Drift Sessions @ Countyline Skidpad - May 15th (Advanced)

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It's a huge learning curve ... everyone want to come out to drift... but not anyone can ask questions easily.. (some drivers r jus d!(ks about it) ... ask a rocket scientist how to get to the moon he'll tell you .. but you may not understand.. it's gd at the beginners sessions someone is there in the car... but you can't see ur self u don't know what u look like .. so it's harder.. pro's do it they look at their own footage all the time and it makes them better.. but being so hard on ppl just coming to have a gd time
an getting used to the car stinks!!! advance or not.. it's about biggin up an helpin the next man at that event.. ...talking bout it after the fact is jus pointless ..cause that noob next 2 u could b the next D1 champion.. :bigthumbu

so if you got a dog and he pisses and shits all over the house everyday you are just going to be nice and tell them in a nice soft demeaner; hey pooch please dont shit on the rug or piss on the walls today and be a good boy.. its not going to learn that way, you need to strike fear into the mutt!! roll up a newspaper and chris brown a bitch.

people dont get better by other people lying to them and saying omg youre doing awesome when they are definately sucking it up.

and if you think youre going from countyline to d1 champion- you got a harsh future in store for you lol.

i told everyone how they did, HONESTLY, something that a lot of people have trouble doing.

and if you are having the same exact issue run after run then maybe you are doing it wrong and should try another approach.

So i think it was established that everyone pretty much sucked a fat one n if you have to ask your probably one of them. N dan has been a lil harsh but listen to the man if you dont know what a propper line is if your not sure how to initiate or if you have no f ing idea what your doing but are determined to learn ASK QUESTIONS no one will laugh they will help and if your still to scared to ask one of the pros ask someone thats doing a bit better than you are but dont guess your way through it your wasting your time and money so ask!!!!! And as to the people in the stands they might as well not even be there so dont worry about them i cant tell you how many times ive herd them talk to thier frinds saying o i could do that or this guy suck i could do it better but then when i tell them go on the track and show us then thats when the excuses start rollin out. So noobs keep on coming just remember we not gonna ask the questions for you.

I agree and disagree, I wouldn't ask someone who is doing a bit better, if you wanna know what you are suppose to do, ask the hairy guy running the line, he will go out of his way to help you and explain to you what you need to do, he will tell you the best route to approach your goal given your circumstances. And about the people in the crowd talking shit, who cares, there is a reason they are in the crowd talking shit and not on the track talking shit.

Yea it's a skidpad, yes it's a practice. But that doesnt mean for you to practice doing the wrong thing.

In the end it's your money and you can choose to do whatever you want with it and if that means wasting it away understeering everywhere and spinning out - more power to you.

I am just trying to help you realize what you are doing wrong. And yea it could be a lot nicer put but then you won't feel as motivated. So eat a dick.
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i think dan is rolling up some news paper and is gonna go after people next skid pad lmao

Dan: NO NO!!! BAD LINE!!!!..... look he knows what he did.
going out ther and TRYING is what its all about, anyone can say this and say that fuck the haters, the only thing i agree with in the last couple pages is that DONT be afraid to ask for help, but (cause its happened to me) if the ppl supposed to be helping u arent paying attention what good is it!!! and like i mentioned before something needs to be done about keeping shit moving, its not fair that most ppl go out, fuck up and do the right thing and come back in, while MOST and by most i mean just about everybody cause its monkey see monkey do, fuck up and then head back to the front and start all over again then initiate agressive as fuck cause they messed up and then fuck up again, waiting in line for almost half an hour at times is crazy, i came to drift my car not sit in a line thats short as fuck but doesnt move, i thought shit was supposed to get better not worse... anyways im done with my rant for now...
Its a skidpad where you learn to drift how do you expect to be good at something if you don't practice?

Fuck a n igga named Dan

Well Dan STFU and help ppl out how are ppl suppose to learn if nobody tells them or helps them out?

