CFRC Presents DRIFTING (clever name, ya?)

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the way im thinking would make the usual first wall the last wall. get it?lol like instead of initiating to go on the far side of the pole and around youd go before the pole and slide to the left around it. if that makes any sense lol.

Most cars wouldn't have the power to come back out the far way.
yea it makes sense but you would need a 400 wheel car to do it good and still it would look so slow if your not on the correct tires exiting. and i doubt any of the beginners have 400 wheel or a tire over the size of 185.
the way im thinking would make the usual first wall the last wall. get it?lol like instead of initiating to go on the far side of the pole and around youd go before the pole and slide to the left around it. if that makes any sense lol.

cars would then hit the press box i think.

Most cars wouldn't have the power to come back out the far way.

I think anyone turboish power would be fine, but yea NAKA would die.
With two events per month, you could change up the course layout... like maybe at every other event. Once a month could be this fast layout. And, the second event could be a more slower but more technical layout.

This would allow the beginners to get better in a less intimidating environment and slow the rate at which we are destroying cars in Florida. I'm not trying to be a smart ass by saying that. We have to do both of those things - improve our beginners/intermediate drivers and not destroy cars to keep up the number of paying drivers coming to all events in Florida.
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With two events per month, you could change up the course layout... like maybe at every other event. Once a month could be this fast layout. And, the second event could be a more slower but more technical layout.

This would allow the beginners to get better in a less intimidating environment and slow the rate at which we are destroying cars in Florida. I'm not trying to be a smart ass by saying that. We have to do both of those things - improve our beginners/intermediate drivers and not destroy cars to keep up the number of paying drivers coming to all events in Florida.

I dont know about this. Only because the bigger $ maker and track purpose is spectators. No offense to beginners, but spectators don't pay to watch a low speed spin out on a boring course.

That being said. it IS possible i think to run a slow course layout during a normal event. where adv/intermediate run full course and begginer dont.

For registration steve-o.... we can do something like
Beginner - intermediate- tandem advanced(caged)

If the person chooses to run beginner then they are put there for THE ENTIRE EVENT. you cant bounce around. We can based the run group times off of 4min per car- per group. If we have 15 beginners, they get 60 min, if we have 10 they get 40. intermediate will have like 18 lets say, they split into 2 groups and get ~36 min each. Tandem can always have 30min cuz of the dynamic of multiple runs.

It wouldnt be impossible to do, but if we are going to do it, then it should be run strictly, and you as a DRIVER need to know when to be where and have your stuff in order. Show up at the end of your group? get one run? sucks, be on time next round.

you really need to straight up tell your dad if he is so worried about the car that (one of these?):
1) im going to crash someday, and again after that, and then again. WE ALL DO.
2) build a more budget friendly track beater (NA/KA + welded) and learn on that instead, save the SR for when you need it.
3) dont come to events
4) you won't improve ever

Might seem harsh but its really the only way to go about any motorsport- and yea, it sucks to crash.
^^the main issue right now is that it's my Daily driver. I'm trying to convince him to get me a different daily, so if anything happens to my current car its not as big of a deal, but if at the end of an event I cant drive back up to Gainesville for school, I'm fucked.

But seriously, I'm trying to work with what I can. Yall may judge me and my dad and the situation, but thats how it is. I want to continue to improve, but at a pace and in an area that I feel comfortable with. Last time I hit a wall, it fucking hurt. So I really dont feel like thats worth it again just yet. I just feel like there needs to be a time where beginners aren't forced to do this same fucking layout over and over when we arent going to improve much more unless we risk our cars on that first wall.

I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. I have talked to other beginner drivers. Sorry if I'm the only one who is not afraid to say anything.
this makes no sense.
The thing that makes someone better at something is repetition. But apparently, you're saying that it doesnt make people better?

If you want something different, go drive other events. Theres desoto and county line all the time.

You're just making things up now to argue about and make a fuss.

Do you guys understand how hard it is to actually hit the wall at CFRC? No, you dont. People see walls, and instantly get scared. I enter at CFRC going about 70-80 mph, clutch kick 3rd and ride out on power for a bit, then I grab e-brake to bleed speed and correct line, then I fucking push my foot back down. I've hit that first wall once, and I just kinda ran into it with the back of my car...heres the kicker....BUT SINCE I USED MY BRAIN I KNEW THAT I SHOULD FLOOR THE GAS PEDAL SO THE FRONT END DOESNT COME IN.

The line the begginers take trying to avoid being scared of the wall, makes them take some stupid line, that actually puts them torwards the wall.
Take a break from driving until you finish school, have a job, and can buy a daily. Then crash your drift car a bunch and tell your dad to suck it.
AutoX is a good way to learn lines in between drift events!

I agree with pat! Repeatative-ness is what is going to make you better at something! I can pretty much slide countyline skid pad and first left turn in my sleep because I was there every other week for events!

Practice doesn't make perfect but it gets you damn near!
Kelsey you should save up buy a janky s13, weld diff, coilovers, and KA and learn on that. your gonna wreak, it's drifting but you gotta commit 100% to progress and get better

ps. boxmod when are you opening your track? lolz you are always full of ideas
question: is the kart track not part of CFRC? if it is, why not use that for the beginners?


