abandoned haunted hospital

There is a place in Jensen Beach called the Leach mansion.

The Leach mansion at Indian Riverside Park, atop a 4,000-year-old Indian dump hill known as a midden, has been the target of vandals since described as a possibly haunted house.

From an online article about it. I took a band's promo pictures there at 2am last summer. It's by far the creepiest place I've ever been in... even with 7 guys. I guess it used to be a mental institution and it later became a a school, but its been abandoned for a long time. It's right on the water. There is a chapel that is under ground and its the creepiest place ever... there's all sorts of satanic stuff sprayed on the walls and its completely dead quiet, dead still, and dead dark in there. I could barely stand it. There are all sorts of areas to explore. Here are some of the pictures I took:





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