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  1. J

    Help, owning a drift car in florida?

    i would also like to find my car in one piece every time i go to florida ;) thanx, then i know, tow is the way to go.. :)
  2. J

    Help, owning a drift car in florida?

    thanx :) am at Uhauls website checking prices right now.. So is 100 a cheap place? anybody got any exampels?
  3. J

    Help, owning a drift car in florida?

    Im hoping to buy a drift car in florida, as my friend is living there for the next 2 years.. so i need som help: If im going to have my car there for 2 years and attend drift events when im on vacations, i need to store my car somwhere. what can i espect to pay per month for a place to store...
  4. J

    E30 drifters? join "P.E.T - Pure Euro Trash!!"

    m4nfred: "i thought porn immediately " Yes, it is porn, just smells s little diffrent when we make it! ;)
  5. J

    E30 drifters? join "P.E.T - Pure Euro Trash!!"

    lets unite and show these JDM people that we got some cool cars to! :P Facebook is steep one! (search group).. Anybody thats want a free sticker, i will send it overseas! If there is some intrest there will be a siple hompe page, with pics and spec of european drift cars that wears the...
  6. J

    Contest #4 Golden Hour Voting

    lol I first read: "Golden Shower Voting "... :D great pictures!:bigthumbu
  7. J

    Someone please show this to the Miami PD & BSOs.

    this is not common in Norway, thats for sure :) But in sweden the police is known to be alot more tolerant to motorsport events in the streets.. also the baltic countries to these things.. And the green skyline r34 4door in the basshunter video:
  8. J

    Andy Sapp: Driver Profile Video

    Crazy video.. great editing!!! and great driving!!
  9. J

    OFFICIAL Post Pics of Yourself IV ***2008**

    Is this the "Official post pics of your ass" thread??
  10. J

    The OFFICIAL "Why I can't attend a drift event" excuses thread!

    got oversized hemoroids, cant sit down!
  11. J

    The OFFICIAL "Why I can't attend a drift event" excuses thread!

    My girlfriend got knocked up, and I'm selling my car to buy baby shit!
  12. J

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you proper ride height

    and now his face was like this :eek2:
  13. J

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you proper ride height

    praise the lowered! :applause:
  14. J

    Homestead Day 1 Footage

    Great driving! :)
  15. J

    Bored At Work

    ahh, the clock is 16.10 (04.10 pm), so my work day is over..:p
  16. J

    newsflash, dont f**k with anyone from Finland

    haha :) people from Finland are crazy!!
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