*READ HERE!* 240sx thief caught on camera

I go to school with him. Alot of you are making him seem like some big time car thief. That kid bought his 240 just the way you see it. The only things he installed was maybe an alarm and replaced the clutch? LOl.. anyways alot of people in school made fun of him because he didnt know shit about cars and he would brag about his 240 but he didnt really build it shit. I would say that 97% of his car parts came with the car when the owner had it. So stop making that kid look like some big time car thief that jacked every little thing his car has and is responsible for stealing cars (as a whole) lol that kid doesn't know how to do that shit. Consider him more of a noob thief lol.

My 2cents.

Edit: That arm kid looks like that dude from star trek the really fucking ugly one lol.

fuck u ure a bitch so is your faggot ass friend tryna be slick stealing shit and staying in kendall fuck both of you your lucky majority of da ppl on here wouldnt do shit to u on da street lucky it wasnt my car. this guy is still walkin around chillin u ppl that got your shit stolen our PUSSIES real talk no one takes from me
Wow i actually have seen all of those names josesanluis, que pinga and joker305. What a fucking fool it will catch up to him in the long run.

josesanluis is not joker305. i know the dude sucks that he still considers him a friend, so fuck him!

btw i thought joker305 was bad.... look at this dude


basically owes a shop 16k for a car that he wanted built and doesn't pay the shop owner and made numerous attempts to take it. Must be one of Joker305's relatives :laugh:
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^^^We're gonna get you biiitch!

shutup bish! ima steal yo rx-7

i wish they would have stold from me man ppl piss me off and it isnt even the thieves that piss me off

thieves will be thieves

letting ppl take your shit knowing who they are THAT SOME BITCH SHIT they deserve to keep your shit it apparently means nothin to u women
Wow are you a fucking moron? First of all my name is Alex. I drive a red gs300 on 20's. Josesanluis would vouch for me and none the less my cousin is little luis the one who now has a blue is300. so stfu and go eat shit.

yea it was a lil uncalled for i dont know who u are ma bad

but either way fuck that guy
damn, been called out...

didnt this guy take your shit and u just been crying the whole time in this thread???

Yes. Lol ill prob be seeing that kid in the halls on monday when school begins.

fucking incredible i stay right around kendall and i aint feelin a thief in my area and what i can take even more is that these pussies who got jacked havent done shit about it

thieves beware if ure caught fucking with the coupe I WILL PUT A FUCKING HOLE IN YOUR CHEST

sum guy tried opening the door to my coupe bout a month ago at 3am. he got away :mad:

so next day i put this in da crib

mosberg 12guage

only mine comes with a removable arm stock not seen here

real talk NO ONE steals from me
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turn his ass into autopro call them up after school and keep an eye on them I'm sure they'll compensate with something I dunno

I'm surprised the shop wants to keep it "Personal" I woulda called the cops asap he's 17 though so it don't matter but still make it known
ive been reading this thread and noticed. that ALOT OF THE contributors who arent orange. have just recently joined like less then a week ago.

i say. the kid or kids are scared and they are getting their family and friends involved to try and straighten things out.

dont matter to me. thieves will never be respected here EVER. where is that kid. he should own up. if someone can track someone down as well as this thread has. man.. id hate to envict the wrath of the drifting community.

i think autopro might want to whoop those kids asses for stealing their shit. maybe someone should kidnap them and hand deliever them to autopro.
didnt this guy take your shit and u just been crying the whole time in this thread???

haha naw bro, i just want his works

i stay in kendall too. Anyways alot of you guys That zach kid even said he might of been the one who stole his shit but the zach kid lives in fucking boca. Now who the fuck will drive to boca to steal something lol.

i didn't say if stole from me...
context clues...3rd grade skill
i said he has my works meaning i want them

eye for an eye
ill steal his rims
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I SAW HIM TODAY IN HIS CAR!!! LMAO i was driving my moms car and i look next to me and there he is driving the s14 . hes missing the front lights lol
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