Dont Worry everyone invites will be sent out like i said this was the first time we did our mini event in there, we just wanted it on the low key but next time i promise invites will be sent out, we only want drifters, no posers that just want to watch(and ride alongs dont count as drifters) and its located in pompano
it was steves coupe the shitty ass sanded down one is his, and trust me its ventailted enough!!!!!
indoor drifting holl@!!

man it looks like a hella of a good time, yeaH but the exhaust building up is starting is a bother to me, im down and you know it, suggestion what if you guys take like a 15 min break in between 3 to 4 runs just to let the place air out.
i cant wait to see this madness for myself

nice vid by the way
sorry to see you bit the wall phil :(

the crash cherry has been popped!!
lets hope she'll doesnt get looser as the weeks come by
good luck to all you gentlemen rock your rubbers :bigthumbu
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im def down to slide in there.... hell i slide anywhere ...... if you guys need help with anything for the next "mini event" im down to help clean up or sweap before hand and after words....
DownSouthSlider said:
cuz ive never slid my car before and im damn sure not gonna in a tight place like that before i get any kinda skillz

WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR?????? you've been a undercover poser this whole time.....BAN!
LOL... Hey man that dont matter if you aint got no skillz... You think when you get skillz you aint gonna crash... Everyone crashes sooner or later is part of the learning process... And besides the better you get the harder your gonna crash bc your going to go faster and faster and are going to try more advanced shit... Shit i am not afraid to say that i crashed my RHD into a porter potty... Its all good...
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