Off to Japan.......

Well...its 12am, i am kinda drunk and have 4 hours left before getting ready to hed to the airport.....I will try to post on a constant basis with pictures and descriptions of evrything. I see you all later

^^ lol

well i dropped the bastard off to the airport this morning... i cant believe that jackass is on the plane to go to japan, and im stuck here in the gay ass state... god i hate my life right now!!!
^^ lol

well i dropped the bastard off to the airport this morning... i cant believe that jackass is on the plane to go to japan, and im stuck here in the gay ass state... god i hate my life right now!!!

Let me know if you want me to go over there and kick your ass for you!!!!!!:laugh:
lol.... i was thinking of that, but then again, 17hours in there, i might as well kill myself.
there are plenty of cubans around you, they can consult on raft building techniques
LMAO yo piner ur an ass lol.. im cuban but aint gunna take it personally lol get them jokes every day..
Genki desuka friends......i am in japanland and oh my god.....this place is really a dream. i really do not know if i am awake yet or dreaming or really here but anyway, its awesome!!! First night checked in hotel that Driving Sports made for me, and then we had dinner. Jet lag is a bitch, but hey i am not complaining. this morning i woke up to a snow storm and its pretty damn cold here...and again no complaints cause FL sucks donkey balls compared to here. I am uploading photos of day 1 and day 2 so far. i will keep you posted soon when it finished. Took over 200 pics since yesterday

Stay Tuned
aw raffi I miss you. i was at your house today, hanging with shant, and phil.. <3

it was fun. Cant wait till you come back, But have fun and i cant wait to see your pics !!!
aw raffi I miss you. i was at your house today, hanging with shant, and phil.. <3

it was fun. Cant wait till you come back, But have fun and i cant wait to see your pics !!!

awww thank you Meg, i willpost as soon as it is finished, miss ya too!!!

yo im on and waiting to see those pics dude!

lol....anxious huh....its almost done:bigthumbu

okay friends, here is the first set of pics...and again, i will try to do this daily with descriptions; enjoy:D

1. Taking a look at the passengers behind once boarded plane in miami, i had an old man sit next to me from miami to detroit and the entire way that ass snored like a horny pig

2. A few shots of miami international airport from inside the plane


hahaha looks like a big dildo.....enjoy chicas:p

3. After take off, few aerial shots of miami beach and miami



4. Arriving into detroit, an aerial shot, can you spot snow....i can i think :D

5. inside detroits big, i had to take a train inside airport to make to my next gate for departure to osaka

6. uhmmm just a shot of osaka on the boards

7. weather was so so in detroit....and cold too, but nice, a shot of the 747 wing, this thing was enormous and a shot leaving detroit



8. NWA flight took us past canada into alaska and here are some aerial shots of some beautiful mountains covered with snow






9. Flying over tokyo.....headed to osaka kansai intl airport


10. Arriving into osaka city....aerial beautiful





uploading video of the plane landing into osaka kansai back soon, enjoy pics for now, more to come shortly.......sick cars:bigthumbu
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