Calling you out!

Nismo tuner, I am back in IL right now packing up and finishing school, I will be back and forth from FL next month moving my cars and stuff, then back for good in June. So, U will c a shitload of me soon =).
I am new here.
I barely have any posts.
I know maybe 10 of you guys.
And, I'm gonna go ahead and tell you ALL that FL needs to step its game up.
Drifting is not only about angle and speed, drifting is all about style. Raggedy ass cars, rattle canned paint jobs, tall ass cars with steelies, really don't draw in spectators. From what I've seen, many people think POWER before anything else. No where else in America have I seen such poorly built fast cars. people think, oh, I don't need a bodykit to go faster. I don't need good wheels to go faster. I don't need a good paint job to go faster. Drifting is very much a spectator sport, without looking good, you will not appeal to sponsors, vendors, etc.
Furthermore, power isn't something needed to drift. One thing I have definitely learned from being here in the midwest is that power is a luxury. Many drivers who start off with good power fail progress as drivers. Start off with good suspension, a diff (welded or 2-way) and get a bucket. Learn your car, then add power. I am in no way a great driver, but from the day I started driving to where I am now, I have definitely progressed because I learned my car. I rocked a stock 7m, a stock 2jz na and a stock KA each for a full season. I learned so many tricks to compensate for not having power.
For everyone talking shit about the OP about "calling you guys out" and he not being an "OG"; check yourselves. FL has some dope rides, and some dope ass drivers, and FL won't ever get on the map with this hater/bullshit talking/ethuggin ass menatality. WE need to get FL on the map, SFL in particular, and the only way that will happen is through spectators.
Anyone who knows anything about business will tell you, word of mouth is your greatest advertisement. Without spectators, no one will talk about you, and without anyone talking about you...well, we're never gonna be on the map. Stop hating on someone for only being to one event. Bring your car out, bring people out. Post whore events on other forums, make vids, progress as drivers, and in time, FL will be where we need to be.

I agree with this but.................

lol you know how you can tell you havent been in S.FL too long?? the roads here suck, the traffic here sucks, the way other people drive suck, parking your car anywhere other than your garage sucks(if it looks nice!)

and most of the peoples cars you described as "raggedy ass cars" are their only cars, they have no job, or very little income from their job..not everyone can be a baller you know. not everyone can afford to go buy a new body kit and set of wheels every drift event, they can barely find enough money to get used tires mounted lol.

all the people with nice body kits and wheels don't drift their cars (given the chosen few).
It's a bit of a catch 22. Can't get noticed if you don't have a baller car. Can't have a baller car if you don't get noticed and sponsored. But that's where community support comes in. Take a talented drifter and fill the stands then point sponsors in his/her direction then you have a better chance. Sponsors want to see that spending money on a guy will be a return on their investment. Sponsorships are nothing more than really good advertisement on your car, so it is necessary that your car is seen as much as possible. In return, spectators get a better show for their money plus other perks like ride alongs and shit like that.
I think it's more of a venue issue than a baller car status issue imo.

but theres not really much you can do about it with no "real" tracks available.. yea sure we got some oval tracks with an infield, but you need power to make it even remotely interesting so that spectators are not bored out of their mind.

spectators wanna see multi car tandems with lots of smoke, not one baller ass car doing donuts lol
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You would think after a while you would come up with atleast 1 good joke guess not maybe next time!!

I agree with this but.................

lol you know how you can tell you havent been in S.FL too long?? the roads here suck, the traffic here sucks, the way other people drive suck, parking your car anywhere other than your garage sucks(if it looks nice!)

and most of the peoples cars you described as "raggedy ass cars" are their only cars, they have no job, or very little income from their job..not everyone can be a baller you know. not everyone can afford to go buy a new body kit and set of wheels every drift event, they can barely find enough money to get used tires mounted lol.

all the people with nice body kits and wheels don't drift their cars (given the chosen few).

ummmm, the roads suck? the traffic sucks? people suck? parking sucks? I'm from Chicago buddy. We have undoubtedly the WORST roads in America. Uneven, pothole infested, weather cracked and shattered ass roads. The people u speak of with nice body kits and wheels don't drift their cars? When I was at the skidpad a couple of weeks ago I saw quite a few dope ass cars drifting. With bodykits. last year, I had my s14...bodykit, slammed, decent wheels, and it was my daily. I even drove it in the snow...
My point is, if u want it, you can make it happen. For some of us, drifting is a lifestyle, it is what takes up the majority of our thought processes throughout the day. For others, its an escape from daily routine.
If people are gonna sit here and bash on everyone for driving bad and at tha same time say that FL isn't where its supposed to be, sacrifices are going to need to be made, in order for respect to be earned.

I think it's more of a venue issue than a baller car status issue imo.

but theres not really much you can do about it with no "real" tracks available.. yea sure we got some oval tracks with an infield, but you need power to make it even remotely interesting so that spectators are not bored out of their mind.
spectators wanna see multi car tandems with lots of smoke, not one baller ass car doing donuts lol

I'm sure we can find a "real" track in FL. In IL, the CLOSEST Drift Day to us is 4 hours away. The avg travel time for a Dday is 7-9 hours. u guys are talking about no "real tracks" within what? a 30 mile radius? It's fucking florida, I'm sure u can find something.
The people u speak of with nice body kits and wheels don't drift their cars? When I was at the skidpad a couple of weeks ago I saw quite a few dope ass cars drifting. With bodykits.

all the people with nice body kits and wheels don't drift their cars (given the chosen few).

