WPB People

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yeah i was damm shits dead
so i went home
then around 930 dj called matt....

you think i mite get it?
My manager seemed like u would he asked if any of my friends need jobs and I saw ur car out front and I was like that kid and said oh really he just came in and I said well give him a job and he said he will be calling u soon I'll ask him again tonight what's up
yeah leo ur a fag. ill slide tommorow night if anyones down if its wet im tryin to keep my spares for skidpad
Anyone bored and wanna help me diagnose my cars starting problem? I live between forest hill and southern on olive. I'll def. toss you money for gas and your time.
hope you can fix your whip, jeremy is perty knowledgeable....good blow jobs too! (if ur into that kinda thing.)
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