damn will you guys chill out the carbon manoxide or how ever to spell it, i think no one cares on what you say, thanks for the concern but, its your own risk, and i think the people that showed up to the warehouse are intelligent enough to do what they please and are aware of the dangers. It like cigerretts, people know there dangerous and hazardous to your health but people still smoke, drifting is dangerous but people still do it, you guys have made your point to this semi-topic but know one really cares, so best bet is to keep the comments to yourself.
Guys, it's awsome that you all have health concerns for the others and whatnot... because someone has to keep refreshing the minds of everyone else that there are dangers.

But everyone there was there for fun. Yes yes it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt, but everyone there had a small sense of intelligence. Enough that everyone was sitting outside if they werent on the line to drift. Many people (like myself) would only go inside to push my car foward in line or drive.

We did take breaks in between to try to lower all that stuff some.

"But Erick... that's still not enough.... there's still rabble rabble rabble rabble"

Yea dude that's great, but I'm willing to bet any of you that if you were there and the chance of you sliding was given to you, you'd all think for a second that you could just do a quick slide and come out. That's basically what we did. Not even a handful of people stayed inside for long.... maybe when Frank and I were tandeming (or when the white kouki went out) people would go watch. And we always had breaks in between.

Now... does that excuse us from doing something that's wrong and unhealthy? Not at all, but at least we're aware of it and we try to prevent it as much as possible.... because come on.... it's a place to slide without wasting any tires (unless you're me) or without the hassle of any cops. Tell me your ass isnt tempted to go slide.

Again, I'm not trying to stir up things here.... I just want both sides to settle down some. :)
oh you know if I was down there i'd be all up in it I just didnt like the way he kept saying nobody cares and that exhaust fumes are like cigs, Being an auto technician I know different. I know what carbon monoxide does to people and what its like and it is a shitty way to go.
yeah exactly + its not only co/co2 we needed to worry about. but watever. i would do it again
i just want the frigin vids!
i aint preachin just tellin a story ofcourse with it bein such a big warehouse the chances are slim but incase yall wanna pipe in a car some day know from my story to jus crack a window even if the ac is on its a risk with out any openings
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