The Incredible HULK!!! = well.. Better than the first one

Went to see the movie last night at 12:01 am and from the beginning of the movie the movie sucked. I won't give any details but it doesn’t even follow the comic books from where it began. it starts after the accident. Well overall the graphics and action were done very well on some parts. the character of the incredible hulk compared to the last one( a very emotional movie) showed the hulk as being the beast that he really is. they were some HULK trademarks like the HULK SMASH!!! and the super jump. the transformations were done really well in real worst-case scenarios. They are some cameo appearances by Stand lee, Lou ferrigno, and even IRONMAN!!!!. It's a good teaser!!!!

But like I said, some of the parts in the movie felt off the comic book and the series. and friends turn into foes (another teaser). Just watch the movie and you will understand. It will not be worth your ticket price but at least is better than the last one:bigthumbu
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i dunno..isnt this movie's story...based off the video game...made after the first movie? and anyone realise that theres a game for this movie.....
I watched it a couple days ago. Wasnt bad at all actually. Really enjoyable. hint at braniac, ironman, and SHIELD, and the avengers. Pretty awesome stuff. Plus Edward Norton is the shit.
I watched it a couple days ago. Wasnt bad at all actually. Really enjoyable. hint at braniac, ironman, and SHIELD, and the avengers. Pretty awesome stuff. Plus Edward Norton is the shit.

haha dick!
dont tell them who is gonna be in the third movie
Good movie, way better than Ang Lee's version. Did anyone laugh when Blonski got a Hulk size boot to the face?

No the part that got me was went Bruce banner was being treated like a homeless man.. I was like What the f%$k He's not homeless!!!!! He just had and episode.. don't put money into his hand like he beged you for money :laugh:
i thought it was a fairly good movie. very man movie. shit blows up, man gets mad, kicks other man in chest. two big ass biofreaks fuck each other up in lower manhatthan. big green giant says hulk smash.
Yeah the first movie was the only movie I have ever fallen asleep in a theater watching

Probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen
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