Whee Japan

j0nes said:
bring me back cute-hot schoolgirl, straight teeth, orange or reddish hair about 5'6 and shorter and one that has one of those cute anime chicky voices...thank you.

Well I havent checked with customs on the legal export age, and what sort of shipping is required..... under 50kg I'm sure will be a lot cheaper, so like 5ft-nothing sounds good.

orange or reddish hair.... thats like 1/3 of all the 15-30yo girls here..... so no problem there. Anime voice, yup check on that one, about 80% I think :)

heres 3 girls in Kyoto last week who got all giggly and shy when I talked to them and couldnt believe I wanted to take their picture.


^that's the way most of the 18-25yo ish? girls dress. See them all the time in train stations, downtown areas etc. Then there's the professional women who all seem to be 30+

Oh back in the US people say they cant tell how old girls are because of how they dress..... take that times 100. Its nearly impossible to tell a girls age here. 29 seems to be the magic age for the girls I've met, but they all look like 21.

My friend back home said to me before I left; that middle school girls wear knee length skirts, and the high school ones wear really short ones. Not my thing really, but apparently high school age is a-ok over here....... lol.

Different mentality about so many things though. From what I could read, I think there's mostly love hotels near where I am right now. They were advertised in price per hour or even 3minute blocks.

Anyone ever heard of capsule hotels??? Where you sleep in a tiny little plastic bunk bed thing........ That's what I'm sitting in right now typing this. Amazingly I got some decent wireless signal and I have my laptop charging from a plug 2 units over on the wall....

Traditional Japanese Inn (Ryokan) with tatami floors:

This is western style bathroom at the Ryokan, normal Japanese style is a small rectangular porcelain tub looking thing in floor, notice the sink is also the top of toilet so no water gets wasted:

Nice breakfast for about 500yen:
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freethinker said:
Man, this place is just incredible. I'm thinking of moving here and teaching with NOVA (english teaching program) maybe just for a few months, get work visa etc and then change jobs, but things here are a lot the same, and a lot different too.

I've looked into that already... I probably still have all the links with my research. Right now I'm working to get my A.A. which is already good enough for many institutions (although I dont think NOVA is one of them) to hire you. Whenever you get back we'll meet up and I'll share all my findings with you.

I'm torn in between either Japan or Germany. Having been in Germany, I'm leaning towards there more than Japan, but I'd love to check out Japan to make a better decision.

- Erick
Japan is definitely more of a challenge. Germany, (I havent been, but know a decent amount) is kind of just America with different language, yes I know all the huge differences, but this place is just absolute culture shock different. I can make out many German words, and if i don't know the word, well shit at least I can read it, ask about it, pronounce it. Over here it's like, sh!t... whats that squiggily line thing, dash sort of circle, robot house guy..... Scary thing is Ive already learned a lot of them.

But it really is different 12million people in greater tokyo alone and no one even nods at each other. Not really a bad or anti social thing though.... just different, I guess American constant chit-chat, hey, how ya doin, whats up etc is more just meaningless garble anyway. So when people do talk to each other here it means something.

I thought I was lost in Osaka earlier tonight and was asking this girl 'excuse me' (sumimasen) and she wouldnt even look at me. I thought I was at wrong train station, and none of the signs had any western writing.....

That was a lil frustrating, but then over here when you go to social events/places like clubs, bars, whatever.... you wont get the 'pretend I dont hear you' thing.

Lots of pluses here, I see some negatives too, but if I could start working here tomorrow with no immigration issues, I would. Too bad I have so many obligations and crap back home to take care of before I can think about leaving the country.

I want to see Germany still. Another thing about Japan that is kind of weird feeling is that even in Tokyo, more than 99% of the people are Japanese. Might see 2 or 3 blonde haired people in a day. Maybe 2 or 3 black people, unless you're walking around a LOT, or in Roppongi or Narita. I guess white people are the most common foreigners, but it's funny, most of the Japanese people assume if you're white, you speak english. It's kind of true I guess. but ehhh....

Ok 5am here, I'm gonna ahve to sleep in late here in my capsule and pay the extra 600Yen:

Daihatsu BOON, spells NOOB backwards, I think most cars go faster in reverse than this thing does 660c poWAH!!

Here's my capsule and some other random pics, the best is yet to come though!!






Colonel sanders is a lil shorter here though and has a nice tan.

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And oh yea, I know the car is pink.......... STFU!

Actually right now Im sitting at some random restaurant parking lot south of osaka leeching wireless in a rental Honda Fit, a SILVER fit... yea so what now......

I noticed the signal and complete open access point as I was driving around (no of course I wasnt looking for free wireless, it was just coincidence)

1230am wednesday night here and I'm headed into the mountains to see if I can find Takumi.....

