Ter-Tech NOPI Qualifier Feedback Thread

Going to do somthing dumb and post my feedback without reading the rest of this thread, ill read it all later.
I had a great time overall. I really really really enjoyed the kart track it was absolutely amazing.

Now for the problems that were irritating me all night.
Didn't get to lay rubber on track till 8:12 gates open at 4 right? I know that was out of Ter-Techs control but still...
Second: Too many advanced drivers on the beginner coarse. I thought beginners who tore it up would get bumped to advanced coarse, I didn't see this happen, and advanced drivers kept coming over to the kart track, cutting my seat time down. I was finally starting to learn a lot then the line got longer and longer
third: We were told we would have people helping us out on the beginner coarse helping us learn and fix our mistake... I saw Jason 1 time, and no one the rest of the night, except for Bill, who just kept taking laps in random cars.
fourth: whats up with the primered car and bill taking laps as the please?
fifth: I thought the event was going to go untill 2am? We were kicked off the kart track at 1:15am so I ended up with a total of 5 hours of driveable time after drivers meeting and finding a parking spot.

Like I said I really enjoyed to kart track, very technical and tough for someone whos only done one other event. I did manage to get in a decent amount of runs, but right as I was finally starting to figure it all out, we got kicked out.
Thanks to Harry and everyone from Ter-Tech for getting this event together, I know how hard it is to plan an event and get it going. But without comments and feedback how can anyone make anything better..

My suggestion, Kart track is huge, run 1 half for the advanced, and a smaller portion at the other end or side, for the beginners, Advanced drivers kept talking about how much road coarse sucked and that kart track was funner.
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i fucken loved the redicoules lay out on the road course it was supper rugged and i would love to run it again just with the lights faceing in the oposite direction....

big ups to ter-tech and i guess nopi,,,
big ups to my brother estie for pulling it off n geting a provisnal
and big ups to ryan , for pulling sick runs in a tiny miatatatatata...
big ups to all

ad\nd that kart track was fucken awsome left foot break the whole thing with 230+hp lol i did raffi did chealse did more should try i know a few did

and when you run a quilyfyer some thing like delays are going to happen also big ups to chris jackson for getin bumped to advanced but the speed difrence was way to chalangeing for you lolol and for a few other drives who started beginer and ended trying the road course only once like punks
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Awesome event! I wish my car was running good enough to go to the road course. I had a lot of problems with some electrical issues, but i still had fun on the kart track trying to tune my car with my SAFC that kept shutting off and on in 2nd gear. Big thanks to harri and he knows why. Congrats to Aero K and Ryan for getting his license and also my nigga ST, happy birthday brutha. Thanks to everyone who bought a shirt from Aero k and supported us. Thanks to Octane for the interview. Overall it was a great event.
Thanks pablo yea honestly I got outta my comfort zone a bit, I had 1 good run on the road course but I have never been sideways that fast before.
MAAAN i was so concentrated on what i was going to do THAT I DIDNT GET TO SEE ANYONE'S RUNS!!! i missed all the good shit and ontop i drove like shit lol....

where are those videos?!

Thanks for the event, i enjoyed it. the track could've been better but i guess that separated the big cojones from the rest of us. Kart track gets my full applauses!

I loved the Kart track way way more fun than the skid pad, I really needed work on my transitions and by the end of the night I felt waaay more comfortable with switch backs in the bimmer.

I didnt like when they moved the line up really close to the turn as I need speed to break the rear of my car loose predictably since for some reason my diff only seems to lock up good in 2nd gear (yeah I know WTF?) Plus I was having fun practicing early entries into the first turn before they moved the line I mean I hit it like 3 times and then they moved the line which was weak I don't think that helped anyone really improve.

Plus it is a crime we couldnt do those last 3 corners those were so much fun I hit them once and they yelled at me but damn they were fun.

Thanks to everyone for the support and positive outlook.

Thanks Harri for always overestimating my skill level makes me feel really cool :)

when ever we have a day event I will run the road course lol

But over all I had a blast
My main gripe was I showed up at 3:30 to meet up with Harri and OctaneTV but I didn't see any drifting til almost 5 hours later. I'm not making that mistake again. I think things ran pretty smoothly. It was kind of chaotic with the drags and the karting people being there, and Moroso is so large it's hard to be at all places at once, but in a way that's a good thing. I was also getting frustrated with all the delays on the road course because I was standing out there getting chewed up by bugs and barely getting any photos, but it really is a good thing that they have such a good safety crew out there and that things are taken care of properly when people go off the course. I swear I saw 4 people spin back to back to back to back on the road course; it was a gnarly course and I give props to everyone that was killing it out there (especially Juan who was absolutely flying through the manji and the last corner).
By the way, the only reason I keep coming to events is to one day see Ralph pull up in the Miata and start drifting again :laugh:
Next time needs to be Skid pad for beginners Kart track with the double S turn included for people who wanna drift that and think there better then the Skid pad and the Road course for the better people duh. I remember Harri saying this

we will run the event till all the drivers are out of tires so dont worry about track time. the worst case senario is that the beginners will hit the track at 7PM whish is after all the tech, class room and all the other haslles etc............ now that is just the beginners advanced we will try to get out between 5-6 pm depending how quickly they show up and how fast we can get all teh tech etc... done.
Also I'll be sending some of the beginners to the advanced course thru out the night so this will give more driving time to the beginners, If need be we will extend the event hours.

Alot of people had tires left and the event ended at 1 also before it was sospose too and wasn't even pushed longer. Why i say we do the skidpad kart track and road course on a night theres no one there that would be THE BEST.
ok event, the late start did suck. i wanted to stab the gate people who were letting 298047098413 spectators in the back before me+trailer+bretts drift car.

kart track was hard because u had to be on throttle more than you'd think but still control your speed.

adv course was ridiculously hard manji and props to those who were out there trying/running it all night. fastest i clocked on the road course monaji was 70, but i dont recall who im sorry. most where only around 63 or under- but this was during practice (where people did link it/ close to it).

i was at kart track for first hour and barely get anyone wanting help so i decide to go watch the road course to see what we are looking for later.... about 40min later i finally get there. walking back and forth was not an option so I spent some time there, went to go back to kart track later and was called back to road course. the distance between the two areas is so massive kinda sucks for helping out both areas.
Make it more interesting meaning that at some points you have the crowd alive and at some points there dead and they start to leave. You need to come with a new format on how the drivers will come out, I do understand that it takes time because you need to change the tires and accidents may happen. But overall I think it was good seeing as long as I see drifting I'm happy.

Kart track was a bit fun but hard for a turbo car that couldn't get into boost.
The last corner were we shut down could have been used much more and you have that many more spin out points, which takes longer for people sitting in line.
Got to run on the road course twice, wasn't prepared at all and realized its not the monster everyone makes it out to be, but I'm sure needs to be respected.

Overall I'm a bit sour, b/c off starting late and ending early.

But when the next one? maybe some daytime action?
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