WPB People

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guys, seriously cut it the fuck out!, 2 pages of fucking nonsense...

somebody post some gawddam pics already! im gettin antsy
Well, I never said I hate you. Someone would have to do some pretty extreme shit for me to hate them. But I do know a few people that do hate you for the bullshit you've done to them. And my car doesn't work because someone sold me a shit motor that had low compression since I put it in. IIRC, you've built all of your motors and they were all tuned where you work, and you yourself said your car barely runs. What's goin on there? Seems like you lurk better than you build motors.

boostinvert said:
then what is the real story?

Why are you trying to lurk his life now too? You're a strange dude... Just GTFO.

And Dj I'll get those pics up when I get home!
Well, I never said I hate you. Someone would have to do some pretty extreme shit for me to hate them. But I do know a few people that do hate you for the bullshit you've done to them. And my car doesn't work because someone sold me a shit motor that had low compression since I put it in. IIRC, you've built all of your motors and they were all tuned where you work, and you yourself said your car barely runs. What's goin on there? Seems like you lurk better than you build motors.

Damn dude that sucks... He give you a ticket? And dude I hate John also! hahah, I was laughing so hard when I noticed it was him.

well the old tuner that use to be here is the cause of 3 or 4 motors to blow. this last one i take blame for i over heated the oil and spun some bearings. but ever since Roger and myself have retuned the car i haven't had any issuse with melting pistons like before.
Well, I never said I hate you. Someone would have to do some pretty extreme shit for me to hate them. But I do know a few people that do hate you for the bullshit you've done to them. And my car doesn't work because someone sold me a shit motor that had low compression since I put it in. IIRC, you've built all of your motors and they were all tuned where you work, and you yourself said your car barely runs. What's goin on there? Seems like you lurk better than you build motors.

Why are you trying to lurk his life now too? You're a strange dude... Just GTFO.

And Dj I'll get those pics up when I get home!

dude... drop it, now
to the this jhon guy
i dont know you but from what ive been reading,no one likes you.
it would be best for you just to leave this forum..this is just gonna
cause more problems and its going to get out of hands.
to the this jhon guy
i dont know you but from what ive been reading,no one likes you.
it would be best for you just to leave this forum..this is just gonna
cause more problems and its going to get out of hands.

its gonna end up what happens to snooki... wtf happened i missed 1 meet now all this guns and beef wtf this meet was just for us sfldrifters buddies to meet up and go slide....
sal lmao this guy realy is as big of a retard as everyone allways talks about

omg john i hope you realize that in the car groups hear in sf ur are literaly the most hated person of all, i have chilled with alot of diffrent car clubs from around the area and ur name has always poped up as a total douch bag that does nothing but talk shit to make himself feel better

are you like one of those guys that walks up to girls and spits out smooth lines like "did it hurt when u feel from heaven?" or "is it hot in hear or is it just u?" cus u seem like a real creep, cant wiat to meet ya so that i can crack up in your face for being an ass, in fact........

hey sal did u get any pics of me last night ?

i think we should just all STOP talkin shit and, talk about how fun last night was... besides the drugs and popo
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i think we should just all STOP talkin shit and, talk about how fun last night was... besides the drugs and popo

this... i've already spoken to john and asked him to leave this thread alone. He was nice enough to respect my wishes, now i ask that all of you please do the same.

Thank you
sal lmao this guy realy is as big of a retard as everyone allways talks about

omg john i hope you realize that in the car groups hear in sf ur are literaly the most hated person of all, i have chilled with alot of diffrent car clubs from around the area and ur name has always poped up as a total douch bag that does nothing but talk shit to make himself feel better

are you like one of those guys that walks up to girls and spits out smooth lines like "did it hurt when u feel from heaven?" or "is it hot in hear or is it just u?" cus u seem like a real creep, cant wiat to meet ya so that i can crack up in your face for being an ass, in fact........


that was a 7m-GE......
not even a 7m-gTe..
whoever said it was a 1jz is a fucking rAtard
i just glanced at this shit and its funny. John has and will always carry and always had a dick attitude but he is not shy to tell you that whats new. drama lol
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