
More PREMIUM pics to come.
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Please, Please be carefull guys. Even if it doesnt kill you the Carbon monoxide can give you life long health issues.
dont let this be you:
age: 29
loc: garage
overcome by fumes in closed garage

Carbon monmoxide:
arbon monoxide is not detectable by odor and headache should be taken as a warning that a dangerous concentration is being inhaled. In sudden exposures to high concentrations, weakness and dizziness may be the only symptoms preceding collapse. The amount of carboxyhemoglobin formed in the blood is dependent on concentration and duration of exposure, ambient temperature, physical exertion, health, and individual metabolism. Symptoms are usually not noticeable until the carboxyhemoglobin level reaches 10%. At 10-40%, symptoms may include increasingly severe headache, dyspnea on exertion, decreased manual dexterity, impaired judgement and memory, irritability, emotional instability, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, confusion, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, and impaired vision and hearing. With continuing exposure, there is a progressive worsening of all symptoms. At 40-60%, anginal pain, incoordination, hallucinations, lethargy, syncope and collapse, and increased respiration and pulse may occur. At 60-80% there may be decreased respiration, blood pressure and pulse, and deepening coma with intermittent convulsions and incontinence of urine and feces. Rarely, there may be a pink or red skin discoloration, but cyanosis or pallor is more common. Other reported signs and symptoms include increased temperature, dilated pupils, perspiration, muscle spasms, hyperreflexia, aching limbs, and retinal hemorrhage or venous engorgement. Above 70-80%, rapid death from respiratory or cardiac arrest usually occurs. Death may also be caused by myocardial or cerebral infarction. Cerebral edema may also occur. In non-fatal cases or when death is not immediate, primary or secondary effects of tissue hypoxia and some atypical reactions may develop.

And thats JUST what carbon monoxide is responsible for. Im not even going to post the other 125+ Chemicals you are inhaling when exposed to engine exhaust fumes. Its far worse than smoking a ciggarette without taking a break.
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oh come on, dont try to crash our fun party!!! lol, dont worry, we take breaks to open all the large bay door to allow the building to vent out, were not that stupid.
No ones crashing your little in-door drifting scene I just dont want to see someone wind up dead the next morning and a bunch of people get life prison sentances for second degree murder.

Even if you take breaks outside, you realize carbon monoxide stays in your blood and robs you of available oxygen. Concentration goes up as exposure is allowed... taking a 5 minute break may lower the CO level in your blood a little, but it will just build right back up where it left off when you re-expose yourself.

And its not like the cars are just sitting idleing in there, the output of harmfull gases is 10-15X worse than just a sitting car at idle.

Your damned right Im concerned.
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Kingtal0n said:
No ones crashing your little in-door drifting scene I just dont want to see someone wind up dead the next morning and a bunch of people get life prison sentances for second degree murder.

Even if you take breaks outside, you realize carbon monoxide stays in your blood and robs you of available oxygen. Concentration goes up as exposure is allowed... taking a 5 minute break may lower the CO level in your blood a little, but it will just build right back up where it left off when you re-expose yourself.

And its not like the cars are just sitting idleing in there, the output of harmfull gases is 10-15X worse than just a sitting car at idle.

Your damned right Im concerned.
where the hells the footage!?!?! i0 want to see what i missed out on
in a very true way he's right...but nearly everyone was outside when they were not driving, only the camera girl, the guy counting time and 1-2more ppl where in there the whole time. i'm positive everyone in there knew what they were getting into...

