FDC Gainesville, do u want it to happen?????

so any new info? set price or date? i think gainesville shuts down for a part of year coming up in decemeber until january. is this going to be before or after that?
^Hopefully after...

Umm. I believe that my name is missing from the list... someone should correct this typographical error.
Noice isnt the problem it is the fire hazard an open header under the car creates you will the very least have to run it outside of the body

I understand that, but as far as noise limits and all that good stuff that's all I was wondering
ur not going to miss anything. did u fuck the head up or just the cam? harri or aunti might have a head and cams around the shop. call me or harri
my number is 561 9004252
ur not going to miss anything. did u fuck the head up or just the cam? harri or aunti might have a head and cams around the shop. call me or harri
my number is 561 9004252
I do believe he runs M3 engine, and we have no parts for this, but we may know one guy who has parts
its the m3 motor. All it was a nut that fell off the oil pump and i lost all oil pressure! The exhaust camshaft burnt up, seized (cracked in two pcs btw), timing chain skipped a couple teeth as it was shutting down and messed up piston #5 and both its exhaust valves!! thankfully the intake cam, crank and con-rod bearings didnt get scored, but they're getting replaced anyways : (

i appreciate the parts support, butdon't worry about it. i picked up the cams today and have rebuild parts in the mail ; / ...just a mild rebuild though, only what i n$$$$d!
yeah yeah

I live in gville. So I got myself lexus of course and 2 of my friends one with a s13/sr and one with a FD that live here as well.
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