Wrong info about wreck.

Piner said:

This pisses me off right here, Okay so you almost killed your friend you have turned him into a vegetable doesnt that shock you into idk maybe obeying the law and the speed limits??? No you keep doing it over and over WTF!! Seriously any respect I still had for the kid is gone now totally gone. Im thinking about Sending a Email to Poloroid His title sponsor and telling them what I think about their driver.

Piner, I can see your point here man. It said that he had gotten the ticket a week before he wrecked. No one knows the outcome of a day, keep that in mind. Yes it was wreckless, yes it was immature, yes it is unfortunate. Nick fucked up, its sad that a young man...shit our age...is paying the price. But its not like Nick jumped out of his Supra right after the crash, thrust both arms in the air and said "IM A RICH DRIFTER BROTHA RAWR!" Cut the dude some slack, I can bet hes loosing his mind. When he starts acting like its not a big deal...then yea, please bash him...fuck ill bring the bat. Till then people, keep an open mind.
Well doesnt mean that I still cant send them an email telling them how pissed off I am that they still support him does it?
i try never to race wit ppl in my car or if i think im a lil tipsy i usually dont drive but dumb times i have i made sure no one else rode with me truly sad
he isn't allowed to have his license back till he is 37. that came from nick's parents, they spoke to my boss. its horrible that someone's life was ruined, but seriously, he should have known what kind of a driver nick was.... why not say, nah i'll pass on the ride.... i wish him (not nick) and his family all the best. my friend orion went through a severe wreck as well, and his life will never be the same. his motor functions still aren't back to normal and most likely never will be. and he has memory lapses...
Devil Man said:
wow... you know i dont know what to say, but i do think that it is fucked up for people to sue the shit out of people just cause they have money. i think that it is fair that the Bolleas to just pay for the kids expenses and thats it. i dont know man but i still think what happenis fucked up and that nick should be severly punished for this. all in all i think that nicks parents are getting it in the ass hard but i guess thats what happens when you have kids..


+1 on the whole kill me if im a vegitable thing too fuck living like that, and everything else you said, he should be in jail for a while

you also have to consider all the money the kid is gonna loose for the rest of his life since he wont be able to work or pretty much do anything now, i reall lost my respect for nick after this incident im just curious to see what they charge him with and see if he gets off or not
Rwd Rea said:
he isn't allowed to have his license back till he is 37. that came from nick's parents, they spoke to my boss. its horrible that someone's life was ruined, but seriously, he should have known what kind of a driver nick was.... why not say, nah i'll pass on the ride.... i wish him (not nick) and his family all the best. my friend orion went through a severe wreck as well, and his life will never be the same. his motor functions still aren't back to normal and most likely never will be. and he has memory lapses...

is that for real or just what his parents are saying cause they are just saying parent things. cause if his license has been revoked till then that wouldnt be so bad. doesnt mean he still wont get in the car and drive, shot he did it on the show he drove without a license.
Devil Man said:
is that for real or just what his parents are saying cause they are just saying parent things. cause if his license has been revoked till then that wouldnt be so bad. doesnt mean he still wont get in the car and drive, shot he did it on the show he drove without a license.

he will be losing all sponsers, he will not have a license, he is not permitted to drive in any race series any longer. if he is cleared of any and all charges, then he will be back on the track in the next 5 years.... and its the truth. if nick has anything to correct then he can do so. he deserves much worse then what will ever happen to him (sorry) but if it was me, my tattooed ass would still be in jail on attempted vehicular homicide.
Rwd Rea said:
he will be losing all sponsers, he will not have a license, he is not permitted to drive in any race series any longer. if he is cleared of any and all charges, then he will be back on the track in the next 5 years.... and its the truth. if nick has anything to correct then he can do so. he deserves much worse then what will ever happen to him (sorry) but if it was me, my tattooed ass would still be in jail on attempted vehicular homicide.

+1 you and everyone else.

and im glad to have read the other stuff. he deservers worse.
Piner said:

This pisses me off right here, Okay so you almost killed your friend you have turned him into a vegetable doesnt that shock you into idk maybe obeying the law and the speed limits??? No you keep doing it over and over WTF!! Seriously any respect I still had for the kid is gone now totally gone. Im thinking about Sending a Email to Poloroid His title sponsor and telling them what I think about their driver.

The ticket happened before the accident.

Nvm, somebody already pointed it out.

Hogan's a tool though. Hopefully he'll get brought up on charges and found guilty.
Tonymac said:
The ticket happened before the accident.

Nvm, somebody already pointed it out.

Hogan's a tool though. Hopefully he'll get brought up on charges and found guilty.

found guilty, shit that one should be easy i mean come on. shit i could be the laywer for that one.

ex A. Picture of totaly fucked supra. nick hogan was driving
ex B. Kid is a veggitable for the rest of his life cause his skull is craked.

end of my case judge.

verdict.... guilty as a mother fucker.
If it were me, I'd be in prison getting hammered by Mr.T. Money solves all problems...The same way that it solved his problem of becoming a sponsored drifter, and now this...I hope this kid recovers...
I can't wait to see this episode of "Hogan knows best" lol.

