Vote for John McCain!!

and fyi havent you guys figured out by now...tonymac owns these threads...why even compete?!
Good Read, the Dems are socialists border line communists.

During Michelle Obama's DNC speech she stated the following: 'The world as it is' and 'The world as it should be.' This is straight from Saul Alinsky's book 'Rules for Radicals.' Who is Alinsky?, Google him. She continues: 'All of us driven by a simple belief that the world as it is just won't do and that we have an obligation to fight for the world as it should be.' Mrs. Obama chose not to credit America, its founders, Constitutional framers, our troops, free trade, capitalism, or democracy. She could not speak to what she is not proud of, rather she chose to quote Alinsky. She paints America is a failed concept and 'Barack is here to fix our souls.' That is the thread that connects our hearts. That is the thread that runs through my journey and Barack's journey...'

Obama follows the teachings of the guru of left wing activism, Saul Alinksy. From 'The American Thinker: 'Obama had just graduated college looking for work. White leftists were looking for someone to recruit on the south side of Chicago. Obama was hired as a community organizer for the Developing Communities Project of the Calumet Community Religious Conference, built on Alinsky's model of community agitation, wherein paid organizers learned to 'rub raw the sores of discontent.' An Obama mentor states: 'He was a natural, the undisputed master of agitation, who could engage a room full of recruiting targets in a rapid-fire Socratic dialogue, nudging them to admit that they were not living up to their own standards. Obama could be aggressive and confrontational. He probed with personal questions pinpointing the source of pain in their lives, tearing down their egos, just enough before dangling a carrot of hope that they could make things better.' Obama's job as the agitator, according to Alinsky, was first to 'bring folks to the 'realization' that they are indeed miserable, that their misery is the fault of unresponsive governments or greedy corporations, then help them to bond together to demand what they deserve, and to make such an almighty stink that the dastardly governments and corporations will see imminent 'self-interest' in granting whatever it is that will cause the harassment to cease.' This method is labeled 'community organizing,' A confirmed atheist, Alinsky believed that the here and now is all there is, therefore had no qualms about assorted versions of morality in the pursuit of worldly power. He didn't coddle his radical acolytes or encourage their bourgeois distinctions between good and evil when it came to transferring power from the Haves to the Have Nots. Alinsky saw the already formed church communities as being the perfect springboards for agitation and creating bonds for demanding goods and services. Alinsky's 'community organizing' model lead Obama to join Rev. Wright's congregation and subsequently lead him to Father Michael Pfleger, Rev. Meeks and Louis Farrakhan.

It's what you take it for, nothing more.

p.s its not fake, its on the internet. lmao rofl lol
Voting for Mccain is just the same as leaving Bush in office their both oil men and Bush is the reason y the economy is going to shit my vote is on Obama. you guys joke around about voting for your self and other crap and that's the reason y nothing changes then everyone complains about the government but guess what you put them there by not taking it seriously.
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lmao didnt see that one if i could i would vote for obama he has much better plans but mccain is looking pretty good did you know back when he was in the army his plane exploded with him in it on a ship one of the plane had a wiring prob and shot a missle right at mccain jet and blew the missle blew he jumped out then the whole plain blew like 7 sec i think after he got out but yeah i would still vote for obama i think mccain wants to do a draft and he thinks health insurance for the elderly is stupid

longest run on sentence ever...

Staying on topic....Im voting Obama.
Voting for Mccain is just the same as leaving Bush in office their both oil men and Bush is the reason y the economy is going to shit my vote is on Obama. you guys joke around about voting for your self and other crap and that's the reason y nothing changes then everyone complains about the government but guess what you put them there by not taking it seriously.

Media garbage (but I agree with what you're saying about voting).

The economy works cyclically, constantly going in cycles of up and down - free market or socialist market, it will never be 100% consistent. The economy was on a down turn following the Clinton administration and the implosion of the technology boom. How soon we all forget investors losing millions and multi-billion dollar corporations beginning to close left and right - people were freaking out towards the end of the Clinton administration. Investors became sketchy and stock prices were falling. 9/11 was HUGE blow to our country's economic state. Something none of us foresaw (conspiracy theorists, go take a walk) and nobody was prepared for. And as we all know, wars cost money. This is not even to mention the housing market which has been ruined by mortgage brokers over-valuing homes. It was a bubble waiting to burst and a slowed state of growth did just that. Bush has been doing whatever he can to stimulate the economy. And lets not forget what happened in 2006 - Democrats took control of congress and the shit really started hitting the fan.

What I can almost guarantee is that the next decade will be an era of large growth whether Obama or McCain gets elected. Reason? The war in Iraq is nearing an end and as difficult as it is to realize, "the surge worked." What this means (for us, economically) is that now our "investment" will begin to pay off. Not only that, the dollar value is increasing but the Fed promises that interest rates will remain high. This should restore faith in foreign investors and invite even more investment. And like I said, the economy works cyclically.

Anyway don't draw conclusions from what you hear on the news. They're all too afraid of sounding in favor of the other party that they become ignorantly partisan.

housing market which has been ruined by mortgage brokers over-valuing homes
Sure the mortgage brokers were apart of the housing crash but for the most part it was the Realestate Sales people that actually jacked up the market value of the homes. I lived in Naples when the Ave Maria township was just an Idea and the house we had was a 3bd 2 bth on 2 acres for 265K. A year later the same as what the house we were living in went for around 480K plus. That is just in a year. Whether it be oil specualtors or housing it just plain sucks.

I agree with what you said in regard to the economy on a cycle though. Good read.
^^^ LOL.

I'm going in the Marines and If McCain gets presidency idk what's gonna happen with me, may be in Iraq forever. I'm undecided on my vote.
Nah dude Russia is who you need to worry about. They're flexing their muscles and pushing buttons left and right.
Hmm. Maybe thats why they say we can go in the translation part of the Marines and learn Russian...
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