
If you are willing to travel, U can find them in alabama and georgia for real cheap. Also check the impounds, the primered one pictured above. I bought it for $300 from the impound, and it had GTS rear with LSD, exhaust, header, stock 3TC that ran like a champ after doing a once over on the motor. Was a fun car and alot of sliding done with it.

I don't mind traveling to get a wagon. I went to NC awhile back to get the 86 you see in my sig, that I'm currently working on. I really an digging the wagons :bigthumbu. You have any places or websites you can PM me, where you had good luck with finding some ?

On another note, this thread inspires me a lot. I can't remember the last time there were so many Toyota people posting on one thread and all the Toyota pics :bigthumbu:bigthumbu. The Ambassador is pleased lol.
Last edited: is my friend. I browse everything on the eastcoast and sometimes check out the central and westcoast for stuff. Check out which I dont post on there much, just lurk lookin for a good deal. club4ag is hit or miss, everybody wants to sell stuff on there for platinum prices when its worth silver. But anyways, if I see or hear anything. I can send you a PM.

And some more pics

Years saving only the sikest pictures lol






Ive always had a thing for trucks...i have a an 89 pup thas has been pass down to me that is my it more than my Zenki..tried to sell her but cant seem to let it go...well hope yall like when its ready for a future
Got to slidewith the whiplash truck FAKKKKK :O flames out the stack soo sick! true inspiration

tellin you pup is been in the family for first car was a hand me down 85 this pup i have not even my 240 can top it...i jus cant wait to tear into her....:bigthumbu
I'd love to see trucks like those in person drifting sometime. I always love seeing something different. At least when you roast all those tires you'll have enough space in the back of the truck to carry them back home ;).
Heres a couple of my truck I am workin on, got lower it more but other than that.

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