Vote for John McCain!!

You're not far from it LilJon. The U.S. criticizes Cuba for not letting their citizens vote for "president" but in 2000 Gore won the popular vote, and in 04 Kerry won the popular vote. So why is Bush in office? The U.S. citizens didn't vote for him, who did?

The Patriots!
(Metal Gear inside joke)
Whats the point of voting for people your know won't win....

whats the point of voting for someone just because you think they are going to win?

I vote on principal not on wither they can win or not. Having to pick between the lesser of two evils means you're still picking evil.
Well anyone who wont vote for a candidate becuase he isnt part of there political party is a moron, I find it hard to believe that your party will have the better candidate %100 of the time.

I dont know how much you guys make but neither of these candidates represent you. Mcain doesnt know how many houses he owns and thinks middle class is if you make 5 million or below and Obama thinks its $250 thousand when the national average is about 50 grand per household, Both are out of touch with the common man.

If you compare how much you pay in taxes to your grades that is not very smart. If you take 50% of a millionaires income I am sure he will still find a way to "get by" but if you take 50% from someone who only makes the national average of 33 grand, that will drastically effect his living situation. If I where a millionaire I would have no problem giving more becuase I love my country and I am grateful to be here and have no problems helping fellow Americans who are less fortunate. Not everyone who is poor is that way becuase they want to be and you shouldn't have to work 50 hours a week or more to live a normal life in a country this great. In a perfect world America would be filled will CEO's but you will always need cashiers and service personnel and janitors and such.

I almost never vote republican becuase they do not really help the advancement of science and are usually in tight with religious groups, (so much for separation of church and state) Republicans are usually big on industry but lately it seems like they like to send jobs overseas for the great good of the few not the many.

The thing I really like about political threads is no one EVER!!!! sees it from the other side. No one is going to read these post and have them influence their votes.
I'm sorry, but why would anyone want to join a political group. Aren't we all individuals, vote for a candidate because you truly agree with his views, not because he was elected by a party. Like Chris Rock said once "there's some shit I'm conservative about, and there's some shit I'm liberal about". I hate how most of this country's voters stand by their party like it was some type of brand loyalism. Sometimes I feel like these elections are useless, the popular vote doesn't count for shit anyway, it's the electoral college that decides. What type of system is this? Are we stuck in the 19th century? I'm not voting for no one, Obama sucks, and McCain really sucks. It's like someone told me once "Rome didn't last forever", this country's going down the drain.

BC many of your values may fall in line with one party. No party member is exactly the same however - otherwise why would there be primaries at all? Plus I got to vote in the primaries. Unfortunately my pick did not win but w/e. There's yer reason.
Where's the primary for the people who aren't in any party? I didn't get to vote in the primary because of this, If I was a republican and wanted to vote for Clinton in the primary because I stand by her views, I wouldn't be able to because I'm not in her party. WTF? Bullshit.
I dont know how much you guys make but neither of these candidates represent you. Mcain doesnt know how many houses he owns and thinks middle class is if you make 5 million or below and Obama thinks its $250 thousand when the national average is about 50 grand per household, Both are out of touch with the common man.

Mccain doesn't own any of those houses. He didn't grow up wealthy, he married into money not that long ago. All of those houses are in his wife's name which is why he didn't know.

If you compare how much you pay in taxes to your grades that is not very smart. If you take 50% of a millionaires income I am sure he will still find a way to "get by" but if you take 50% from someone who only makes the national average of 33 grand, that will drastically effect his living situation. If I where a millionaire I would have no problem giving more becuase I love my country and I am grateful to be here and have no problems helping fellow Americans who are less fortunate. Not everyone who is poor is that way becuase they want to be and you shouldn't have to work 50 hours a week or more to live a normal life in a country this great. In a perfect world America would be filled will CEO's but you will always need cashiers and service personnel and janitors and such.

First off, don't insult me again.

Secondly, you obviously have very strong socialist values - which is fine. I don't. The negative side of socialism is a verifiable fact however and my analogy put it perfectly. People lose their desire to strive for more and work harder b/c there's no point. Unemployment is higher b/c ppl can mooch off the system. Eventually it all crumbles down.

