WPB People

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pm me if you would like to be in this film as a driver. if i do not respond, do not take it personal, take it as a reason do build your car better and learn how to drive.

Damn Vas way to leave a Mexican out...

new information to myself as well lil mama
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besides drifting wat else is going to be filmed,
hang'n out
overall having a good time?

possibly cruising (just for cutaways), if anything funny is happening at a session or event (i.e. someone doing something stupid or hurting themselves in any way), itll prolly get thrown in the mix.

When is the next time we film?

i thought ppl were going out on friday? i wanna grab some go pro tandem action, but like i said before, not everyone will be in the film. just a select few.
possibly cruising (just for cutaways), if anything funny is happening at a session or event (i.e. someone doing something stupid or hurting themselves in any way), itll prolly get thrown in the mix.

i thought ppl were going out on friday? i wanna grab some go pro tandem action, but like i said before, not everyone will be in the film. just a select few.

start PM'in people from the list. The one's you know that are good. That way they come out friday. Why not thursday?
tonight is thursday and i dont have any equipment yet, possibly tomorrow, but still not 100% certain

pm me that list BTW

i will be making a revised list once everyone has been contacted
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you got it sir

ill start on it around 6 today as it will probably take a good bit of time. if your name was on the old list, expect a pm around 6:30 requesting pictures of your car and any media of you drifting.

on 2nd thought, im going to start a new thread and do this the right way since leos thread bombed
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you got it sir

ill start on it around 6 today as it will probably take a good bit of time. if your name was on the old list, expect a pm around 6:30 requesting pictures of your car and any media of you drifting.

on 2nd thought, im going to start a new thread and do this the right way since leos thread bombed
Yeah thanks jeremy and shane, it means a lot to me...
where does kenny come in with the shit talking, his car never ran right, he never slides it, and he always has to bring his car home before anything happens... =O

ill treat his car right...

*dammit, i wasnt supposed to say anything*
where does kenny come in with the shit talking, his car never ran right, he never slides it, and he always has to bring his car home before anything happens... =O

u procrastinate about everything you do,
my cars running right unlike yours,oh wait u gave away a free long block that was fine..let me kno wen u want some more k
u procrastinate about everything you do,
my cars running right unlike yours,oh wait u gave away a free long block that was fine..let me kno wen u want some more k

i dont procrastinate about anything, last i recall it didnt take me 2 weeks to drop my oil pan...

your car didnt run right when you tried to boost it.

and do a leak down test on the motor tell me if its fine. when you find out your wrong, ill be there to say told ya so. and it wasnt really free (see im not a mooching cock sucker like you, im willing to pay people to use and recieve help from them) i gave matt the long block as payment to use his garage, and have him help me throw together my new motor, and swap... thanks!
OOoooh u dont

u ready




im going
-1jz cress
-selling the sr
-going back to sr
-going ka-teeeee
-going vh something
-ka with a 75 shot

im prolly missing more,but this shall doo

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OOoooh u dont

u ready




im going
-1jz cress
-selling the sr
-going back to sr
-going ka-teeeee
-going vh something

im prolly missing more,but this shall doo


u need to start paying attention in school, indecisive is not the same as procrastination, I'm sorry your lack for understanding the English language inhibits your ability to hold a minor conversation. and considering all your ideas and options is a good thing. anything else you'd like to say?
u need to start paying attention in school, indecisive is not the same as procrastination, I'm sorry your lack for understanding the English language inhibits your ability to hold a minor conversation. and considering all your ideas and options is a good thing. anything else you'd like to say.

lets not bring school into this DIRK.
you kno were i lay my balls at.
idont sit here and and right trilogy's on what other
people have in mind
if you want to talk you do it in person
date tonight
lets not bring school into this DIRK.
you kno were i lay my balls at.
idont sit here and and right trilogy's on what other
people have in mind
if you want to talk you do it in person
date tonight

tomorrow night sounds good, and you started the "TRILOGY". honestly you have the least room to talk to me...(PERIOD) not really sure what "i lay my balls at" means but if your doing it at school, then i suggest you try something else~!
tomorrow night sounds good, and you started the "TRILOGY". honestly you have the least room to talk to me...(PERIOD) not really sure what "i lay my balls at" means but if your doing it at school, then i suggest you try something else~!

suurrrrreeeeeeee dirkkkkkaaaaa
lay my balls as in weerreee i sllleeeepp buttt ok.
least room to talk please..

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