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  1. X

    Vote for John McCain!!

    longest run on sentence ever... Staying on topic....Im voting Obama.
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    Off to basic I go

    I thank you for your service and wish you luck in Basic. Im going to Basic in a couple of months also. But not Air Force. I'm Army National Guard.
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    El Huracan Fay!!!

    Im Florida National Guard, we're standing by with food and water if you guys on the west side get messed up pretty bad. Dont worry. We'll be there if the shit hits the fan.
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    Hachi lovers, Hachi sighted in Managua, at Volcano

    its ridiculous the difference in currency. Everything is so cheap compared to the states and its the same products! Imagine spending leave in central america bro! The difference in currency we could bank! A vacation would be alot cheaper here than going anywhere else. lol. Driver, maid...
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    Hachi lovers, Hachi sighted in Managua, at Volcano

    Lol word. We should definitely invest in getting a house here in a couple years bro, less than $100K!
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    Hachi lovers, Hachi sighted in Managua, at Volcano

    Definitely, i only got here on the 30th, havent really been able to go anywhere, its been raining alot lately in the evenings. This weekend im going to Buaco and Leon. Ill post up pics whenever i get back to Managua since theres no internet and i hate going to the cyber cafes. For every dollar...
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    Hachi lovers, Hachi sighted in Managua, at Volcano

    Yea man, ive been all over. Granada, Masaya, Monte Limar, Poneloya, Buaco, Leon. I love it here. Im still here and it gets better and better every year i come. All the nissans and toyotas that dont make stateside shores are here, and all the infinits have actual Nissan badges. There are some...
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    Hachi lovers, Hachi sighted in Managua, at Volcano

    So I'm in Managua, Nicaragua (yearly visit, my dad lives here) and I went to a volcano. You drive up this long ass winding sloping road to the top where the mouth of it is. So I get there and I park and I see a hachi chillin'. Thought I'd take a picture so you guys could enjoy.
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    Got stopped....2 tickets :(

    By law, when a police officer pulls you over and they say that they "clocked you". Ask them for the print out. Cause if they cant prove that you were going that fast then they cant give you a ticket for speeding. I've pulled that card twice, usually they'll get pissed and find something else to...
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    The Incredible HULK!!! = well.. Better than the first one

    I watched it a couple days ago. Wasnt bad at all actually. Really enjoyable. hint at braniac, ironman, and SHIELD, and the avengers. Pretty awesome stuff. Plus Edward Norton is the shit.
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    Any junkyards around wpb, boca, ftld that have s14s?

    If you wanna make a drive to Cloverleaf in Broward. Its right after the 826 begins if youre heading south. Google search it, if you cant find it PM me. I get you the contact info. Its known as "home of the 240's" Ive been there a couple times. Got nothing but Sil's parked outside.
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    Need help!

    By law, you have the bill of sale so the car is technically already yours, but it is his responsibility as the seller to provide you with the title. If not, you can either call the cops and go through the hassle or go to a Auto-tag agency and request it. It'll cost a little though.
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    i finally graduated!!! =)

    If all else fails, and you seem to realize you cant do shit...join the military like i did. National Guard for the win!!! Ship out in a few months. Who else is gonna give you a check for $20k just for signing. I graduated in 06. Havent done shit but party and part time jobs ever since. Money for...
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