---------- Post added at 02:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 PM ----------

i track my daily... ive concluded that if i trash or wreck my car at the track, well, oh well... im workin on grabbing a daily as soon as i finish installing this giant box-o-parts, but till then, i still drive to the fullest.
Obviously you wreck in drifting. I fucking know that. I've wrecked already. But I don't wanna "Commit 100%" to something I have NEVER done before and risk messing up and wrecking my fucking car? why dont you people understand that?? If that fucking wall was moved back so I had some room WHEN I fucking mess up, then I wouldnt wreck my car, and I could keep trying until I get it. If I try it and wreck, well I cant fucking try anymore then can I? So the whole repetition shit goes out the fucking door.

Is that so hard to fucking understand???? I just want a fucking skid pad where I can do the basics and not worry about wrecking my car on a fucking wall trying to do something above my level. A lot if it is because I'm fucking afraid of walls. Who cares about the reason. My point is, Beginners like myself want to be able and practice and mess up without fucking their car up. But apparently, we cant have a beginner event because it wouldnt make enough fucking money because spectators don't want to watch like mentioned before. So now its not about helping people improve. Its about making a fucking profit.
Obviously you wreck in drifting. I fucking know that. I've wrecked already. But I don't wanna "Commit 100%" to something I have NEVER done before and risk messing up and wrecking my fucking car? why dont you people understand that?? If that fucking wall was moved back so I had some room WHEN I fucking mess up, then I wouldnt wreck my car, and I could keep trying until I get it. If I try it and wreck, well I cant fucking try anymore then can I? So the whole repetition shit goes out the fucking door.

Is that so hard to fucking understand???? I just want a fucking skid pad where I can do the basics and not worry about wrecking my car on a fucking wall trying to do something above my level. A lot if it is because I'm fucking afraid of walls. Who cares about the reason. My point is, Beginners like myself want to be able and practice and mess up without fucking their car up. But apparently, we cant have a beginner event because it wouldnt make enough fucking money because spectators don't want to watch like mentioned before. So now its not about helping people improve. Its about making a fucking profit.

^thats pretty much how I fucking feel right now. I want to get out of this miserable state and the people in it.

moving isnt gonna make you a better driver...

im sorry kelsey, i dont mean to pick on you, but your mentality needs to change if you wanna step up.
Obviously you wreck in drifting. I fucking know that. I've wrecked already. But I don't wanna "Commit 100%" to something I have NEVER done before and risk messing up and wrecking my fucking car? why dont you people understand that?? If that fucking wall was moved back so I had some room WHEN I fucking mess up, then I wouldnt wreck my car, and I could keep trying until I get it. If I try it and wreck, well I cant fucking try anymore then can I? So the whole repetition shit goes out the fucking door.

Is that so hard to fucking understand???? I just want a fucking skid pad where I can do the basics and not worry about wrecking my car on a fucking wall trying to do something above my level. A lot if it is because I'm fucking afraid of walls. Who cares about the reason. My point is, Beginners like myself want to be able and practice and mess up without fucking their car up. But apparently, we cant have a beginner event because it wouldnt make enough fucking money because spectators don't want to watch like mentioned before. So now its not about helping people improve. Its about making a fucking profit.

jesus christ. I have read every one of these posts cuz they are quite entertaining. I don't know you but the language is a bit immature. Quit. Second, i raced BMX for 9 years. I was good because i took risks on the big jumps to get over them quicker than the other guys. When it comes to improving in any extreme sport you're going to have to take risks and do it over and over and over again to improve. I didn't tell myself "well if i come up short and break a leg i wont be able to race for 6 months". I told myself "this is what i want to do, and i want to do it good so taking the chances are what it takes". Guess what, when you are committed 100% you will surprise yourself with your skill.

Now you can whine about the krail there all you want but it's going to make you a better driver to work through your fears and eventually run the course the right way with the correct entry. You cant just change the parts of the track that you are afraid of cuz you will never improve. i promise you this.

I dont know your situation, but any motor sport as my step dad has always told me "is a rich man's sport" (or woman's)... get a JOB and buy your own car to beat up.

I daily my car with a welded and sr and i put every extra penny i make into it. It's my love. I work my ass off (40+hrs a week) at 20 years old to pay for the car i want and build it the way i want and i go to school and pay my bills. And i guarantee that on my first run at cfrc (cuz i havent been able to afford entry lately) i am going to hit that entry at 70-80 mph and drive through it. Whether i hit the wall or not, because that is the sport that we are into and that is how i am going to learn whether or not i did it right and how to improve ON MY NEXT RUN in 2 minutes. IF i hit the wall, then its back to the garage and im riding the bus or my bicycle to work and school until i get the car running again. but i guarantee i dont make the same mistake again when i hit that entry again.

Don't complain about your dad being down your neck, you're a big girl, get your own car and drive it the way you want. Wreck it and learn from your mistakes and improve like a race car driver does.
the end
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