And I didn't talk to him about the krail until Ahmeds car was completely off the track and cars were running again. What I was saying was that I was already far from the car and he literally got in my personal space and wave his arms at me and rudely said to back up. I was at least 15 ft away already.

And no, the track didnt get smaller. Right as I got the hang of the old layout where I wasn't initiating towards the wall, it was changed. I thought there was all this talk about doing something for the beginners, and besides having other drivers ride with us, nothing has really happened.

Everything else about the event was fine. I thought the run groups ran pretty smoothly (except when C group drivers started hoping into the D group, but that wasn't the tracks fault) and everything was pretty efficient, and I was happy that the event went longer to correct the mishap of starting late in the beginning. But me talking about all the good stuff doesn't make the events better. A lot of the things I "whine" about are things that other drivers think and feel, but are to afraid to mention. I'm not afraid of giving my comments if it means making a better even in the future. And, less crashes are NEVER a bad thing.
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Shut up pat. Sorry you're all big and mighty, but the track is not beginner friendly. Oh, and when I asked you to ride with me for help, you disappeared. So fuck you. Talking about helping people. Apparently not the people you don't like. So I had josh ride with me after you bailed.

Wow. He left grid to come and pick me up from the nos tent when I got there. Fuck you is over the line.
Ok didn't want to start any thing. The k rails at first bugged me but after my first run it didn't faze me. I just didn't get enough consecutive runs to let my balls drop to enter faster, maybe next time.
What about putting a tire wall in front of the other wall. I'm sure you could get all the tires you need front the guys up there. It would at least cut down on the impact if one were to hit head on.

I'm all for all of this plus a forementioned drivers cap and pre-reg. I got 8 runs for the day and still had a blast, but personally I won't do it again until there is a cap for the fact that I have to trailer up, get a hotel, and everything to only be allotted so few runs when there are events down here that I can put $20 in gas in the car, drive to, and get in far more runs and tandem all day. It is an awesome track and I do wish to go back and hang with the C.FL / N.FL guys. The K-rails are intimidating, but after a run or 2 that fear is overcome and just stick on your entry line. If I were able to get in more than 3 runs a set 10 min apart I would've been right at the rails, but I wound up entering stupid early and being inside all day and only got close to the spectator wall. Event could use a hair more discipline in the lines and having the next run group set up and ready to go when they are supposed to, it was a bit hard to hear over the music and cars, especially if you were deep in the pits. But I think for the venue it is hard to run sooo many drivers and everyone was doing their best.

My .02
I really hate the word "k rail" for some reason. Until drifting I had never heard them called that before. So my brain considers it car-nerd talk. Always called them jersey barriers.

It would be sweet to use tires, foam, or anything softer than concrete. I really hate watching dudes crash their cars, and I hate crashing my own car even more. I know that shit costs money, and the space is already pretty cramped as it is, but just wish it was better.

If you are going to crash though, I would recommend dirt dropping on iniation and blasting those plastic things.
Hey guys,

I've been reading all of your posts, I'm working now on a better system for the events. And here's a quick gist of what's to come...

There will be a driver cap set in place for un-caged drivers to keep a fair amount of runs among drivers, a lot of you guys come out to sharpen your skills, and you won't be able to improve much if you're only getting 6 runs in a day. With a cap there will be a pre-registration, I'm going to work it out as best as I can so that we don't have a relapse of the confusion from last year's Summer Slide Fest with the payment discrepancies. And the caged group will be ran the same exact way, we want you guys to know who you're running with.

There will be four running groups, the tandem group (A group) will have no cap, the intermediate and beginner class will have a cap of 30 drivers all together (10 cars per group for 30 minutes a group). You'll be notified of your last run of your session and you MUST go back to the pits.

As far as that 1st wall, I wouldn't mind seeing a tire barrier put up in place to cushion impact, I'll see what I can do.

