Wrong info about wreck.

He deserves some jail time. I know some of us have been taken to jail for dumb fucked up reasons..."suspended license without even knowing...Getting caught watching street racing at us27 back in 2003, skateboarding at a bank with a friend and getting taken to the jac(juvenile detention center I guess)." It really sucks that this dumb ass indirectly inflicted this much damage to a person and gets away with it. A car is a weapon, if you're not responsible to accept what could happen if you're being a retard, then you obviously know your getting locked up. We need to set examples to other drivers on the road and stop making escuses for people. I'm not being a dick...but I'm sure that if this happened to me my ass would be locked up... :ugh:
but on the other hand, if you have respect for your friend(s) then you would never and i fucking repeat never put them into a situation where their life is at risk.... BOTTOM LINE....
you all are just jealous. it could have happen to anyone else, everyone here does the same stupid shit he does, he just has a better connection and it kills you. something couldve malfunctioned in his pos toyota, you never know. stop pointing fingers and preaching when you all do the same damn shit. take his example as a lesson. and dont come in here acting like you dont speed or street drift because unless you own a SR5 corolla you are just as guilty as he is. and about putting friends in a situation where their life is at risk, are you serious? Everyday your life is at risk, everything you do puts your life at risk, if you dont want to put your life or friends life at risk, invest in a bubble. :)
Sean Love said:
OK, everyone needs to step back a sec and think and try to realize a few things.

1. We don't know the circumstances. It's easy to jump to conclusions. I want to jump to the same exact conclusion as everyone has but honestly the only people who know what happened for sure are Nick and the passenger. Someone might have changed lanes in front of him while he was doing 100mph in a 40 (still 90% his fault), he might have floored it and the turbos came in at 5500rpm and the car went sideways.... Hell what if he was just driving fast and the passenger 'said what does this button do?' as he hit the nitrous switch....... These are all pretty unlikely for sure, but remember none of us know for sure....

My dad nearly had a serious crash in his 68 Camaro when the motor mount broke one day and the tilt of the engine yanked the throttle wide-open. Had he crashed and killed someone would it be his fault? Intent to commit a crime is what matters. And so on to number 2....

2. Intent is supposed to be the basis for guilt. Plenty of us get screwed on this one (I have been) but it would not surprise me if he doesn't get any jail time or serious charges. Probably the charge that will end up sticking will be 'wreckless endangerment'.

You have to ask yourself if Nick INTENDED to do this to his friend... I highly doubt it and no ammount of lawsuit or jail time will probably make him feel worse for what happened, it just might make him realize it faster. No matter what happens with the courts, remember Nick will always know where his friend is. Whatever the situation, I am sure he didn't mean for it to happen. And regardless of circumstance, he still played a role. Lesson learned I hope. A very difficult one.

Sean Love said:
OK, everyone needs to step back a sec and think and try to realize a few things.

1. We don't know the circumstances. It's easy to jump to conclusions. I want to jump to the same exact conclusion as everyone has but honestly the only people who know what happened for sure are Nick and the passenger. Someone might have changed lanes in front of him while he was doing 100mph in a 40 (still 90% his fault), he might have floored it and the turbos came in at 5500rpm and the car went sideways.... Hell what if he was just driving fast and the passenger 'said what does this button do?' as he hit the nitrous switch....... These are all pretty unlikely for sure, but remember none of us know for sure....

My dad nearly had a serious crash in his 68 Camaro when the motor mount broke one day and the tilt of the engine yanked the throttle wide-open. Had he crashed and killed someone would it be his fault? Intent to commit a crime is what matters. And so on to number 2....

2. Intent is supposed to be the basis for guilt. Plenty of us get screwed on this one (I have been) but it would not surprise me if he doesn't get any jail time or serious charges. Probably the charge that will end up sticking will be 'wreckless endangerment'.

You have to ask yourself if Nick INTENDED to do this to his friend... I highly doubt it and no ammount of lawsuit or jail time will probably make him feel worse for what happened, it just might make him realize it faster. No matter what happens with the courts, remember Nick will always know where his friend is. Whatever the situation, I am sure he didn't mean for it to happen. And regardless of circumstance, he still played a role. Lesson learned I hope. A very difficult one.

I disagree. From the standpoint of the LAW which is what we're talking about here, guilt does NOT imply intent whatsoever. If the individual is blameworthy (which in this scenario, looks to be the case), he may be judged so. And there are supposed eye witness accounts of street racing racing well in excess of the speed limit.
Rwd Rea said:
i do agree with you sean cause no one in their right mind would intend to do that to their friend....but on the other hand, if you have respect for your friend(s) then you would never and i fucking repeat never put them into a situation where their life is at risk.... BOTTOM LINE.... there are posted speed limit signs every two miles in (supposed to be) every state.... you see that you are driving in a construction zone, you see that the speed says 45 yet you go 100.... you are setting yourself and those with you or around your vehicle to possibly be killed or seriously injured.... ask rob (drumfunken) and his family what its like when you almost lose a family member to an ignorant driver, his sister was almost taken from this world and had to have her face reconstructed (and she does look great still) and will forever have those emotional and physical scars the rest of her life.
dan said:
you all are just jealous. it could have happen to anyone else, everyone here does the same stupid shit he does, he just has a better connection and it kills you. something couldve malfunctioned in his pos toyota, you never know. stop pointing fingers and preaching when you all do the same damn shit. take his example as a lesson. and dont come in here acting like you dont speed or street drift because unless you own a SR5 corolla you are just as guilty as he is. and about putting friends in a situation where their life is at risk, are you serious? Everyday your life is at risk, everything you do puts your life at risk, if you dont want to put your life or friends life at risk, invest in a bubble. :)

