I hate it When...............(release your pent up aggretion here)

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i hate when people blame you for them not doing what they want to do in life...
I hate it when I have to work an EMO show at house of blues.

I kinda just wanna start giving out Razor blades and instruction manuals.
DrumFunKen said:
I hate it when I have to work an EMO show at house of blues.

I kinda just wanna start giving out Razor blades and instruction manuals.

I Hate that Emo even exists, Without them Floridadrift would only have about 20 members
I hate being a full time college student: no money, no free time, no fun. Fucking sucks cant even go to Nopi drift this Sun because of a fucking research paper!@!@@

I hate ricers because as of last night because of them i have lost complete interest in cars (last night a kid in a riced out automatic tc told me a "skyline motor" drops right in a 240sx with the stock 240 mounts and is a plug and play. When i was arguing with him he didnt even know WTF a RB was :laugh: fucking retard)

I hate not having a job

I hate my cars

wow this is fun i can go on forever but i got a paper to write.... :rolleyes:
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i hate it when i have no car and my best friend bails on our plans to go to NOPI and I can't find any other ride there, so I end up loosing $25
etxxz said:
i hate that my gf is underage

hey i am just about 20, and i am still a cool chick Now yeah i wish i were like 21, but i can wait. Besides my bf is 21, so it doesnt really matter.

i hate that other girl with the ca swap s13 because she is maing me look bad because she blew her first ca up. So now it makes all of us othe girls with swaped motors look bad.

She is a fucking dumbass and needs to give her car up, because she cant take care of it.
^ Ca Ftw

i hate it when some asshole calls me and says i got the money in my hand for your car right now and bails when you call them back to see what happend and there like well i dont have all the money yet....pisses me off, if you dont got the money dont say you got it!
15 will get ya 20... Grow some ballz n talk to women ur age... stop shopping in middle skoolz with your cool "drift skills" loosers :D

Thats what I hate :D

etxxz said:
i hate that my gf is underage
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