Bored At Work

Damn Erick. I was cold with the windows in my truck down in pants and a polo shirt. My office isn't much warmer. Not till the afternoon when te sun beats on the window on my side.

I agree with everyone I'm bored as hell! COmputer Training + I Pod = Sleepy
Thank goodness for Starbucks!
-The closest Starbucks is like 5 miles away.
rwdrift said:
Shitty... my next class today is in a similar setting. Definetly not low 60s tho.

I keep a thermometer in my office to humor myself. The extreme opposite happens to my office when it gets cold outside b/c I have so much server equipment in here. Then its the low 80's on bad days.
Mr. Raffi K. Logging On this Morning....

man o man, i get fucked by the state this morning.....driving to work, literally 1 block away from my house, cop pulls me over. i just finished smoking pot in from of my driveway, you know...WAKE & BAKE...haha yea, well, cop takes my ID and registration and tell me to wait here. in the mean time, im chillen...thinking to myself this cop has nothing better to do cause i knew the face....he comes back to me(not being a dick) says" hey bud, i gotta take you Tag, ID and registration away from you....I asked "why?" and he says " The state demanded us to take it from you due to your liscense being suspended due to non-insurance on the truck. I was surprised. I asked him I had paid the last payment for the 6 month premium and i didn't get a renewal notice nor a letter from the state regarding my ID suspension. He looks at me and says "sorry bro, i know it sucks...and i know you need to get to work but i have to take your truck tag, ID, and registration away from you and give you a ticket."

So long story short, he nails me with a ticket for driving under a non-judmental suspension of liscense and takes those 3 things away from me....not only i had to make my mother drive me to work, hahahaha, i have to go figure out why the insurance company fucked up, where did my last payment go cause it was cashed and i have to get a new tag and registration for my car and i have to go pay the ticket and i have to pay to get my ID back.

WTF! But it doesn;t bother Im chillen and saving gas!! :laugh:
^yea. i rolled to work with the windows up this morning. and i don't have a/c. and my office is sub polar temperature so im in here with a jacket and my hat on
I control my own temp here....other than that...the building that the store front is located is sub zero temperatures...good thing im seperate....hahahah people dress like the ice age just hit.
Damn Raffi that's harsh. II never knew they TAKE your tag. The State has it out for you.
z4k said:
Damn Raffi that's harsh. II never knew they TAKE your tag. The State has it out for you.

its a new state law Zak! the cop said it came into affect recently....If your insurance is cancelled on your ass right, and they suspend your liscense because of it...they take 3 things away from you...Tag, Registration, ID...Bullshit!
That is terrible. If they cancel my insurance I'll walk to the next office over and smack a bitch.
Shant clockin in.... i just woke up, listening to system of a down, and im rolling a doobie!!! about to go wake and bake, make some breakfast and start working on my FC.
ugh!!!! I'm soaked!!!!!
My boss went and got 4 squirt guns for 2bucks and owned me
But I took his phone and put it in this hopper(thing full of peanuts at the ups store) and while he was trying to get his phone out i poured water all over his back hahaha!! OWN3D RIGHT BACK!!
Even though he has my car keys :(
water wars suck
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Bored at work? please, if you got a computer, shit even pen and paper you got something to do.

My job is way too boring
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