Wrong info about wreck.


Media Ninja
WOW... I feel really bad for that guy. If it were me I would pray that someone would come into the room and smoother me and put an end to it. No one should live life like like that. I really hope that Nick realizes this. I know he will most likely get off only loosing some of daddy's money but rest assured if it was anyone of us who was behind the wheel of the supra "street racing" we would still be sitting in jail. But hey, money talks right?
wow... you know i dont know what to say, but i do think that it is fucked up for people to sue the shit out of people just cause they have money. i think that it is fair that the Bolleas to just pay for the kids expenses and thats it. i dont know man but i still think what happenis fucked up and that nick should be severly punished for this. all in all i think that nicks parents are getting it in the ass hard but i guess thats what happens when you have kids..

=kleen555]WOW... I feel really bad for that guy. If it were me I would pray that someone would come into the room and smoother me and put an end to it. No one should live life like like that. I really hope that Nick realizes this. I know he will most likely get off only loosing some of daddy's money but rest assured if it was anyone of us who was behind the wheel of the supra "street racing" we would still be sitting in jail. But hey, money talks right?

+1 on the whole kill me if im a vegitable thing too fuck living like that, and everything else you said, he should be in jail for a while
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Yea, I copied a few of my friends on an email in regards to this. The source wasn't very trustworthy, and I'm saddened to see that it's indeed true.
My heart goes out to that family...
Devil Man said:
wow... you know i dont know what to say, but i do think that it is fucked up for people to sue the shit out of people just cause they have money. i think that it is fair that the Bolleas to just pay for the kids expenses and thats it. i dont know man but i still think what happenis fucked up and that nick should be severly punished for this. all in all i think that nicks parents are getting it in the ass hard but i guess thats what happens when you have kids..


+1 on the whole kill me if im a vegitable thing too fuck living like that, and everything else you said, he should be in jail for a while
a person could give two shits spending a few months in jail if its the solution to an otherwise complicated and possibly expensive problem. that is not the solution.

i can only hope that the passenger recovers...or atleast recover significantly i would feel like SHIT if i did that to one of my close friends, no punishment would be greater.

on the whole vegetable/quadraplegic thing, knock on wood that it doenst happen to any of us, but if it ever gets to that point, my parents/family are very well instructed in how to end my days. i don't want to wait around making my friends and family clean my ass for the rest of my very miserable life....okay okay happy thoughts!
I'm sure it's tearing Nick up inside knowing that he caused this... as it should...

But in all honesty what were his parents thinking allowing him behind the wheel of a car that powerfull on the street? I know when I was his age I was doing dumb things and I had no where near the car he has. Even though his track abilities show he can handle a car like that, it doesn't mean he has the maturity (as well as most 17 yr. olds) to use it on the street.
FlyinFINN said:
Wow, Nicks and fucking idiot.


This pisses me off right here, Okay so you almost killed your friend you have turned him into a vegetable doesnt that shock you into idk maybe obeying the law and the speed limits??? No you keep doing it over and over WTF!! Seriously any respect I still had for the kid is gone now totally gone. Im thinking about Sending a Email to Poloroid His title sponsor and telling them what I think about their driver.
CobraStngSVT said:
I'm sure it's tearing Nick up inside knowing that he caused this... as it should...

But in all honesty what were his parents thinking allowing him behind the wheel of a car that powerfull on the street? I know when I was his age I was doing dumb things and I had no where near the car he has. Even though his track abilities show he can handle a car like that, it doesn't mean he has the maturity (as well as most 17 yr. olds) to use it on the street.
i dont think it shows he can handle a car or has the responsability to do so. specially not something like dat. money makes him handle drifting all the freaking seat time w pros paid by his dad.
^ thats not my issue with him right now, Its that he continues to do the dumb shit that has his friend in the hospital for the rest of his life, I mean double the speed limit in a fucking construction zone what if he hit a worker is that what its gonna take to get into his head and make him stop being a Dick on the street. He needs to stop thinking hes Dado already.
Piner said:
^ thats not my issue with him right now, Its that he continues to do the dumb shit that has his friend in the hospital for the rest of his life, I mean double the speed limit in a fucking construction zone what if he hit a worker is that what its gonna take to get into his head and make him stop being a Dick on the street. He needs to stop thinking hes Dado already.
i not thats not the issue i was just addresing something he said. but he does it y? bcuz it looks like that his parents dont care or didnt get affected enough by wat happen and still let him out. and apperently his not affected either. and his still gonna do it until they put a stop to him!
I used to not care and think he was cool and all. But this kids a fucking idiot, lost all respect from me.
Piner said:

This pisses me off right here, Okay so you almost killed your friend you have turned him into a vegetable doesnt that shock you into idk maybe obeying the law and the speed limits??? No you keep doing it over and over WTF!! Seriously any respect I still had for the kid is gone now totally gone. Im thinking about Sending a Email to Poloroid His title sponsor and telling them what I think about their driver.

Honestly don't you think Poloroid reads the news?
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