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this sounds like a missive bullshit man is the same story everyone says o it was somebody else but he got arrested !! wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nothing personal and no offense but get a new name brotha!!!:mad:

btw is your name joey??

no my name isnt joey. my roomate, his name was greg, like i said, he WAS my roomate, but we moved out of the apartment and he got arrested.
:corn: lol, what a story, whats his full name I can check up on whether this person is in jail or not.....

thats rights but bro that guy is full of shit man same story every scamer gives

no my name isnt joey. my roomate, his name was greg, like i said, he WAS my roomate, but we moved out of the apartment and he got arrested.

no offense but your an asswhole you should give that guy the money back :eek::eek:
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My $0.02, if you let someone else use your name/account to sell shit, you are equally responsible. Mods should sticky this one.
So can I get my $150 back?

In all fairness I can careless if he's in jail or not. All I know is that I payed for an item in which I never received.
dip shit?!? bitch please, I'm not the maggot ripping people off and making up stories, give this man his money you piece of shit.
are you serious? how have i "ripped" anyone off? im not the one responsible. if you would read properly, i cleared stated that i will work with the OP in retrieving the money that was paypaled to him, but he has it set up with his bank account, in no way shape or form am i able to have funds sent out of his bank account, theres no way possible, but like i said i can set it up somehow to retrieve his money, weither its to contact his mom, or talk to him when he calls me from jail. i am a well known member on multiple forums, so i do not appreciate being flamed for something i have not done. had it been my fault, then yes i would take full responsibility, but i have done nothing wrong. OP pm me and we will work something out. sorry for the inconvience.
are you serious? how have i "ripped" anyone off? im not the one responsible. if you would read properly, i cleared stated that i will work with the OP in retrieving the money that was paypaled to him, but he has it set up with his bank account, in no way shape or form am i able to have funds sent out of his bank account, theres no way possible, but like i said i can set it up somehow to retrieve his money, weither its to contact his mom, or talk to him when he calls me from jail. i am a well known member on multiple forums, so i do not appreciate being flamed for something i have not done. had it been my fault, then yes i would take full responsibility, but i have done nothing wrong. OP pm me and we will work something out. sorry for the inconvience.

you gotta understand though, allowing him to post under your name kinda makes this your responsibility. basically he is posting under your screen name so it directly reflects on you.

your boy scammed this kid. so it now looks bad on you. I'll ask derrick and dane and see what the deal is with you and your "roomate"
are you serious? how have i "ripped" anyone off? im not the one responsible. if you would read properly, i cleared stated that i will work with the OP in retrieving the money that was paypaled to him, but he has it set up with his bank account, in no way shape or form am i able to have funds sent out of his bank account, theres no way possible, but like i said i can set it up somehow to retrieve his money, weither its to contact his mom, or talk to him when he calls me from jail. i am a well known member on multiple forums, so i do not appreciate being flamed for something i have not done. had it been my fault, then yes i would take full responsibility, but i have done nothing wrong. OP pm me and we will work something out. sorry for the inconvience.

Your not at fault??? HE USED YOUR ACCOUNT! your just as responsible, man up bro you fucked up
sucks but how dose he know it wasnt u not saying it was u that fucked him but it is your account give him 150 and get it back from your boy your boy fucked u
sdolla i have all the info you need and your boy erotica including his address, phone number, etc.. you might just have to take a road trip... pm'd
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