Nobody said we aren't put in risky situations every day. That doesn't mean it should be acceptable to walk around pointing guns with hair triggers at people's heads all day either. If Nick was driving recklessly on the street and his neglect led to the accident, he should be brought up on charges. No matter how you look at it, his actions led to this kid being a vegetable. Imagine spending the next 40+ years of your life trapped in your own brain while only being able to control your fucking eyelids. Yeah, that would rule. Nicks a cool guy. You're all just jealous. *wipes shit off nose* Could have happened to anyone. :ugh:

Yeah, we're all guilty of doing stupid shit. Nobody's denying that. But MOST of us are smart enough to evaluate risks involved with our actions. Its our RESPONSIBILITY to do so. If we didn't, we'd all have a friend/relative sitting in a hospital bed or buried 6ft under. Rich kids don't tend to exemplify such characteristics b/c they're used to getting their way and never being held accountable for their actions, all while being able to suck on mommy's teet when times get rough. Screw that. Everybody else in this world is held accountable for their actions, why shouldn't Nick be?
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Tonymac said:
Nobody said we aren't put in risky situations every day. That doesn't mean it should be acceptable to walk around pointing guns with hair triggers at people's heads all day either. If Nick was driving recklessly on the street and his neglect led to the accident, he should be brought up on charges. No matter how you look at it, his actions led to this kid being a vegetable. Imagine spending the next 40+ years of your life trapped in your own brain while only being able to control your fucking eyelids. Yeah, that would rule. Nicks a cool guy. You're all just jealous. *wipes shit off nose* Could have happened to anyone. :ugh:

Yeah, we're all guilty of doing stupid shit. Nobody's denying that. But MOST of us are smart enough to evaluate risks involved with our actions. Its our RESPONSIBILITY to do so. If we didn't, we'd all have a friend/relative sitting in a hospital bed or buried 6ft under. Rich kids don't tend to exemplify such characteristics b/c they're used to getting their way, never being held accountable for their actions, all while being able to suck on mommy's teet when times get rough. Screw that. Everybody else in this world is held accountable for their actions, why shouldn't Nick be?

because he is white.. is that a better answer? lol no one forced him to get in the car with Nick, RESPONSIBILITY DURRRRR WHERE MY SNAWT RAG
Did I ever say the kid wasn't an idiot himself for getting in the car? No, didn't think so. Put whatever spin you want on it, Nick was driving, Nick fucked up, and Nick's actions turned that kid into a veggie.
I was gonna mention the kid being responsible for his actions of getting in the car with Nick also.... but who knows.... maybe he never rode with Nick before. I think there is a reasonable expectation that someone should drive in a manner that will not endanger your life on public roads.

Now if we were talking about strapping into a 6pt and helmet at the racetrack as a passenger then it's a totally different thing.

Yes the passenger is somewhat responsible for putting himself in harms way, but now the responsibility lies with Nick to take care of the guy for the rest of his life, if he is at fault.

Also, like Dan brought up, I was going to mention that most of us on this forum have done things that really could have gone wrong. I will certainly admit that many times I've done stupid things on public streets, especially in my younger days. I'm a bit more responsible now, but when I was 17 (Nicks age I believe) I many times could have killed others both in and outside of my car with the dumb shit I did or attempted....
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HAHAHAHAHAH this thread Oh boy!!!!!!!!

Hey wait what about the fact that its been said by many people that were there and saw the accident happen, that he was actually racing his father in the viper???????????

Pretty weird how almost all witnesses have told police he was racing a silver viper. Which his father owns, then just minutes after the accident his father shows up. Coincidence??? I think not.

The kid needs to be locked up for awhile to realize what he's done.

How naive and dangerous to believe that car accidents just happen! Except for car failure or acts of God (earthquakes, etc.), accidents are caused by human beings.

There are traffic rules and regulations covering almost all driving situations, not to mention that a driver is expected to practice common sense. So when there is an accident there usually is a reason. Nick was the reason in this case.
How naive and dangerous to believe that car accidents just happen! Except for car failure or acts of God (earthquakes, etc.), accidents are caused by human beings
Exactly... Trust me, there will ALWAYS be fault associated witrh accidents unless for act of god. Even mechanical frailure is still considered operator error for not maintaining the vehicle. At least that's the way any and all insurance companies look at it... Trust me, if your brakes fail and you rear end another car it is YOUR FAULT.
Stupid and ignorant people need to burn in hell and suffer the wrath of the devil himself......and their are a whole lot of them on this planet!
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