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  1. Whorex


    He's a straight fellow--on time at the meet location and doesn't fuck around. He tried to grab my dick tho--oh wait that was D. Davaine nvm.
  2. Whorex

    need help on cracking maya2008

    You need to generate a license file based on your IP address. Install the license file and reboot. Use a real scene source and RTFM so you don't waste time with downloading worthless/trojan'd shit.
  3. Whorex

    Um yea, I may get fired tommorrow... kinda messed with comp's and changed passwords.

    Pinging a server repeatedly allows you to change a password? this is total BS. To kind of explain more for the clueless-- If he changed the domain admin password--anything service that uses AD/LDAP/RADIUS, etc. would be thrown into shambles. Examples: VPN--cutting access from sales...
  4. Whorex

    Um yea, I may get fired tommorrow... kinda messed with comp's and changed passwords.

    ^ wtf ru talking about--he called cmd prompt "DOS" and i did the same so he wouldn't get confused.
  5. Whorex

    Um yea, I may get fired tommorrow... kinda messed with comp's and changed passwords.

    LOL, come on shane, the ONLY possible way in DOS is via the NET cmd, and you'd still need to be a domain admin to touch AD users--in which case every action is logged in the event viewer on the server.--The netadmin there obviously is a complete and total fucking idiot if he doesn't know that...
  6. Whorex

    ¥80,000,000 for a pc。。。

    IBM BlueGene/L Over $100 Million. I win.
  7. Whorex

    Help me Redesign my car!

    i 1
  8. Whorex

    lol headshot

    they are these new fangled this called ip addresses, if you take one to 88mph with 1.27 jiggawatts--crazy shit happens.
  9. Whorex

    lol headshot

    Play CS? CSS? TF? NS? TS? - CS:S - Reg. - CS:S - GunGame, KnivePro, NOBLOCK, Turbo - CS:S - Surf, NOBLOCK, Respawn - TF - Reg. Rotation - CS - Reg. - TS - Shitty Rotation...
  10. Whorex

    Apple MacBook Air. Worlds Thinnest Laptop Ever!!!! Omg Sexy.

    It's a sekret, but i get a cool NMS now: that totally makes my e-penis > tmac's
  11. Whorex

    computer help

    ew, don't do that, system restore ftl. Try reinitializing the driver, right click on it and select use offline, then wait a few seconds for the icon to fade a bit, then right click and select use online. If that doesn't work let someone you trust remote assist you (goto start, all programs...
  12. Whorex

    Apple MacBook Air. Worlds Thinnest Laptop Ever!!!! Omg Sexy.

    18:09:06 up 341 days, 6:52, 1 user, load average: 0.07, 0.06, 0.07 Can your mac do that? I manage a cluster of xserve's and hundreds of clients, don't get me started on hating on mac...
  13. Whorex


    all tickets have been with laser not radar =/
  14. Whorex

    Drifting didnt just break my car....

    i'll buy your busted xbox for $25
  15. Whorex

    Palm Beach County

    ya sure go drive your car into a wall. no thanks i have seen to many hit the wall cause they never clean the track, or dont clean it enough, when someone drops a rod out the block or ect. ya there awsome. driving straight is for idoits. it only uses one brain cell to go straight. oh this is bishop
  16. Whorex

    floridafail forum

    phpBB forums get hacked like every 3 months.
  17. Whorex

    Sr20det Red Or Black Top

    ones got a red valve cover and one got a black valve cover
  18. Whorex

    i think i'm leaving.

    You'd just get flamed even more at for making such a dumbass post, You shouldn't belive everything you are told, it isn't hard to realize you are liked here. The admins/mods are just a bunch of douche's who like to toss their power around. Do you really think that posting on...
  19. Whorex

    i think i'm leaving.

    Obviously you can't make your own decisions if you had to make this thread. I voted for you to go away simply because you can't make up your own mind. how much longer...
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