More to come...
Damn Sean. I can't even begin to describe how jealous I am right now. One day i will make it there but I admire how you are doing your own thing and are not on a tour or even have set plans. Not get some hot touge pics so I can feel a little more jealous ;) .
Sean did it the right way...he went with someobody who already had some experience. He's definitely brave for going at it alone now in such a foreign place!!! Sean, get me some tickets to fly up for the weekend! :D <3

That looks really good. What is it called?

I really enjoy your pictures that your posting. Me and several friends are actually planning a trip at the end of senior year to Japan. I will keep this thread bookmarked for future info and possibly future place of interest within Japan.
Its called continental breakfast hahaha.

Seriously though, when I was in Italy, that was the "continental breakfast" served in almost every hotel we went to except for the salad and potato salad. I know that Japanese eat salad in the mornings but the potato salad has me a bit confused. It could just be Sean - he's weird. ;)
No potatos there, it was some sort of fish stuff. It was good. The salad itself just has dressing on it. That was some restaurant called 'god mountain' in Kyoto. It's hard to know what anything here is though. Basically I just point and say 'kochira' (this one) and hope its not terrible. All the food here has been great so far except for some sour apricot things.... But I'm a very open minded eater.

Ok, so onto the daily update........

Last night I made one of the best choices I ever have, and also one of the worst.

The good stuff first. I took off after a slammed Civic with a rollcage flew by the place i was getting wireless, figuring I could follow him to some decent montain roads. The whole time I had been posting lastnight Skylines, Silvias, Supras etc were going by every few minutes,but none of them looking like drift cars really. This civic looked like he actually drove hard.

Well I lost the civic.

Saw a sign for Nara (ancient capital of Japan, many temples, cool place, figured I would head that way over the mountains between Osaka and Nara, maybe some good roads, and check out Nara today after some sleep at a rest stop in the car.

Well I found some really awesome looking roads. Definite Initial D material. I was just wandering around, taking any roads I saw. The car had a Navigation system, but entirely in Japanese. Ive learned the major cities names in Kanji (the really complex Japanese characters) and thats how I get back to somewhere via whatever roads are shown on the Navi.

Well after taking some videos of driving around on fun roads (BTW Honda Fit is a really great driving car) I wandered around more. Driving a bit harder with 2 hands instead of filming with one.

I came to a more main road and saw a tunnel coming up and a road to the right. Small little access road, nothing to think about driving on. But I caught a sign that looked like it was talking about something important, maybe a park and it said 700m. So I turned off and checked it out. Well in about 700m it started looking like the road the BestMotoring 'touge challenge' was filmed on. Good so far....

Road started getting some nice elevation.

Then tighter and it basically turned into an old mountain pass.

I start really getting into it. Having a lot of fun.

Then I come around a sweeping turn and I notice tire marks everywhere....... score!

I also see that quite a few cars have met their end on the guardrails here. bonus points!

So I start driving a little more carefully, but this place is awesome. some really tight stuff too, like WRC style switchbacks with drops. I keep going, get a lil more confident, grab some e-brake on some turns. Fun, but RHD and FWD and left-hand e-brake are all a lil different for me.......

Ok, so I keep going, and stat seeing some really busted guardrails, with every color imaginable smeared all over them, pieces of busted tail lights...... yea I'm definitely in the right place. Tire marks are everywhere now.

Come through a right hander, totally demolished guardrail on outside of turn, and a EG hatch shell laying there almost stripped... WTF

Through a fast chicane, and into an open parking kind of area.....

Uhoh... 2 cars sitting to the left...... look over...... black Silvia and Silver R32 parked backwards.

At this point Im just like ready to call and thank the pope....

So I try some busted Japanese with these guys..

Them: Hai hai!! bunchofstuffidontunderstand!!

Anyway so I find out that this place is called Mizukoshi Touge.

I do my best to explain that I drift in america.

I show some pictures of the project cars.

I tell them their cars are awesome.

Then I notice the Skyline sounds kinda funny, so I ask if it has RB engine. The one guy says, no it has SR.

Also I notice that the Silvia is actually a sil-eighty. clear lens lights, nice wheels.

Any so we chat busted english/japanese for a while and they start getting ready to go, I ask which way, they say to the right. So I hop in Honda and follow them.

They just drive the first pass up and down, a little sliding, then they get serious. These guys were pretty freakin good. A stroke of crappy luck was that both my camera batteries were very close to dead. But I took a few pics before complete dead-camerage.

So they lead for a few runs, then they tell me to go ahead so I do my best RHD FWD automatic drifting and I actually did ok..... wrong way ebrake entry, cut back and more e-brake.....

So we go back to the staging area and I tell them they drift awesome, they say I do really good with FWD, then they completely crack up when they ask if I own the car and I tell them its a rental.

So the guy with the 180 invites me to to jump in. You can guess what I said....

Pics and video in next post:



Camera too dead for flash to work, so Honda headlights work too........




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Sean... You are the man. Thank you for posting this so I can live vicariously through you! Please call me when you get back as I have about 16 bazillion questions for you. Please make some cool drift friends there and get some vids if possible. Made my day :bigthumbu
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