Off to Japan.......

few more pictures from last night over at Driving Sports....I really got to know Driving Sports Staff last night and we all got pretty drunk....I will have more pictures tomorrow, it is 10pm here and i am about to go out for a few drinks at a local Izakaya...Japanese Pub....also on a hunt for some poom poom:D

** was very very cold last night so some pictures because of my hands shaking came out with bad apologies

1. Pictures of inside Driving Sports Shop...this is where the magic happens...Kawabata san, Shinji, and Masa do all the tuning, build ups, paint, body, etc.....Awesome guys Shinji and Masa



2. Driving Sports S15 and S14 whom Kawabata san pilots






3. more cars in shop


4. I met Eri last night...she is Driving Sports Pet...haha that is what Kawabata san calls her, she is very cute and very friendly and she races time attack and learning how to drift...but crashed her S14 at Bihoku Circuit few months back





5. This is when we got drunk...from 8pm till 11pm we killed about 36beers....and these guys are serious we had a blast, Eri really really got drunk and uhmm...figure the rest out...haha:p




Okay guys, I am out...Stephen is downstairs waiting so i gotta go....till tomorrow friends!!!:bigthumbu

This should be in NWS!!!!!!!!! Buddy!!!!!!!:laugh::laugh:

But I'm glad your having fun. I hope you understand now what I was telling you about. You will never understand Japan until you're there.:bigthumbu

This should be in NWS!!!!!!!!! Buddy!!!!!!!:laugh::laugh:

But I'm glad your having fun. I hope you understand now what I was telling you about. You will never understand Japan until you're there.:bigthumbu

hahaha...why NWS?? no skin showing, just a cute lil butt in pantyhose...but you were right about Japan, people are so generous and kind and very well mannered unlike the states...sorry guys but mean no harm in saying that at all

What wheels are on Kawabata's s15?

oh uhmm, i will ask tomorrow or take a closer much to look at I really didn't concentrate on his wheels much...just happy to see everything in person
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^^/^^^^^ who cares! his in japan! i would make fking sings if i had to!!!!
but on the real. am guessing that other white guy that was there could help them out. or the office lady know some since she has to answer calls from here and stuff! raffi take one of k-sans tags and bring it to me!!! :bigthumbu
haha nice.

zomg dude... what shop is that holy shit. also bring me a r32... haha... wait wheres the old school nismo shit. hehe
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so i gotta know does raffi speak japanese? Or they speak english? Or they are just making it work?

I study on plane while waiting 17hours to get here. it is a great language and very few words gets you around, no translator. although, stephen from skay, ltd. is from new zeland and speaks fluent english so he helps out if needed

haha nice.

zomg dude... what shop is that holy shit. also bring me a r32... haha... wait wheres the old school nismo shit. hehe

lol.....the shop i am working at for the two weeks stay is Driving Sports Pro. The RYO R32 widebody is for sale, so if interested i can bring back as track car only, $20,000 US plus shipping

Well, just post up pics or vids of when you hit up the mountain passes :D.

will do, you know i am good for it!
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Hey guys.....Genki Desuka?? everyone doing well i hope!!

Well today's plans are until 12pm will work over at DS Pro, have a few requests to source out and do pricing for and then whole staff go to lunch. After lunch, Kawabata san will be taking me to his treasure location. Local japanese junk yard. I am very excited to see what this country has in their junk yards. Tonights plans are to hit up mountain passes in Tsuyama city and check out their local meets. Will have camera with so will take butt loads of pics.

1. Good surprise today, when i arrived at driving sports this morning, D1 Gran Prix judge, Kamimoto is at the shop waiting for us to arrive. i met him personally and very cool guy. Check out his ride too....can you say pimpin since pimpin since pimpin....hahaha





2. The japanese like driving small compact mini vans and they are all over. i guess if you see the roads here in tsuyama city, it is so narraow people pull over so you can pass...and its all one way roads meaning each lane in one road for people to share....will take more later from city


3. Some of you were asking what wheels are on K-san's S15 so here it is


4. Shinji and Masa at work at DS garage....these guys are awesome. and you should see their skills...amazing


That is all for now, have a few paperwork to do, then off to lunch. see you kids later!!!!
That Soarer is pimpin since pimpin since pimpin!!!

Wow dude you must be really having a fantastic time. hope you dont forget to check out some T25's and T28's.!!!!
^^ lol J ROK, i just got back from tsuyama's only junkyard here and to be honest...and im going to regret saying this, I didn't see one 180sx, nor S13, nor S14....i did see 1 FC, 1 Hachi which was completely strip to nothing and 2 4 door R32 skylines non turbo. Oh and a R33 4 door non turbo. Everything else was either vans, pickup trucks or really nice VIP style sedans but beat to shit. I guess it wasn't my luck today. I was dissappointed
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