I'm sure we can find a "real" track in FL. In IL, the CLOSEST Drift Day to us is 4 hours away. The avg travel time for a Dday is 7-9 hours. u guys are talking about no "real tracks" within what? a 30 mile radius? It's fucking florida, I'm sure u can find something.

okay what "real" tracks(not parking lots or ovals) does the average every day daily drifter have access to within 350miles

*average daily drifter = no roll cage, no race suits, no buckets/harness*

lets be serious, it's fucking FL. no one is going to want to STAND in the blistering heat to watch people drive around in a parking lot... no one is going to want to sit on some 40yr old nasty ass bleachers in the blistering heat and watch people drive around an oval.

the reason that FL isnt on the map for drifting is because theres no accomodations made for the fans. theres no announcing of whats going on, theres no communication with the crowd, no interaction with the spectators, theres nothing. just pay the money go stand in the corner and watch and go home.
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Like I said, catch 22. Who's going to spend money to entertain a crowd that isn't there. I understand not having a crowd at skidpads when everyone is drifting. But this weekend is different and if you really like drifting then you should be out there supporting your friends. Same thing goes for FARA. Moe is trying to make it more appealing to the spectator so that we can show the people that matter that Florida does want to see drifting. As far as the average daily driver is concerned, my opinion is that a weekend drifter will be satisfied with your average skidpad, but anyone trying to reach higher levels simply needs to sacrifice and get all the things nescessary. There's plenty of guys out there busting their ass to get a firesuit or a rollcage in because this is what they want. Just the same there's plenty of guys comfortable with a couple mods on the daily.
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okay what "real" tracks(not parking lots or ovals) does the average every day daily drifter have access to within 350miles

*average daily drifter = no roll cage, no race suits, no buckets/harness*

lets be serious, it's fucking FL. no one is going to want to STAND in the blistering heat to watch people drive around in a parking lot... no one is going to want to sit on some 40yr old nasty ass bleachers in the blistering heat and watch people drive around an oval.

the reason that FL isnt on the map for drifting is because theres no accomodations made for the fans. theres no announcing of whats going on, theres no communication with the crowd, no interaction with the spectators, theres nothing. just pay the money go stand in the corner and watch and go home.

If your description of average daily drifter includes no bucket...then this forum should honestly not exist. A bucket is one of the first things you should purchase if you want to slide.

I promise u the reason Florida isn't on the map is NOT because of the accommodations for fans. Who is gonna wanna come out and watch a bunch of stock cars driving around a track? even if it was around laguna seca...if its a buncha flat back s chassis on steelies lookin all nasty...why tha fuck would i go watch?

Drivers need to step their game up. cars need to look better, more appealing. If you don't have money for paint, get vinyl for all i care. get some decent wheels. Vinyled cars look so much better from the stands then flat black cars. like i said, its a spectator sport, we need to appeal to spectators. In the midwest, the spectators don't get any type of commentating UNLESS its during competition...and im pretty sure these events aren't comps are they?

Basically, cars need to be more appealing to bring out spectators. Make it interesting for spectators, and it will become a better situation. For all of the "I can't even afford used tires"...maybe you shouldn't be drifting. How are u gonna request a "real track" or a "better venue" with "more accommodations" in you can't afford used tires?
If your description of average daily drifter includes no bucket...then this forum should honestly not exist. A bucket is one of the first things you should purchase if you want to slide.

you know how annoying it is driving everywhere in a bucket seat?? not everyone is down with that.

I promise u the reason Florida isn't on the map is NOT because of the accommodations for fans. Who is gonna wanna come out and watch a bunch of stock cars driving around a track? even if it was around laguna seca...if its a buncha flat back s chassis on steelies lookin all nasty...why tha fuck would i go watch?


Drivers need to step their game up. cars need to look better, more appealing. If you don't have money for paint, get vinyl for all i care. get some decent wheels. Vinyled cars look so much better from the stands then flat black cars. like i said, its a spectator sport, we need to appeal to spectators. In the midwest, the spectators don't get any type of commentating UNLESS its during competition...and im pretty sure these events aren't comps are they?

drivers need to learn to drive before making their car MTV ready.. the car can look badass but guess what- it's still going be boring as shit to watch if they suck! if you want to see some nice paint and body kits check out Tower Shoppes on Friday nights when you move down here.

Basically, cars need to be more appealing to bring out spectators. Make it interesting for spectators, and it will become a better situation. For all of the "I can't even afford used tires"...maybe you shouldn't be drifting. How are u gonna request a "real track" or a "better venue" with "more accommodations" in you can't afford used tires?

so the few people that are attending local practice events should just quit? nice!!!

how many events have you been to in Florida to promise me that the reason events do poorly in fan turnout is because of flatblack cars rockin' steelies?

yea it'd be cool for everyone to have nice looking cars with baller wheels.......... i'm not disagreeing with that lol
so basically drifting fails in florida because not all the drivers can afford body kits and paint? they can just afford to go out and actually drift? if everyone had cars with nice wheels great fitment and body kits but they sucked and just spun out all day the spectators would still want to come see that?
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