suaknee said:
The movie was great. Go see it and don't **** up our reputation and be stupid and do burn outs at the theater or I'll ram you with my truck and corner you in and beat your *** with my pitchfork. I will do it. lol but seriously.

Are you gonna ram me with a Dodge Ram? I mean, if you are gonna do it, do the job right, with the right equipment.
idk but i saw vin diesel in the previews today i dont kno if its for real but i didnt kno he was gunna b in its wierd mayb the people who saw it already kno?
dude, the early showing already has had bad affects. I met this kid in the junkyard who got his digital dash/hud stolen from his car... and the funny thing is it didn't work ...what a noob thief, everyone knows that only like 10% of digital dashes actually work
Yo you people don't understand whats going to happen now, police are now looking for anyone that drifts anywhere, even if your in a parking lot. And from what I hear on the news that there planing to make a law against drifting.
straightedge240sx said:
And from what I hear on the news that there planing to make a law against drifting.

There already is one, and its been there for years. Its called "racing", and in the vaguest sense it means trying to outperform you cars capabillities.... in any way necessary, and it does not require a second car either.

Great... so now my ticket says drifting instead of racing... so what.

It's the hype... it'll die down eventually.
straightedge240sx said:
Yo you people don't understand whats going to happen now, police are now looking for anyone that drifts anywhere, even if your in a parking lot. And from what I hear on the news that there planing to make a law against drifting.

Maybe there already is a law against drifting. It's called wreckless driving.
yeah, there's a few.. improper start, wreckless driving, highway racing, street racing, speeding, improper equipment (most of us have this). So street drifting can be put into all those categories. I once got a ticket for reversing too far in a parking lot.
jdm ae86t said:
Maybe there already is a law against drifting. It's called wreckless driving.

lol improper start, improper lane change, careless driving, wreckless driving, failure to use due care, fishtailing, i think i got busted for some other ones but i cant remember right now.. i'll let you know when i remember
ok i went n saw the damn movie not bad but i thnk better then all the other fast n fuirous's.only thing i didnt lik was bow wows xbox..LOLOLOL and how frggin rednek that guy was.i can say only one good thng about the whole movie that i bet no 1 noticed!now how many civics do u see exactly n this movie???????um none? haha
i saw it today i shouldnt have waited it was the best so far less talk and more action!
i'm a lil late in it too, but saw it last night. by far, the story is the best of the three, along with the driving. I honestly don't think it puts a bad image on drifting at all. like all the f&f movies, the cars are pimped to compared to most peoples cars on here that are practically falling apart (no offense anyone)
the good thing is that the cars were not overly riced, they had just about the same amount of rice you'll see in the underground Japanese drifting videos.
green_machine said:
yeah, there's a few.. improper start, wreckless driving, highway racing, street racing, speeding, improper equipment (most of us have this). So street drifting can be put into all those categories. I once got a ticket for reversing too far in a parking lot.

lol i already got one for these improper start, wreckless driving now i got to deal with the racing one i just got
Eh.. I went and saw it opening nite with my gf.. wasn't too shabby. She enjoyed it, which was nice... and she instantly torrented the soundtrack... >.<

I believe I saw a SINGLE S15 in the entire movie... what the ****. I don't remember seeing any Hachi's either, and the ending with ... don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it... was rather queer.

The movie was way too ****ing easy to predict... could have guessed from the beginning that the 'geijin' girl was going to become attracted to the 'cowboy'. Other **** as well.

Was REALLY glad that the cars weren't ****ing misrepresented, overly riced, h0ndas.. or something like that.

Nice to post... mite come back a little.. have a stable job now, and I believe I can afford to Drift/Learn to soon.
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