if you ever find yourself in the regular night traffic in venezuela you will wish you were in that warehouse instead and most people (inc my entire family) spend an hour or two every day after work in that kind of traffic and they are all in very good health...USA has a tendency to traumatize its people with all its "research by an independent Co" just 'cause they wanna make money. the human body can it i guarantee it. So, was this event a risk to anyone's health? possibly, but really not likely. next time maybe make everyone sign a waiver or put a sign that says enter at your own risk. laws and common sense on this country suck ***

i wonder ho long it takes for a person to pass out if they run a hose from their exhaust inside the car...and how long after that to get CO/CO2 poisoning and die

but ammm...where are the pics and the vids?!?!!??!?!?!?!
hey guys,
Like suaknee said, the girl that was taking all the footage that night.. is doing that for her own documentry, the best we can offer, is probally a teaser from it. Other then that, its all her footage for a project.
But the Pictures are gonna be up soon, we been doing nothing but working on them, so keep a look out later, or tomm. I promise! I know you guys are waiting!
Basically the only people in the warehouse while sliding was going on was the track time keeper the line keeper the person watching for leaks on the vehicles and the girl that was filming .And the track personel was taking turns meanig going outside and making sure everyone outside is having a good time and then going inside and being a time keeper or staging line worker. The cars that were in the staging line were told that they had to be turned off except for erick due to T/D.. after the two runs from each car the building doors were all opened and a 15-20min break was allowed for the building to exhale. Waivers were made up and all drivers had to sign it. Even the Spool Up Racing Drivers. We tried to make this as legit and organized as possible for a bunch of friends that wantto have a good time. But I want to thank you for being concerned about our health, and posting that. It's greatly appreciated.
Man... everytime you or Paul post, I'm rushing into the thread, completely drooling over the fact that it might be the link to the video lol
sorry guys, pics will be posted as told by pm really soon just wait a weee bit long!
haha that reminds me fromwhen i was a kid n wanted to look over the dash to see where we were vid though lol
LOL I just moved my camera mount and I couldn't get how I liked it so I just said screw it... I'll have to move it back to it's original position on the c-pillar bar, much better there.
my cusins best frend died with his gf in a car they parked on the side of da road to get it on but there was a leak in da car they didnt even get naked he called my cuz and said he was really tired so he was gonna take a nap and dat his gf was already out u cant smell it taste it or see it silent killer they call it i always crack a window they both were highly involved seniors at FIU
Well I think the video should come out a lot better since the cameras didnt really have a tripod or anything helping them in the picture quality.

But whatever happened to the camera man you guys had?? I saw a few digi camcorders... you guys gotta hook it up with that 45 minute video again :D
Not to bring your fun levels down, but this guy is actually saying something that makes sense, BTW in Venezuela the cars are Venting to the Atmosphere not enclosed in a Warehouse. Secondly the efects of CO/CO2 depend in the person's body and his imune system. Humans don't have good hypoxia sensors, and people have walked into nitrogen filled rooms and died, before they even realized
there was anything wrong. when the CO2 hits about 7% to 10% of your ambient air, you DO
die. I am pretty sure most of you dont even have a cat and if you do is hot in good shape..

Why do you think EPA requires that Mechanic Shops have to be well ventilated.....

Typical, acute by-stander exposures to low-to-moderate concentrations of vehicle exhaust
gases (and particles) show a general progression of signs and symptoms. These start with
irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and throat; and then other effects
involving the respiratory, GI, or central nervous system: headache, dizziness, nausea,
vomiting, difficulty in concentrating, feeling of intoxication, weakness, parathesias in
extremities, chest tightness and wheezing, and shortness of breath. Coma, convulsions,
and death can occur with significantly high level exposures. The usual acute effects resolve
with movement to fresh air or administration of oxygen. However, exposure to high
concentrations of oxides of nitrogen can result in chronic pulmonary disease even after
resolution of the acute effects.
Chronic health effects, such as broncholitis obliterans, reactive airway disease, and
chronic bronchitis, can occur following acute exposure to moderate or high levels of vehicle
exhaust, or chronic exposure to lower levels. Persistent neurological sequelae are possible
from significant carbon monoxide poisoning usually associated with the operation of an
engine in a confined space or direct inhalation of a high concentration of the exhaust gas
Several components of vehicle engine exhaust are known to cause cancer. They may be
present in very low concentrations, and the levels vary greatly.
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