Gringa loka
on the real most of us have only been drifting for a month or less.. and some people dont have the right setup as in open diff stock suspension etc... i think all of u that are saying everyone sucked or did bad should shut up when yall started u looked the same were not the god of drifters that all we need is to sit in the car and we magically know what were doing ...cut us some slack at least we have it in us to go out there and try like i think his name was alex ? (guy with the rhd hatch ) came down from wpb alone not knowing anyone and did his thing mad props to him and all the people that i know that asked for help and rode along with me and i rode with them they asked for help there not scared to but all of u that talk shit dont help u dont like the way we do things help out dont bash on us bladder saw me doing bad the first time and he jumped in the car and told me what i was doing wrong, so did e30gangsta i give it to them for letting me know what i did wrong and now i think im doing a hella lot better then when i bought my car 2 months ago..also ronch helped me out alot big ups to all of you
i think all of u that are saying everyone sucked or did bad should shut up when yall started u looked the same
The people that are saying you sucked are speaking the truth. You may not like the way they approach it but they are trying to help you out. Why feed you lies and tell you that you did good when you really failed it up? Sit back and listen to what the people are saying. You may not like the way Dan approached the situation but he is on of the most solid driver's down here.
i think his name was alex ? (guy with the rhd hatch ) came down from wpb alone not knowing anyone and did his thing mad props to him

Thats felix he knows almost everyone we have actually been forcing him to slide for a while now lol he was scared of hitting a cone i forced him every day hes like my neighbor:bigthumbu
Thats felix he knows almost everyone we have actually been forcing him to slide for a while now lol he was scared of hitting a cone i forced him every day hes like my neighbor:bigthumbu

Felix drives a 180sx not a RHD hatch. and he wasnt talking about Felix.


on the real most of us have only been drifting for a month or less.. and some people dont have the right setup as in open diff stock suspension etc... i think all of u that are saying everyone sucked or did bad should shut up when yall started u looked the same were not the god of drifters that all we need is to sit in the car and we magically know what were doing ...cut us some slack at least we have it in us to go out there and try like i think his name was alex ? (guy with the rhd hatch ) came down from wpb alone not knowing anyone and did his thing mad props to him and all the people that i know that asked for help and rode along with me and i rode with them they asked for help there not scared to but all of u that talk shit dont help u dont like the way we do things help out dont bash on us bladder saw me doing bad the first time and he jumped in the car and told me what i was doing wrong, so did e30gangsta i give it to them for letting me know what i did wrong and now i think im doing a hella lot better then when i bought my car 2 months ago..also ronch helped me out alot big ups to all of you

Open diff and stock suspension is no excuse, you throw it the sideways the same way.. you dont need coilovers or a locking diff to drift, sure it makes it easier and if you want to compete you will most likely need one. I didnt say I was better than anyone there, I said they sucked and most of the people didnt improve the entire night.. and no, I'm not going to cut any slack, if you don't like it, don't listen to my opinion, plain and simple. for as much seat time that is alotted at these skid pads there is no reason even someone who just learned to drive stick cant complete the course without spinning or understeering by the end of the night. there is simply no excuse for it besides lack of commitment.

Well Dan STFU and help ppl out how are ppl suppose to learn if nobody tells them or helps them out?

Gringa loka

I just told them noob. Cant you read??

and i've seen people try to help but they just dont listen.
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im with dan on this one; i was always a firm believer that others can push you harder than you could push your self, and in the end you will do better for it. if you treat a retard like a retard then he will be a retard for the rest of his natural life, if you treat a retard like everyone else then he may have a fighting chance at living independently. its harsh but people go farther in life if they believe they've got no choice but to succeed. the top drifters are where they're at because they're the few that were never satisfied with their level of performance, always wanting to do better, always trying to take it to the next level. in other words they're their own and only opponent.
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Felix drives a 180sx not a RHD hatch. and he wasnt talking about Felix.


my bad i figured he ment felix car no one really calls it a 180 on the street everytime i drive it they ask me if its a skyline or something lol.....BTW were you the one that brought the tires for him to slide on??
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