Vote for John McCain!!

Fuck that I'd rather keep what i earn and earn what I deserve. I get A's in school b/c I study. The guy with D's doesn't pass b/c he doesn't study. If my grades were redistributed to support joe failure, he'd pass and I'd be slightly above average. Not much incentive to give a damn. Socialism. *barf*
i guess theres alot of republican hate on here cuz they go by wat the media says... obama binbiden is a stupid chocie..combined they dont come close to the experince of john mccain. let alone that john mccains vp has more experince than obama LMAO. obama went into politics just 6years ago as senate and only served one year. forget about who has the better idea. experince should be the key here b/c whoever gonna serve offices has to deal with war,health,social security, economy in general etc...
seriously Mccain has sided with liberals on taxes and immigration and voted and co-authored bills that are NOT conservative and you go on about how hes gonna allow you to keep what you earn. Please.

Both candidates are going to move this country towards socialism either way. Just like Mr. "conservative" Bush has spent this country into the ground. It doesn't matter what Mccain says because hes just gonna continue the bullshit that bush did.

Not that I like Obama either. Hes just a smooth talking con man. But you have to hand it to him though he has the election in the bag.

Point is no matter who you vote for you are going to get socialism weither you like it or not. You say chuck and ron are dipshits because they stand up for traditional conservatism and you call yourself a republican?? wtf if you hate socialism so much but you frown on actual conservatism? what the hell do you want? So you're saying you are a neoconservative. Spending money is okay as long as its republican interests? If you are just sticking with the party leadership those guys are just liberals with a different name. Neoconservative's, fucking most liberals today are more conservative than them.

the difference between republicans and democrats today is what they want to spend money on. But current republicans spend just as much as democrats and they cut taxes so they spend more money they don't even have. I hate taxes but atleast the dems have the sense to raise revenue before they spend the money.
seriously Mccain has sided with liberals on taxes and immigration and voted and co-authored bills that are NOT conservative and you go on about how hes gonna allow you to keep what you earn. Please.

Both candidates are going to move this country towards socialism either way. Just like Mr. "conservative" Bush has spent this country into the ground. It doesn't matter what Mccain says because hes just gonna continue the bullshit that bush did.

Not that I like Obama either. Hes just a smooth talking con man. But you have to hand it to him though he has the election in the bag.

Point is no matter who you vote for you are going to get socialism weither you like it or not. You say chuck and ron are dipshits because they stand up for traditional conservatism and you call yourself a republican?? wtf if you hate socialism so much but you frown on actual conservatism? what the hell do you want? So you're saying you are a neoconservative. Spending money is okay as long as its republican interests? If you are just sticking with the party leadership those guys are just liberals with a different name. Neoconservative's, fucking most liberals today are more conservative than them.

the difference between republicans and democrats today is what they want to spend money on. But current republicans spend just as much as democrats and they cut taxes so they spend more money they don't even have. I hate taxes but atleast the dems have the sense to raise revenue before they spend the money.

An entirely "conservative" outlook on taxes would be a flat tax which I don't think is right either - so call my ideas liberal too. To an extent I totally understand and appreciate and modified flax. What liberals want is a movement towards Europe's way of life where you're getting taxed up to 60+ percent of your earnings. McCain does not want that. As for his stance on immigration, its more retarded then liberal. Some ideas are far left, others far right. I can only hope that he's been getting some good coaching in this department.

What your boys represent is not conservatism although that's obviously what they want people to believe - and many do. "Constitutionalism" or whatever new name they want to give themselves is just outlandish idealism in my book. You cannot run the country today on a verbatim translation of our founding fathers' ideals. We have a series of checks and balances for a reason. For their ideals to even come into effect would take far more than executive power. Which leads us to the BS you're spouting about bush and the state of the country/economy today. Pointing the finger at the executive power is simply retarded and you definitely know it. Spending was out of control but it was needed for the time. We are under attack and whether you want to accept it or not, more attacks would have ensued had precautionary measures not been taken. And to me Congress has more to do with the BS we face today than anything else.

McCain was nowhere close to being my ideal Republican party representative and I didn't vote for him in the primaries, but he's there now and he'll be the closest thing to a conservative on the ballet come November. I like many of your ideals Paul I really do but the conspiracy shit and hatred/paranoia for a (entirely manufactured) "neoconservative" agenda makes it impossible for me to ever take you seriously. By now Bush was supposed to have control of us and all our assets - we were to be in a police state - remember that shit you were so certain of? Yeah never happened. People are manufacturing fear and you buy into it. What is their agenda? That's what I can't ever make sense of.
no matter what any of us type tonymac will argue about it happens in any political thread
He probably made the most educated and correct statment out of any of the comments made in this thread.

to you but the problem i have is that no matter what anyone else says hes always right. I consider myself to be very well educated im only a semester away from my masters degree and i fallow politics very closley. Just so people dont get it twisted im not a democrat im a independent both party are corrupt but the republicans are just full of shit 200%. If you want to disagree with me i really care. Flame away :bigthumbu
no matter what any of us type tonymac will argue about it happens in any political thread

:( Sorry

It bugs me that you hate republicans though. Why?

to you but the problem i have is that no matter what anyone else says hes always right

I really don't but if i see misinformation (or skewed info) or conspiracy nonsense i will point it out.

but the republicans are just full of shit 200%. If you want to disagree with me i really care. Flame away :bigthumbu

I take that personally b/c I am a republican (registered anyway) and you're telling me that myself and my party is full of shit. Why?
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Im still going to vote for chuck because he is someone who fits my ideals and who I would want for president. Not just because he is leader of my party. (which I am a registered republican.)

Plus I more than understand that just because Ron or Chuck got elected doesn't mean all we want to happen is going to happen. Im not that naive. But there is never going to be any change if we keep electing the same old establishment pricks. I mean sure it will be very hard to only effect change through the executive branch only. But that is why we are also working to get true conservatives elected to the house and senate. So it isn't just ron voting by himself. Our effort isn't only the presidency it is a multi point strategy for taking the the party back to its roots.

not to say with certainty that it will work but it is in progress right now.

Yeah congress takes alot of the blame as well because they just rubber-stamped most everything the president wanted to do. Thankfully Mccain-finegold wasn't.

Also on the conspiracy note that Tony always brings up, I constantly look for new information on alot of subjects and I come up with alot of differing views. I currently have no solid belief in any of those things I have posted. I keep them in mind. I don't utterly dismiss them but then I don't utterly believe them. I keep things open trying to put puzzles together in my own head. Since I have personally seen no hard evidence either way on any of it. We may never have concrete answers to many of the things that have been brought up by me or others.

Truth is relative.
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^ Idk im not too aware on his positions, plus I heard he swears like a sailor and is a womanizer lol
I'm sorry, but why would anyone want to join a political group. Aren't we all individuals, vote for a candidate because you truly agree with his views, not because he was elected by a party. Like Chris Rock said once "there's some shit I'm conservative about, and there's some shit I'm liberal about". I hate how most of this country's voters stand by their party like it was some type of brand loyalism. Sometimes I feel like these elections are useless, the popular vote doesn't count for shit anyway, it's the electoral college that decides. What type of system is this? Are we stuck in the 19th century? I'm not voting for no one, Obama sucks, and McCain really sucks. It's like someone told me once "Rome didn't last forever", this country's going down the drain.
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