CFRC Presents DRIFTING (clever name, ya?)

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jesus christ. I have read every one of these posts cuz they are quite entertaining. I don't know you but the language is a bit immature. Quit. Second, i raced BMX for 9 years. I was good because i took risks on the big jumps to get over them quicker than the other guys. When it comes to improving in any extreme sport you're going to have to take risks and do it over and over and over again to improve. I didn't tell myself "well if i come up short and break a leg i wont be able to race for 6 months". I told myself "this is what i want to do, and i want to do it good so taking the chances are what it takes".

Now you can whine about the krail there all you want but it's going to make you a better driver to work through your fears and eventually run the course the right way with the correct entry. You cant just change the parts of the track that you are afraid of cuz you will never improve. i promise you this.

I dont know your situation, but any motor sport as my step dad has always told me "is a rich man's sport" (or woman's)... get a JOB and buy your own car to beat up.

I daily my car with a welded and sr and i put every extra penny i make into it. It's my love. I work my ass off (40+hrs a week) at 20 years old to pay for the car i want and build it the way i want and i go to school and pay my bills. And i guarantee that on my first run at cfrc (cuz i havent been able to afford entry lately) i am going to hit that entry at 70-80 mph and drive through it. Whether i hit the wall or not, because that is the sport that we are into and that is how i am going to learn whether or not i did it right and how to improve ON MY NEXT RUN in 2 minutes. IF i hit the wall, then its back to the garage and im riding the bus or my bicycle to work and school until i get the car running again. but i guarantee i dont make the same mistake again when i hit that entry again.

Don't complain about your dad being down your neck, you're a big girl, get your own car and drive it the way you want. Wreck it and learn from your mistakes and improve like a race car driver does.

^goootcha, oh well, it was worth a try. i need to get out to the track soon
Do what i do. I have tripple A... Drive the SHIT out of your car at the track.... you hit a wall Tripple A got your back mang! Now your a man.
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Why? cuz your parents wont let you?
If you wreck this one at least they will buy you a car to get to school with, maybe not a car to drift, but you could take it as a sign that it's time to wait till you CAN work to get back into drifting. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but you really need to change your mentality if you want to improve instead of trying to change the track to make yourself easily comfortable.

you know how cheap it is to get a beater with a ka and have the dif welded too? Sell some things.. save your lunch money. sell your ipod.. idk.
I am trying to sell my xbox so i can get a new clutch..
It's all about mentality and heart for the sport.
no one is forcing you to drive. constructed criticism for the track is fine and wanted, but whining about something that wont be done is just pointless. theres 2 other tracks you can go to practice at if your scared of cfrc. your not going to be able to enter like everyone else for awhile so enter where your comfortable and keep doing it till you build your skill level to enter like a big dog. its super hard to crash at cfrc like you gotta be truckin reaaaal fast and probably have never driven there before to hit.
No, I dont have a job not because my parents wont let me, I don't have a job while in school because my health you assholes.

Stop judging what you don't understand. You really have no idea what I have to push through.
Well you complain about your daddy being down your throat so that's our best guess. dont take it personal. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions though, sorry. I have insomnia so on top of my insane schedule i hardly sleep, and there are millions of other people with health issues that work and go to school. and maybe you have something that honestly 100% stops you from working, but i bet you have an ipod and some other random things you can sell to save a grand for a beater car =] i have 2 ipods, you want one so you can sell it and start saving for your beater car?
This community, not online, but at the track, acts like a family, and everyone should be willing to help everyone else for the greater cause of having fun with our cars. If you drop the attitude towards everyone and listen to the advice given, maybe they will help you more.
I do listen to help and advice. My dad doesnt have much spare money right now. We were trying to sell one of my horses but she injured herself and hasn't recovered. We're not sure if shes ever going to. I just feel like there is so much hate here. I started with a suggestion, but as soon as everyone jumps on me, yea, I'm gunna get defensive. I feel very attacked and thats not how this place is supposed to be. Like I said before, I'm not the only person who doesnt like that wall. I personally want an even where beginners can have time to do figure eights and shit and really get a good base with their car. Thats what the beginners need and arent getting. People telling us to man up and do it when we dont even fucking know how isn't going to help us.
I personally want an even where beginners can have time to do figure eights and shit and really get a good base with their car. Thats what the beginners need and arent getting.

THIS is helpful feedback. Instead of criticizing the current track layout...

In bmx we use to do 'clinics' once a month for the beginners where the pros would spend 4 hours helping beginners learn the basics and improve their skills (usually the morning before the bigger state or national races). It cost 40 dollars to be in the clinic and the track made some profit, as well as the teachers (pros). If there was a way to set up a driving clinic aside from the regular events, or even a few hours before the events i'm sure it would have an awesome turn out. Figure 8's could be set up, and small basic things could be taught and it would only take a small portion of the track to do this.
This would really help beginners learn their cars and basic car control, then they wont feel so scared to roll out at the events.
Stevo, maybe you could do something along these lines? The better drivers would probably be willing to help if there was a little incentive.

I agree that people shouldn't be attacking you and it gives you reason to become defensive, but they are only being defensive of the track and the decisions that have already been made that you have been attacking. (seemingly).
This thread has ran it's course, it was cool to discuss what's related to the track and the event, but it's gone too far when you get into someone else's personal matters.

A beginners day is kinda in the works, but just stay tuned because it's really just an idea.
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