It's def. unclear to me why the accident investigation is taking this long. They should have some kind of answer by know wether it be road conditions or speeding...
dam funny....thos are the riskyou take whenyou get into a 1000hp car driven by a 16year old boy trying and definetly doing well at being a man bad choice and now he gets tovisit his friend the vegtable at a nurseing home sorry i am a fucked up person and find it fucken hilarious my sides hurt when i read about his accident
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Flatline slider said:
dam funny....thos are the riskyou take whenyou get into a 100hp car driven by a 16year old boy trying and definetly doing well at being a man bad choice and now he gets tovisit his friend the vegtable at a nurseing home sorry i am a fucked up person and find it fucken hilarious my sides hurt when i read about his accident

haha yeah those 100hp cars are mean you know you gota watch out for those AE86's guys they are something fierce.. haha i knew what you meant 1000hp
I also hope he gets what he deserves. He has had many warnings which should have been enough to open his eyes to what shouldn't be done on the street. This time he had to pay the ultimate price of seriously hurting his friend.

In the news witnesses of the accident said he was racing a viper at the time he crashed. I can't stand how celebs get treated so diffrent. Its prolly going to be just like paris hilton that he'll just go to jail(if even) for a couple days. Like stated by others any of us would have been thrown in jail just for strret racing alone. Can't imagine seriously injuring someone.
OK, everyone needs to step back a sec and think and try to realize a few things.

1. We don't know the circumstances. It's easy to jump to conclusions. I want to jump to the same exact conclusion as everyone has but honestly the only people who know what happened for sure are Nick and the passenger. Someone might have changed lanes in front of him while he was doing 100mph in a 40 (still 90% his fault), he might have floored it and the turbos came in at 5500rpm and the car went sideways.... Hell what if he was just driving fast and the passenger 'said what does this button do?' as he hit the nitrous switch....... These are all pretty unlikely for sure, but remember none of us know for sure....

My dad nearly had a serious crash in his 68 Camaro when the motor mount broke one day and the tilt of the engine yanked the throttle wide-open. Had he crashed and killed someone would it be his fault? Intent to commit a crime is what matters. And so on to number 2....

2. Intent is supposed to be the basis for guilt. Plenty of us get screwed on this one (I have been) but it would not surprise me if he doesn't get any jail time or serious charges. Probably the charge that will end up sticking will be 'wreckless endangerment'.

You have to ask yourself if Nick INTENDED to do this to his friend... I highly doubt it and no ammount of lawsuit or jail time will probably make him feel worse for what happened, it just might make him realize it faster. No matter what happens with the courts, remember Nick will always know where his friend is. Whatever the situation, I am sure he didn't mean for it to happen. And regardless of circumstance, he still played a role. Lesson learned I hope. A very difficult one.
Sean Love said:
OK, everyone needs to step back a sec and think and try to realize a few things.

1. We don't know the circumstances. It's easy to jump to conclusions. I want to jump to the same exact conclusion as everyone has but honestly the only people who know what happened for sure are Nick and the passenger. Someone might have changed lanes in front of him while he was doing 100mph in a 40 (still 90% his fault), he might have floored it and the turbos came in at 5500rpm and the car went sideways.... Hell what if he was just driving fast and the passenger 'said what does this button do?' as he hit the nitrous switch....... These are all pretty unlikely for sure, but remember none of us know for sure....

My dad nearly had a serious crash in his 68 Camaro when the motor mount broke one day and the tilt of the engine yanked the throttle wide-open. Had he crashed and killed someone would it be his fault? Intent to commit a crime is what matters. And so on to number 2....

2. Intent is supposed to be the basis for guilt. Plenty of us get screwed on this one (I have been) but it would not surprise me if he doesn't get any jail time or serious charges. Probably the charge that will end up sticking will be 'wreckless endangerment'.

You have to ask yourself if Nick INTENDED to do this to his friend... I highly doubt it and no ammount of lawsuit or jail time will probably make him feel worse for what happened, it just might make him realize it faster. No matter what happens with the courts, remember Nick will always know where his friend is. Whatever the situation, I am sure he didn't mean for it to happen. And regardless of circumstance, he still played a role. Lesson learned I hope. A very difficult one.

+1 well said.
i do agree with you sean cause no one in their right mind would intend to do that to their friend....but on the other hand, if you have respect for your friend(s) then you would never and i fucking repeat never put them into a situation where their life is at risk.... BOTTOM LINE.... there are posted speed limit signs every two miles in (supposed to be) every state.... you see that you are driving in a construction zone, you see that the speed says 45 yet you go 100.... you are setting yourself and those with you or around your vehicle to possibly be killed or seriously injured.... ask rob (drumfunken) and his family what its like when you almost lose a family member to an ignorant driver, his sister was almost taken from this world and had to have her face reconstructed (and she does look great still) and will forever have those emotional and physical scars the rest of her life.
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