Drift Sessions @ Countyline Skidpad - May 15th (Advanced)

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Its simple if people really cared about there driving they would be asking the experienced drivers/instructors for some pointers.. Like someone said on this thread some people really don't care about drifting they just want to throw there car around. It's really dumb to sit here and start talking shit if you don't ask for the help..
Its simple if people really cared about there driving they would be asking the experienced drivers/instructors for some pointers.. Like someone said on this thread some people really don't care about drifting they just want to throw there car around. It's really dumb to sit here and start talking shit if you don't ask for the help..

I agree this thread has gone on long enough no one seems to be taking anyone elses advice so this is just gay the people who think that everyone here is tring to bash on them are wrong its called constructive critisism you take the advice and disregard all the other shit that makes (some of you go home and cry) you think that they are assholes. The instructors job is to offer advice not hold your hand and be all nice telling you your gonna be the next D1 driver. so far from reading this thread thats what everyone has offered their opinion on how we did some have said it nicer than others but it seems to me that most of you are paying more attention to how the say it rather than what they are saying. so stop crying instead of bitching lets see some questions ask what you could do to improve talk and compare setups do something cunstructive rather than this damn...im done
How easy people forget

Well this my opinion.and im writing it in yellow so everyone can see it. The one of biggest problems at countyline are helpers or not enofe help. Not all of them, and i mean this with no disrespect but its true. Many times ive ask someone to watch an area and when i turn around there gone. When im there I do my best to make sure no one is tryin to sneak a run in, drivers are always tryin to sneak in ride alongs, cars are not upto par, tandems guys are holdin up the line, and I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO TELL SOME OF YOU TO CHILL OUT AND YES IM GOIN TO NAME NAMES HERES A LIST OF PEOPLE THAT SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAT I HAVE HAD TO YELL AT OR TELL THEM "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOIN'' IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER JUAN, BLADDER, E30 GANG, BERT, JERRY, RED, ABRAHAM, MIGUEL, AFEW OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD. AND IF ANY OF THESE GUYS HAVE ANY PROBLEMS THEY ALL HAVE MY NUMBER AND CAN CALL ME ANYTIME. the reason i am sayin this is cause, the only way we can have perfect events is if i get some outside help and pay them, then the cost will go up. and my goal has always been to make these events as cheap as possible.

unfortunatly we will always have spectators parkin in ur pits, alot of people ask me if i need help, but know if i told them to make sure nobody parks in the pits it will last about ten minutes and they will get distracted and walk away. unfortunatly we dont make any money so i can pay anyone.
If you guys really wanna help, everyone can help by keepin an eye on the pits and if ur by the line tell drivers to be as close to the grass line as possible, remind drivers that everyone needs helmits on in the car, check wrist bands, make sure spectators are not standing in the line (THERE DOESN"T NEED TO BE 15 HEADS RUNNIN THE LINE) etc. And I show no favorites, im harder on my friends than anyone else, cause i expect more from them.

And you cant expect Bladder to instruct and run everything. I will be there this friday and we will have a drivers meeting, so if I have upset someone or if you want to offer any suggestions please be there and we will do our best to resolve these issues.

But to end on a happy pink note. The skid pad events has been one of the best things to happen for many of the sfldrifters, so lets work together to keep it that way. Put away the differances and help each other out and show the new guys Love by offerin up tips and incouragement. We should be all incouraging each other and the new guys. Dont let ur ego get the best of you we all sucked at one time or another. I love you all, SORRY IF I UPSET ANYONE!
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yeah what he said^^^
i need details!
btw "incouragement" is spelled with an "E"
once is permissible, twice is an eye sore! lol jk
Woah skidpad this friday?

what he said...

Tatted on my chest, Yes i am a Zoe..

Wrist soo blue i got the fiu.

YouTube - Black Dada - I am a zoe

and since you went off topic...imma do the same! WTF IS WRONG WITH MOST MOTHERFUCKERS THAT AINT FROM AMERICA??? im sorry but shit like this pisses me off. if someone from another country is so fuckin proud about the country they are from, why not just go the fuck back? yea come to america and start makin money. i dont see none of these motherfuckers takin the money they make and trying to make the country they are from a better place. come on the haitians were eating MUD PIES!!!!! MUD PEOPLE!!!!! wtf.all i know is if anyone of use decided to move to another country....we better learn the language. anyone that knows me knows im an not racist towards anyone...i hate everyone the same. but if you come to this country learn the fuckin language! i can go on and on about this subject but ill just end it now. sorry for my rant...the video abe posted really just got to me!
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