D1 Miami May 30th

TWO MORE DAYS! anyone pissin their pants yet? im nervous and im not even driving, lol. fing heck! 70% chance of rain on fri and 50% on sat. dang no smoke and burning rubber.
floridas counting on you guys to pull out all the stops and give them a reason to come back! (no pressure lol)

"gambatte kudasai"
literal translation - "try your best"
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im not worried about driving but im running around like a idiot trying to get ready and fixing shit on the car still

Im seriously nervous, havent drifted in any capacity in a year and a half and back then i was pretty wack, just dont want to look stupid i guess in front of you baller ass drifters.

And i am running around like an idiot as we speak trying to fix my car.
Im seriously nervous, havent drifted in any capacity in a year and a half and back then i was pretty wack, just dont want to look stupid i guess in front of you baller ass drifters.

And i am running around like an idiot as we speak trying to fix my car.

I can relate man, my last event was in October, I just hope we get a good amount of practice runs before qualifying to work the rusk off....

......anyone caravaning from the Orlando area on friday?
i apologize for my ignorance but who's this tom you guys speak of?

Im seriously nervous, havent drifted in any capacity in a year and a half and back then i was pretty wack, just dont want to look stupid i guess in front of you baller ass drifters.

And i am running around like an idiot as we speak trying to fix my car.

dont sweet it the reason im not worried about driving because i dont expect to drive well because iv been driving bad lately so im just gonna go have fun f it
My car runs
I managed to find money
Good chance Tom is coming
Just shaved my head

Pull my core support n shit today.. got a front end again. If a bnch of shit flls in place I will be driving down early early friday morning.... stil haven't gotten ahold of terrance or anyone at d1 to have them put scotts spot in my name since he is not driving.. still not sure If I'm going to be at this event yet.
Found like 4 holes in a coupler today so I found out why my car felt slow....
I am raptor jesus....

Crett ballins...

I still haven't managed to find money..

And someone needs to steal me a street sign so I can make my sunroof fil panel.. don't want my car getting flooded again.


Dude at work is eatin chicken wings that smelt like straight poop next to me.. think I might throw up..

I'm just wasting everyones time now

Good talk
dont sweet it the reason im not worried about driving because i dont expect to drive well because iv been driving bad lately so im just gonna go have fun f it

your suffering from the symptom I get sometimes. its called "Ialwaystrytodrive110%anddontkonwhowtocalmdownanddrivenormalfirst" and when you mess up you try harder and what you really need to do is back off the crazy a little.

It almost fkked me at Road Atlanta after watching the top pros and thinking.... me and my car can do that.... i was wrong, but I though was just sucking until i stopped trying to out drive the car.
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