Drift sessions at county line june 8th

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dude man!........Whens that '86 comin out..... i wanna see u back in the game

hold up-hold up..........Estie...............New Car!..................TIGHT WORK!
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dude man!........Whens that '86 comin out..... i wanna see u back in the game

hold up-hold up..........Estie...............New Car!..................TIGHT WORK!

Seems like when I think I'm getting close, I keep adding more things on the list to do lol. It'll be worth it though, Never Lift v2.0 ;).

At least the ae86 will be represented at this event by alx954 :bigthumbu.
Alright Alex!!! Cant wait to see the rear end of your car disappear in smoke with all that power you have :bigthumbu
dont know how much smoke 5psi will make :)
anyone know a place I could practice at that
wont get me in too much trouble??? I dont
wanna totally suck
dont know how much smoke 5psi will make :)
anyone know a place I could practice at that
wont get me in too much trouble??? I dont
wanna totally suck

I'm a newb and I know I'll fail when I try my first time but that's all good cause we all gotta start somewhere. Besides anywhere but the track is trouble.Besides It doesn't matter you'll be the only Hachi out there you'll tear it up anyhow.:bigthumbu
you'd still be in the first turn at 45-50 even if you entered WAY early from 90. its a second gear course for sure.
Rytakahashi001 thanks for lookin out thats real cool of you. I get the feeling who may and my not be shady but you know sometimes people surprise you.So to me, the only way to find out is to meet them...................unless you got a list.;)

actually i do lol a small one tho

id really like to know who your calling shady cause everyone i know is cool as shit and will gladly help out a new drifter.

well ur one of them.....:laugh: j/k ur good in my book. but those others shall remain unknown. (back on topic) if the income is good and i have enough time i might just drive at this one. will be my first event. :bigthumbu
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