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  1. G

    Ter-Tech Moroso Night Event Feedback Thread

    +1 I said that a few posts back it was a big cluster fuck, they need to have an actual place for spectators, it did feel like hangin out at the street races where everyone stand where they want. they7 should rope off a area for the pits for the drifters and have a sep area for spectators...
  2. G

    Ter-Tech Moroso Night Event Feedback Thread

    it was a decent event, but total un organized, you had people changing tires in pit row basiclly and to many cheerleaders around the cars while people were working on them, you guys need to designate a pit area and a fan area
  3. G

    Ter-Tech 11-10-07 Night Event

    Cool event im not into drifting as much as you guys and all what was up with the burnout thing?
  4. G


    Sorry for the mis info this is just what I read. I figured it might affect you guys I was just looking out
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    I dont post much, Im more of a drag racer but thought this might affect you guys as well. NHRA owns D1 from what im told and NOPI has NOPI Drift. how will this affect you guys running the nopi drift series when it comes to points? will you need a d1 license and a NOPI drift license? Just...
  6. G

    ::Official:: Post pics of your dog!!!

    My pitt Greddy- he will fuck you up in rainbow 6
  7. G

    Juan Henao aka ObiJuan aka Xero240

    juans my undercover lover
  8. G

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