WPB People

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We doing that new place tonight? Where is it?

Everyone goto boytonbeach blvd and jog. Duffys/publix parking lot. 9pm
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hey man, i work from 730 to 6 with a half hour break in between. i wake up at 6 in the morning to leave at 7 to get to work by 7 25.
do u feel him.... i dont ive never worked a job that early, how old are u ya tu sabes?

maybe u do ben cuz u r in high school, soo u get up kinda early... i hate waking up!

i use to have to get up at 3am and walk 3 miles to lowes to unload 300lb+ shit off a truck then build grills then walk home 10 hours later gotta do what ya gotta do to pay rent
do u feel him.... i dont ive never worked a job that early, how old are u ya tu sabes?

maybe u do ben cuz u r in high school, soo u get up kinda early... i hate waking up!

im 18 and a tech/trainee at palm beach lexus.

i use to have to get up at 3am and walk 3 miles to lowes to unload 300lb+ shit off a truck then build grills then walk home 10 hours later gotta do what ya gotta do to pay rent

damn sounds ruff man.
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i use to have to get up at 3am and walk 3 miles to lowes to unload 300lb+ shit off a truck then build grills then walk home 10 hours later gotta do what ya gotta do to pay rent

cool story bro!

jk sounds harsh but hey u gotta do what u gotta do!
id like to start off by thanking will, shane, and ken for being the troopers they are and driving all this way for this "meet".

but they can vouch, we have a huge parking lot just for us every wed. from 5-9 *but we can stay longer!!!!!!*

so anyone down to make this shit happen?
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