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I have truck, and Bryant has a trailer. We're already on it.

Adam, Otis, I have the red mutekis that I'm not using. Will they work?
ok it looks like theres alot of people with alot of shit here. I have everything he needs in stock form. Only issue is I have to ship it from Chicago cus i'm not bringing this shit with me on a plane. If u guys can figure out who has what tonight, so tomorrow I know what I'm shipping out that would be dope.
when u need it moved i got a trailer but truck isnt ready yet. Got a truck?

another week the truck will be ready

Well X said they could help me with towing also, but I don't know how soon any of this can happen. Nathan said he was leaving to Ohio on Tuesday. So again its basically telling me tough luck and to figure it out before Tuesday.
dam .. i dont know you but that really sucks! and what that guy said to dooms.. (or didnt tell him actually) is bullshit you know somethings goin on.. but anyways..

Its awesome how everyone is willing to help out! This is how this forum should be! goodluck
well if i had a truck, trailer, or spare parts laying around i'd be there in a flash... cuz otis is like my bro we go back to the day care days and we shared dipers.. lol jk but for real if i could i would. and this dude seems a little shady.. just my opinion
I honestly don't see Nate stripping down the car and take the parts I shared a place with him for a little while stored all my parts and car at his shop never once did he touch anything he also help me out big time with me when I crashed my car I just think shit happens should he have to pay for it not sure that's between u two it sucks what happened and think thefts should rot in hell if u need stock parts or some other parts I be willing to help out..... this is time when people should come to together and show how we are all a big family and help eachother
I am sorry to hear about this, I met Otis about twice, I bought an a/c compressor from him that couldn't work on my vehicle. I immediately got in touch with him, and right then and there we made a deal and he stood by his word the whole time. Thanks man, It's sad that this type of thing happens to good people like you. You like most people here strive so hard and sacrifice so much to get your car the way it is and to go through such an ordeal....it must be horrible. I must commend you for handling the situation in a civilized manner, many people wouldn't. I hope everything works out man.

Talk to a lawyer and present all your information, I think you might have a pretty strong case against this guy.
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