Need Help With The Law Asap

my bonds lady told me that having a stolen license and haveing a suspended license is two diffrent things and if they gave me back my license wouldnt the case drop anyways cuz they have no prof of such thing

they are suppose to keep your license when you get caught with a suspended license if they were doing their job right
you gotta plead not guiilty for them to drop it.. no contest or guilty they will pwn you regardless what you try to explain, just dont waive your right to a trial if you are innocent! i made that mistake with a reckless driving ticket pleading no contest and they got me good even though I had photo evidence proving that shit on the ticket was made up!
the reason that is saving us from this is the fact that they dont know what to do with what was already done and all those motors that where imported already, i saw a file that showed the money they made in 2008 taxing containers that came in throu tampa and jacksonvile ports, it also showed the NON claimed containers..... the ones people had shipped and dont have money to take out....... in jacksonville there are 46 containers full of motors that no one has claimed and no one wants and they cant touch, tats costing the state money to store them, that is also creating problems because some stupid politician bitch thinks that we dont buy motors because we are getting ECO freindly now ...... i wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up..... also there is a senater thats nick hogans uncle .. that guy fights and i mean he screams defending our scene, and the posibility to modify our cars as we please ..... we do have a right .....
every day this country is turning into democratic-comunism .... land of the free you cant do shit..... seriosly.... i work there and i see the bull shit, we cant fly on airplanes we cant drink we cant stay out we cant do shit..... there are laws for everything and everyone wants to sue somebody over the most fucked up things.......... did you guys know that some dumb fuck wanted to sue GOD..... seriously.... they filed all the papers and every thing 70 bucks paid and filed..... wanting to sue god .... fuck they should shot him..... fucked up people
i have all the papers and i should have my license reinstated by then so if they say i was in possession of a stolen license they have no prof and if it was my suspended license i will have it
the reason that is saving us from this is the fact that they dont know what to do with what was already done and all those motors that where imported already, i saw a file that showed the money they made in 2008 taxing containers that came in throu tampa and jacksonvile ports, it also showed the NON claimed containers..... the ones people had shipped and dont have money to take out....... in jacksonville there are 46 containers full of motors that no one has claimed and no one wants and they cant touch, tats costing the state money to store them, that is also creating problems because some stupid politician bitch thinks that we dont buy motors because we are getting ECO freindly now ...... i wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up..... also there is a senater thats nick hogans uncle .. that guy fights and i mean he screams defending our scene, and the posibility to modify our cars as we please ..... we do have a right .....
every day this country is turning into democratic-comunism .... land of the free you cant do shit..... seriosly.... i work there and i see the bull shit, we cant fly on airplanes we cant drink we cant stay out we cant do shit..... there are laws for everything and everyone wants to sue somebody over the most fucked up things.......... did you guys know that some dumb fuck wanted to sue GOD..... seriously.... they filed all the papers and every thing 70 bucks paid and filed..... wanting to sue god .... fuck they should shot him..... fucked up people

lmao what did they wanna sue that guy for?
some nut job ...... i see them everytime i get called in
dont get your licence back untill you go to court
its just a waist of money, they will take it away, its a stolen licence becuase you where supposed to turn it in, if it was suspended and you get pulled over you go to jail , if you dont pay that fine and get pulled over again and have possesion of a licence that felony and you go to jail, then that becomes stolen licence, and if you get caught again thats 5 years no licence..... now you can request a HARDSHIP LICENCE this lets you drive to work and home .... thats it....... and you must declare work address and home address and you better be in between if pulled over , because thats jail time and probacion and depending on the county its 10 years no licence
you better go in there like your one of the brady kids, if you plead not guilty, you kinda will screw yourself because you did admit to the cop that you knew of the suspended licence..... i doesnt make sence to me the 6k you had of bond..... there is something more to it than just suspended licence and non paid tickets... i understand you might not want to put everything out there for everyone to see ... but i am thinking ... do the jail time wich might be 6-8 month and a couple of years probation, but you come out witha licence and some debt
Damn bro, sorry to hear about your run in with the law. Just like everyones been saying, get a GOOD lawyer even tho its gonna be expensive. And just for future reference for everyone, IF you ever get pulled over and you have a suspended liscense, DO NOT admit to it or acknowledge that you even know about it, just say "oh really, I didnt even know officer" and youll have a better chance of going home. But goodluck on your case. Hope you beat it!
well i cant get my car out till i get my drivers license reinstated and i have about 2 tickets plus the 4 they gave me the day they took my car plus i have to get insurance back on the car and a new tag ....after all is done i could get my car out.... which i would rather just pay my tickets get my license get my income tax look for a shell for sale here buy it get the motor i was building finish it up quick and drop it in... other then that ill spend my whole income tax in taking that car out the tow yard cuz its going to take a week atleast

pluse i just spent 600 on my bond so thats less money i have to get all this shit taken care of...

damn man i feel for u, when i fuck my lic. and got my car taken. i took it as a very expensive lesson.
i hope everything work out for.
well just called the tow yard its $201 so far @21.40 a day so its not too bad i guess... and im wroking on getting my license cuz thats the only way there gona drop the ticket cuz i had a suspended license ive gotten this ticket before just never accused of having a stolen license but if everything works out they drop it too... other then that just sit and wait till court and hopefully i could get my car out without a tag just towing ima check it out tomorrow i seriously dont want to pay more then what i paid to buy the car in the first place lol... :cool:
well just called the tow yard its $201 so far @21.40 a day so its not too bad i guess... and im wroking on getting my license cuz thats the only way there gona drop the ticket cuz i had a suspended license ive gotten this ticket before just never accused of having a stolen license but if everything works out they drop it too... other then that just sit and wait till court and hopefully i could get my car out without a tag just towing ima check it out tomorrow i seriously dont want to pay more then what i paid to buy the car in the first place lol... :cool:

if it was on sunday then why is it $201?? hopefully they didnt fuck her up and take shit off of her,if anything want me to buy it?
if it was on sunday then why is it $201?? hopefully they didnt fuck her up and take shit off of her,if anything want me to buy it?

no guy lol its my car and ima take it out paint the bish and drift it to a wall at the next big track :D
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