Ter-Tech presents a 2 Day Drift practise at a parking lot

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Ter-Tech has said it will be on the weekend of the 29th-30th. However they are waiting on the insurance company to give them the thumbs up for the event.
I heard on Friday from Ter-Tech that the insurance company asked for another 4 days for the answer.... something they supposibly had given the thumbs up for already (just not in paper). Getting it signed on paper is what's being the *****.
rwdrift said:
Address: 301 E. Dania Beach Blvd., Dania Beach, Florida 33004

I'm pretty sure thats the address, I got it from their website. www.dania-jai-alai.com
I hope that helps some people.

yes. i was just watching a few porshe track videos at this parking lot.

i'll get my car ready becuase its VERY close to me!!
its funny how i built a car but its spent so much time in the garage i han't been able to really put it to good use :D
so it this confirmed yet or what guys. gotta know so i can tell the p.o. i gotta go outa county
I spoke to Harri and he said that as soon as he had word from the insurance company he would post here and open up the pre-reg. I guess he has gotten no word from the insurance guys yet.
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