Off to Japan.......

Bring me back a small model car or something =D, anything from Japan is sweeeeet. I'll pay you back. XD
i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate youuuuuuuuu

seriously.... wtf

yeah what happened with you...what went wrong that you couldnt go?.
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wow!!! I cant wait to see some SUPERMADE stuff and WORKS9.

Well have fun and post some pics when you get back.
yeah what happened with you...what went wrong that you couldnt go?.

fucken papers man, my passport aint coming in time.... i cant believe im not going, u dont even know pissed i am, but then again, i want these products as soon as possible so i have no other choice...

its bullshit mannn
take me if you cant take your brother.. haha... i kid i kid...( but not really) if you can get me anything old school nismo shit i would.... give you money for it... i will paypal you while you where over there. like i really want and old school nismo


old school baby... i want my car to have all old school gages and shit... god your so lucky... good luck and be safe.... raffi san
^Too bad you couldn't go shant, that sucks.

bring a bottle of Pocati Sweat!!!!

Have fun man and take lots of pics. Can't wait to work with you guys upon your arrival.
fucken papers man, my passport aint coming in time.... i cant believe im not going, u dont even know pissed i am, but then again, i want these products as soon as possible so i have no other choice...

its bullshit mannn

well the way you guys are growing im sure there will lots of other times :bigthumbu
bring back lots of free brochures

I will do my best, I don't knwo how much free time i will have considering i will be working over at Driving Sports mainly, but i will be getting on the bullet trains to travel around , so i will gather as much as possible, plus it would be nice to have some over at our new Aero K Facility

o yea please^^^^ and nomukens not big he fits perfectly in a suitcase

:laugh::laugh:I don't know how i can manage that, but i guess i can knock him out, stuff him in the suitcase and hope not to get arrested!

Bring me back a small model car or something =D, anything from Japan is sweeeeet. I'll pay you back. XD

I am going over their with a good amount of money, so i will be bringing back alot of small JDM, i will keep posted while over their with stuff i get, then everyone can call dibs on it and send me paypal payments so its reserved!:bigthumbu

wow!!! I cant wait to see some SUPERMADE stuff and WORKS9.
Well have fun and post some pics when you get back.

YEs sirrrr!!! actually, our works9 order is huge so keep a look out!

Devil Man
take me if you cant take your brother.. haha... i kid i kid...( but not really) if you can get me anything old school nismo shit i would.... give you money for it... i will paypal you while you where over there. like i really want and old school nismo


old school baby... i want my car to have all old school gages and shit... god your so lucky... good luck and be safe.... raffi san

I will be visiting Up Garage so i believe i may be able to find what you are looking for!


bring a bottle of Pocati Sweat!!!!

Have fun man and take lots of pics. Can't wait to work with you guys upon your arrival.

What is Pocati Sweat??? Looking forward in working in as well man!!!
trueno kouki corners lmk lol

I will do my best MAnny, you will let you know while over there!

ZOMG....i would make sweet love to you.....oh god now all i can think of is old school nismo shit.....

listen, if i find it, just pay me I don't want to make sweet love with a man, now if you were a chic, it be a totally different situation....:laugh:
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I will do my best MAnny, you will let you know while over there!

listen, if i find it, just pay me I don't want to make sweet love with a man, now if you were a chic, it be a totally different situation....:laugh:

i could probly find a chic....... * yelling..... ANNA where the hell are you... haha... i need you to rub something out... bwhahahaha
mmm.... how do you feel about....i dont know i will have to do some more feild work... see what i can catch over here haha.
shant and his criminal records.. LOL, j/p (if its about your passport i hear that a place in weston gets it done for you in 2 days)

yo, everybody is telling you to take pictures... but you probaly dont understand the meaning of EVERYTHING... like if you dont have a camera in your hand or pocket 24/7 ... then your BANNED!!!!! take picts at Narita(or which ever airport)

***which reminds of of customs***

yeh, so GET THEM PICTS......

..picts when your on the street (for the lov of everything buddha... dont EVER go outside without a camera)

...Picts of what you eat (you gotta try the Japanese beef bowl is called gyudon from Yoshinoya or any other noodle shop, and try the white mayo topping too / Oh and Pocky Sticks )

...picts of where you sleep... (and yes the chicks in the bed too)

...picts of wangan, yokohama bay bridge, and maby the golden turd for SnG's...

...picts of you working at the shop...

...picts of you breathing.. damm just EVERYTHING!!!!1111!1!!!1

and as for the list of things that everybody wants... i complied a request list that can make it easier for you to track..
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shant and his criminal records.. LOL, j/p (if its about your passport i hear that a place in weston gets it done for you in 2 days)

you hear that raffi, u impatient bastard.....

jp i need my accually birth certificate to get my passport and thats in cananda with no one there to get it, i have to wait a month so i can have family get it and send it over my way....
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