Need Help With The Law Asap

u fucked urself.... u shouldnt have told them u knew your license was suspended....thats the reason u went to jail... if u wouldve said u didnt know then u wouldve gotten a ticket for driving on a suspended w/o knowledge.... when u tell them u know u go to jail for driving on a suspnded with knowledge, and since they know u knew they fucked u with the stolen property because knowing ur license is suspended ur suppossed to surrender ur license itself

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the thing is that i had already gotten a ticket for driving with my license suspende last month so he would of checked and known that i was bullshitting one thing i learned is tell the turth when you have to and he approched me saying that so he know i would of been bullshitting ..besides it is what is is and i just have to put up with the bullshit im going threw now and just not fuck up anymore
the thing is that i had already gotten a ticket for driving with my license suspende last month so he would of checked and known that i was bullshitting one thing i learned is tell the turth when you have to and he approched me saying that so he know i would of been bullshitting ..besides it is what is is and i just have to put up with the bullshit im going threw now and just not fuck up anymore

yea no more fuck ups
no guy lol its my car and ima take it out paint the bish and drift it to a wall at the next big track :D

i know your not going to sell it for $210 lol, i meant why was the storage fee at $201? and make sure im in the passenger seat riding along holding your hand
i know your not going to sell it for $210 lol, i meant why was the storage fee at $201? and make sure im in the passenger seat riding along holding your hand

lol dono i guess thats like starting price or somewhere along that line then the two days added up to 210... and you my friend will be next to me while i do it holding my hand :D all homo
wow dude, sounds like they really got you by the balls, dude next time the cops stop u for anything, and i mean ANYTHING, like they say in spanish , HASTE EL ESTUPIDO!

" ohh i did not know i was speeding" or w.e

Find a good lawyer and pray they dont sue God, cause u'll need him to answer your other prayers!
got my car out today :D $265 drove the bitch home lol now just wait for court and get my license back :/
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