Ter-Tech NOPI Qualifier Feedback Thread

that is NOT the normal layout of the road course and was much slower entry than the normal one.

I am glad you feel the same Boxmod....the whole point of that course is the fast entry by the drag strip into the fast shicayne(if i spelled that correctly) then hit the manji at a better speed and finishing off with the final long sweeper....now thats how that course should be driven and I hope Nopi utilizes that entry for Round 1
man, i thought i wasnt gonna like the road course setup, so i went straight to the cart track, then i decided to try the road course, ended up liking it a lot, high speed as hell, soo fun to manji that fast. i really liked both courses, and went back and forth between them all night
Yea I thought it was alot of fun! If it would have started on time it would have been better for those who had to leave early. Yea that blue z was tearin it up! He was pushin it to the limit! I give him props for goin out there tho and trying it out, but i think he should have stuck to the kart track. Personally i liked that track better! overall it was fun and it made me regret selln my s13! now im lookin for another one!
Bahahahahah I knew I would get you with that I was just laying in wait for the right moment

moroso was pretty cool..i didnt like how the pros didnt start till like 8 but other than that i liked.. i liked that BMW dat went first, i thnk he stopd early tho.. then after, i saw those aeroK models at this club/bar thing in young circle..i thnk 1 of em thought i was stalking her lol ;/ darn..
To the people on the kart track who needed some pointers / help. I was in NYC over the weekend and had to miss the event. I promise the next event i will be there helping out as much as i can. Just ask and ill jump in your car. :) I have no problem teaching and helping out the new guys. I always do it @ every event anyways.
adv course was ridiculously hard manji and props to those who were out there trying/running it all night. fastest i clocked on the road course monaji was 70, but i dont recall who im sorry. most where only around 63 or under- but this was during practice (where people did link it/ close to it).

I do recall Estie hitting 68mph during practice (props). Faaast manji shits yo.
^Its not that the manji was super fast, but it was on like a 2 lane road with a wall next to it. Usually a 70mph manji on a 2 lane road is a bad idea. At least there were cones instead of tire bundles.
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