Any media that want's shots from the island in the middle of the track, you'll now have to register with me before the event to gain access, I'll only have two passes to the island per event.
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yeah man, Im down to help for sure. You really looked like you were really gettin it. Your entries are like, right on par with everyone elses and from what I could see from the grid you were doing great. AK was telling me that you were getting the entry allll the way into like the middle of the horseshoe and just couldnt link it together. Just let me know man, I'll be down there.

i was suprised too about the enrtys working out really good for me the biggest part of the entrys was pretty much not being a pussy lol. pretty much i would bounce off redline in second and hit it up. but my biggest problem i was having was i didnt want to bump to much speed and i would just end up spinning out. the only few i did complete was because after the entry i just bumped so much speed on e brake and kinda just powerd back through the rest of the course, that seemed to work best for me. do i really need to loose that much speed to complete it? something like entering at 60-70mph droping it back to maybe like 30-40mph to be able to connect to the other side of the lay out?

also the first set when i had to check my tire pressure during the runs, i had problems the night before with the tire leaking at the bead, so the night before i aired them to like 70psi and the first few runs were like being on ice, lol.

---------- Post added at 06:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 PM ----------

Hey guys,

I've been reading all of your posts, I'm working now on a better system for the events. And here's a quick gist of what's to come...

There will be a driver cap set in place for un-caged drivers to keep a fair amount of runs among drivers, a lot of you guys come out to sharpen your skills, and you won't be able to improve much if you're only getting 6 runs in a day. With a cap there will be a pre-registration, I'm going to work it out as best as I can so that we don't have a relapse of the confusion from last year's Summer Slide Fest with the payment discrepancies. And the caged group will be ran the same exact way, we want you guys to know who you're running with.

There will be four running groups, the tandem group (A group) will have no cap, the intermediate and beginner class will have a cap of 30 drivers all together (10 cars per group for 30 minutes a group). You'll be notified of your last run of your session and you MUST go back to the pits.

As far as that 1st wall, I wouldn't mind seeing a tire barrier put up in place to cushion impact, I'll see what I can do.

Any media that want's shots from the island in the middle of the track, you'll now have to register with me before the event to gain access, I'll only have two passes to the island per event.

i know if u need some old tires we got a few hunderd for ya lol
i was suprised too about the enrtys working out really good for me the biggest part of the entrys was pretty much not being a pussy lol. pretty much i would bounce off redline in second and hit it up. but my biggest problem i was having was i didnt want to bump to much speed and i would just end up spinning out. the only few i did complete was because after the entry i just bumped so much speed on e brake and kinda just powerd back through the rest of the course, that seemed to work best for me. do i really need to loose that much speed to complete it? something like entering at 60-70mph droping it back to maybe like 30-40mph to be able to connect to the other side of the lay out?

also the first set when i had to check my tire pressure during the runs, i had problems the night before with the tire leaking at the bead, so the night before i aired them to like 70psi and the first few runs were like being on ice, lol.

yeah man. I enter super fast and have to slow down soooo much to complete the course. Its kinda weird, but pretty fun.

Tire barriers still fuck cars up pretty dang good. Also, if you come out and like barley touch your bumper on tires, it will suck your front in super easily.
Yeah if you're going to drift the whole track, it's usually pretty safe to go fast, initiate early (away from walls), get yourself lined up right, and hammer down.

Yeah tire wall would suck for scraping the wall, but not too many dudes are scraping that first wall. Most are just trying to drive over it. Maybe we could quick-crete a tranny at the bottom.

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and yeah. I just finally gave in and started calling them krails. Got tired of saying jersey barriers and people asking me wtf I was talking about.

but yeah, lets quickcrete the bottoms into a sick tranny and skateboard car stuff.
i've been on this track twice now, and my opinion is that if u dont want to get close to the wall u dont have too. they are different lines around the place that can take u around the middle or can take the line that gets u close to the walls. its up the the driver on which line he wants to take. like ahmed said, he drifted all day long and was doing good. he said that on the run that he wrecked he tried a new line using a higher gear. he didnt have to run that line but he chose too. (ahmed much luv to u, not trying to single u out). this is just my opinion and i cant wait to make the trip back up there.

oh and look how big the place really is. it looks alot smaller from the stands than what it really is



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Always remember: Don't look at the wall. Look where you want to go.
and yeah. I just finally gave in and started calling them krails. Got tired of saying jersey barriers and people asking me wtf I was talking about.

but yeah, lets quickcrete the bottoms into a sick tranny and skateboard car stuff.

so down...

btw the only complaint i have for this past event other then the obvious is that at one point i was diggin some Zeppelin over the loud speaker when i believe it was Steve go over and say "this isnt cutting it" then proceed to put on Nirvana Teen Spirit and follow up with this comment " Ahh this is a little bit better"

seriously??? Nirvana is better the Led Zeppelin??? holy crap!
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