I almost never vote republican becuase they do not really help the advancement of science and are usually in tight with religious groups, (so much for separation of church and state) Republicans are usually big on industry but lately it seems like they like to send jobs overseas for the great good of the few not the many.

Woah - advancement of science NOT being helped? Are you kidding? Government supporting private enterprise is one HUGE reason that some of the biggest medical advancements today originate from American run firms! Maybe you're just talking stem cells which ties in with the religious affiliations of most republicans - on this note, id have to agree. I'm not a bible thumper but it does seem most republicans are. You have a complete misunderstanding as to what separation of church and state means however b/c we DO have a secular gov and free religion. As for sending jobs overseas, I disagree. The free market always fixes itself - its another verifiable fact. Yes, fluctuations will exist, but that would be true for any market system. To think that taxing the rich and/or corporations is a solution for the economy is just ignorant in a time where globalization is an absolute necessity. Countries like China are booming b/c they drop their barriers of trade and open up to the market (another great example of how people suffer when the government has too much control). America developed into what it is today b/c we did the same thing internally in the past. Big gov ruins the free market.

I know we do and I'm telling you it's bullshit.

Well its not like you can't vote for who you want come election time. Why should a non party member have the ability to affect the vote of a party? That's bullshit.
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Well its not like you can't vote for who you want come election time. Why should a non party member have the ability to affect the vote of a party? That's bullshit.

Why are we seeing it as partys to begin with? If I agree with the views Clinton has, why can't I vote for her? Why am I letting others who are in a party decide for me and come election time I have to pick between the two they picked out? Are the people not in a party citizens of this country? It doesn't matter anyway, like I said before our votes don't count for shit anyway.
I wasnt trying to insult you but being lazy in education and being lazy in work have nothing to do with each other.

The main point I was trying to make is some people dont vote with their head except they vote with their wallet. Also I wasnt saying over taxation of the rich would solve all the problems.

Anyway we can go back and forth on the short comings of both candidates and our views of the world but that wont go anywhere and to be honest, the system is full of checks and balances so you just have to take the good with the bad, and there is plenty of good and bad in both Dem and Rep party.

Lastly if you felt insulted then something must have struck a chord, I didnt call you out or use strong language, you where vague on the whole school metaphor and I didnt know if you meant it about taxes rich vs poor or something altogether. I just personally didnt think that was a good analogy.

I am interested on your view of socialized medicine. Do you think there would be less advancement in medicine if it where free to citizens? One would argue that socialized medicine would me less money for doctors and such thus giving them less incentive for innovation also there would be a large influx of doctors who would not be as skilled as they once where when there was money to be made. I am for socialized medicine becuase health care from a bad doctor is better then none at all, I have health insurance but I realize the vast majority dont. In England they have socialized medicine of course but there are plenty of "private clinics" where people with money can go to get better care. I dont know if the care is that much better or the fact that they pay for it makes them feel better, I have no Idea.

Oh one last thing. I just wrote what I did very quickly and haphazardly, I am at work and dont have time to argue every point, besides I like to talk politics not argue politics. I like to hear other peoples ideas becuase I know not all of mine are right, I will change my stance on things if the argument is good enough.
whats the point of voting for someone just because you think they are going to win?

I vote on principal not on wither they can win or not. Having to pick between the lesser of two evils means you're still picking evil.

I'm sorry, but why would anyone want to join a political group. Aren't we all individuals, vote for a candidate because you truly agree with his views, not because he was elected by a party. Like Chris Rock said once "there's some shit I'm conservative about, and there's some shit I'm liberal about". I hate how most of this country's voters stand by their party like it was some type of brand loyalism. Sometimes I feel like these elections are useless, the popular vote doesn't count for shit anyway, it's the electoral college that decides. What type of system is this? Are we stuck in the 19th century?

if you were as well-read as you're trying to sound, you'd realize that conservative politicians also sometimes take liberal stances on subjects, and vice versa. and the electoral college is made up of popularly elected's not like mccain pays a bunch of people to vote for him, and obama does the same.
I hate when people argue over politics when they don't know what they are tlaking about, not saying I do cuz I don't so I just stay out of it, but some people think they can watch The Daily Show and think they know what they need to know about politics

but there is one show on Comedy Central that I feel had it right and most can agree

No matter what you will either be voting for a giant douche or a turd sandwich lol
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